The Forward Party

The problem is time. Why complicate the process?
Because it radically improves it. It does away with lesser-of-two-evils voting.
If Democrats would like to use that in a primary, more power to them.
Republicans and Democrats both have been using it in primaries. At it's being adopted more and more for local and state elections.
In Congressional and Senate races, it makes no sense as third party candidates don't draw any real votes.
What do mean? Of course they can. Lesser-of-two-evils is as much a problem there as it is in the Presidential race.
RCV is another scam, meant to keep leftist hacks in power.....The results from Maine are in,
No - that's the two-party paranoia infecting your reasoning. RCV benefits any party that might face a split vote. For example, if we'd had RCV in '92, Clinton wouldn't have won. Most Perot voters would have listed Bush as their second choice and he would have won instead.
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They did it in Maine....Janet Mills came in 2nd in the polls, but was awarded the Governoship because she got more 2nd place votes.

It's a huge fucking scam to keep the left in power.
UBI is Universal Basic Income.
And the Republican and Democratic Parties of all 50 states will gladly step aside to allow the Forward Party to flourish.

Amend the Constitution to abolish the Democratic and Republican Parties for 50 years?

End the Republic and establish a parliamentary democracy?

Federalist/Anti-Federalist, states’ rights/Federal supremacy – the fact is that binary adversarial partisanism is in our political DNA, and that’s likely to never change.
WTF happened to you?
Nothing....I saw the results of the Maine Governor election, and plainly can see that RCV is a scam meant to keep the left in power.

The LP will never ever have a prayer of winning, even under that goofy Rube Goldberg.....All they'll do is knock down the percentage that the republican gets (not that they're any great shakes), and allow the demoncrats to win.

You bought a pig in a poke, jack.
Nothing....I saw the results of the Maine Governor election, and plainly can see that RCV is a scam meant to keep the left in power.
Apart from results you don't like - what in the world makes you think it's a "marxist scam"? Have you even looked into it? Do you understand how it works?
The LP will never ever have a prayer of winning, even under that goofy Rube Goldberg.....
That's not the point.
All they'll do is knock down the percentage that the republican ge (not that they're any great shakes), and allow the demoncrats to win.
No, it doesn't change that at all. You've been listening to idiots. Read up on it yourself. And read about from a source that isn't spoon feeding you fear.
Apart from results you don't like - what in the world makes you think it's a "marxist scam"? Have you even looked into it? Do you understand how it works?
Because it's clearly designed to keep the left in power.
That's not the point.

No, it doesn't change that at all. You've been listening to idiots. Read up on this yourself.
I read up on it, and thought it might be a halfway good idea, until I saw the Maine results......Mills got fewer votes than the republican, but was still awarded the election......Fuck that shit.
Because it's clearly designed to keep the left in power.
How so? Find me one feature of RCV that is partisan in any way.
I read up on it, and thought it might be a halfway good idea, until I saw the Maine results......Mills got fewer votes than the republican, but was still awarded the election......Fuck that shit.
Jesus - you're claiming that RCV is a scam designed to keep the left in power because of the results of one election???

RCV does away with the spoiler effect when third party candidates a running. In Maine, more voters preferred the Democrat to the Republican. That's about Maine, not RCV.

C'mon. You're not this stupid.
Jesus - you're claiming that RCV is a scam designed to keep the left in power because of the results of one election???

RCV does away with the spoiler effect when third party candidates a running. In Maine, more voters preferred the Democrat to the Republican. That's about Maine, not RCV.

C'mon. You're not this stupid.
I can see the forest for the trees.....You either win the election or you don't....Mills lost the election and was given the seat on a technicality....I repeat: fuck that shit.
How so? Find me one feature of RCV that is partisan in any way.

Jesus - you're claiming that RCV is a scam designed to keep the left in power because of the results of one election???

RCV does away with the spoiler effect when third party candidates a running. In Maine, more voters preferred the Democrat to the Republican. That's about Maine, not RCV.

C'mon. You're not this stupid.
I've come to realize that there are many on both far ends of the spectrum who don't want to improve the system. They enjoy this warlike, tribal, pound-on-each-other, winner-takes-all environment.

So their goals and priorities are always going to be different. "Party over country, because my party has all the answers". Between these people and those who just don't care, that's a large part of the country. This is an uphill battle. Meanwhile, the Titanic continues to sink.
I've come to realize that there are many on both far ends of the spectrum who don't want to improve the system. They enjoy this warlike, tribal, pound-on-each-other, winner-takes-all environment.

So their goals and priorities are always going to be different. "Party over country, because my party has all the answers". Between these people and those who just don't care, that's a large part of the country. This is an uphill battle. Meanwhile, the Titanic continues to sink.

^^^Says the guy who voted for Joe Biden.
I've come to realize that there are many on both far ends of the spectrum who don't want to improve the system. They enjoy this warlike, tribal, pound-on-each-other, winner-takes-all environment.

So their goals and priorities are always going to be different. "Party over country, because my party has all the answers". Between these people and those who just don't care, that's a large part of the country. This is an uphill battle. Meanwhile, the Titanic continues to sink.
The two-party circle jerk has consumed them.
I've come to realize that there are many on both far ends of the spectrum who don't want to improve the system. They enjoy this warlike, tribal, pound-on-each-other, winner-takes-all environment.

So their goals and priorities are always going to be different. "Party over country, because my party has all the answers". Between these people and those who just don't care, that's a large part of the country. This is an uphill battle. Meanwhile, the Titanic continues to sink.
Your deliberately nebulous and pie-in-the-sky party won't fix anything at all....It'll only heap more polish on an already overpolished turd.

Their entire website is as vapid and void of any real substance as any given one of your posts....No wonder you like them.
I can see the forest for the trees.....You either win the election or you don't....Mills lost the election and was given the seat on a technicality....I repeat: fuck that shit.
No, she didn't. More left leaning voters chose third party candidates as their first choice, because they could. But they still favored the Democrat, so their votes ultimately went that way. If there had only been the two candidates, Mills still would have won.

You're the one seizing on a technicality to misrepresent what happened. I can't decide if you're just demagoguing to scare the dummies, or if you really don't get it.
No, she didn't. More left leaning voters chose third party candidates as their first choice, because they could. But they still favored the Democrat, so their votes ultimately went that way. If there had only been the two candidates, Mills still would have won.

You're the one seizing on a technicality to misrepresent what happened. I can't decide if you're just demagoguing to scare the dummies, or if you really don't get it.
You just unwittingly explained how it's a fucking scam.....LO2E on steroids.

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