The Forward Party

And the Republican and Democratic Parties of all 50 states will gladly step aside to allow the Forward Party to flourish.

Amend the Constitution to abolish the Democratic and Republican Parties for 50 years?

End the Republic and establish a parliamentary democracy?

Federalist/Anti-Federalist, states’ rights/Federal supremacy – the fact is that binary adversarial partisanism is in our political DNA, and that’s likely to never change.
Actually, there is one enormous criminal conservative party with two criminal wings.

But you're right about one thing - that won't change.
Nothing....I saw the results of the Maine Governor election, and plainly can see that RCV is a scam meant to keep the left in power.

The LP will never ever have a prayer of winning, even under that goofy Rube Goldberg.....All they'll do is knock down the percentage that the republican gets (not that they're any great shakes), and allow the demoncrats to win.

You bought a pig in a poke, jack.
It's a Democrat scam having nothing to do with the left.

Democrats DESPISE the left and vice versa.
I so often feel like I'm dealing intelligent people refusing to be intelligent.
I think that many of them are. But I don't think ideology is a function of intelligence. They're mutually exclusive. Seriously, I look at ideology as more of an affliction. It can warp the perceptions, thought processes and behaviors of perfectly decent and intelligent people.
That's the psychology of partisanship. It helps many feel they belong to a team, and that provides comfort. So they can't give a goddamn inch.

Pipe down, cultist. You voted for the most radical, extreme leftist administration in American history. Our current food, fuel, and housing prices are your fault. Not to mention the state of the border, and the war in Europe your president started.
How so? Find me one feature of RCV that is partisan in any way.

Jesus - you're claiming that RCV is a scam designed to keep the left in power because of the results of one election???

RCV does away with the spoiler effect when third party candidates a running. In Maine, more voters preferred the Democrat to the Republican. That's about Maine, not RCV.

C'mon. You're not this stupid.
It's partisanship is in its design to keep the current criminal system in place.

That system will allow NO ONE with the interests of The People at heart anywhere near it.

RCV is a scam; a carnival distraction.

If you can't see this/won't acknowledge it, you're a partisan hack for the current criminal system.
I've come to realize that there are many on both far ends of the spectrum who don't want to improve the system. They enjoy this warlike, tribal, pound-on-each-other, winner-takes-all environment.

So their goals and priorities are always going to be different. "Party over country, because my party has all the answers". Between these people and those who just don't care, that's a large part of the country. This is an uphill battle. Meanwhile, the Titanic continues to sink.
The system isn't broken and thus cannot be "improved."

It's working EXACTLY as designed.

But yes, the Titanic is sinking.
Just a voter movement without party could vote out absolutely every House member every two years. Revolution is built into the Constitution..
Well, most, but the system will keep anyone who actually represents The People away from even being able to run.

The main reason Biden is president is that the Democrats strangled the socialist vote in swing states MONTHS before the election.
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I get it....Flood the ballot with schmendrick jobbers who have no chance to win (probably funded by one or both of the majors), then kneecap the real winner because they didn't crack 50%, then hand the election over to the loser, because they got more 2nd or 3rd place votes

No room for shenanigans there......newp!
Pretty much.

The point being that the system will NOT fix itself or operate fairly - it's operating as designed after all - and the idea that RCV won't be used criminally by both criminal parties?


Infantile as well.
I saw how it works in practice....That's how it's meant to work.

Just like we don't need to see how communism ultimately fails economically and murders millions, we don't need to see anymore of the RCV shit show scam to know what it is.
Yep. It worked the way it's supposed to. It takes away the spoiler effect when third parties are running candidates. It doesn't benefit Democrats over Republican, or vice versa, in any way. It just takes away their ability to scare people into voting for them.

If you think it is a scam, try to explain why. Just saying that it's bad because one election didn't turn out like you wanted isn't an argument. It's just grunting.

Your use of the term "spoiler effect" gives you away.

As does your dismissing the argument against RCV as "grunting."

You don't suppot voter empowerment, you support carnival distractions.

In favor of the Democrat crime party, of course.
It's been years since a member of Congress has been permitted to offer an amendment from the House floor. Any amendments are screened by the Speaker of the House or her committee for the Speaker's approval. None will be approved for a vote if they have any chance of passing, or unless they have her approval.

This, by default, renders these elected officals powerless to represent their constituents.

As it is, representative government has been made moot by the oligarch.

The so-called ''forward party'' is just a not so clever rebranding of the status quo at a time when it is apparent that people are getting tired of the status quo.
And THAT, ladies and germs, is the thread win.
I so often feel like I'm dealing intelligent people refusing to be intelligent.
Mac's narcissism and your partisanship render you the very people you cite; obviously intelligent, but rendered incompetent by your allegiances.
They did it in Maine....Janet Mills came in 2nd in the polls, but was awarded the Governoship because she got more 2nd place votes.

It's a huge fucking scam to keep the left in power.
Or the people of Maine are simply more like left than right, and their values are better reflected in RCV. A libertarian in Texas would be 2nd every single time if voters were allowed to express it via a vote. Otherwise, we can never tell what voters really value. It's binary.

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