The Forward Party

We see Mac sit around all day making anti-Trump threads and saying how insane the Left is while saying he is for the Forward party.


If you are for something, explain what it is, right? But no, Mac does not do that, so I have done it for him


Problems to be Solved:​

  • The GDP doesn’t reflect differences in the cost of living, inflation rates of the country, economic inequality, or the health and happiness of its people.
  • The United States has plummeted to twenty-seventh or lower along a variety of dimensions, including such basic measures as life expectancy, clean water, and infant mortality.
  • Reelection rates have nothing to do with legislative quality.
  • Currently, Congress doesn’t have any way to measure if they are implementing laws that will improve their constituents’ lives.

So what is the solution?


  • Congress should adopt a series of measurements and goals that can be modified and reexamined over time.
  • Representatives should select from these measures based on what they believe their constituents would care about then suggest how the laws they are passing will improve them.
  • Use measurements such as, but not limited to:
    • Poverty rates
    • Life expectancy
    • Rates of Business formation
    • Clean Water
    • Crime Rates
    • Overdose deaths
    • Government Efficiency
    • Mental Health
    • Income Growth & Average Incomes
    • Affordability
    • Environmental Sustainability
    • Recidivism
    • Labor-force participation Rate
    • Military Readiness
    • Marriage Rates
    • Quality of Infrastructure
    • Rehabilitation Rates
    • Civic Engagement
    • Education Rates
  • My summary: It simply is pointing to what is going on saying this is bad. The best point is showing how government implements a program and then walks away, leaving it to continue whether it is good or detrimental to society.
This party wants to "fix" everything for everyone, so my guess is the would simply clamor for more control and more spending, much like we see the Climate cultists doing today with their war on fossil fuels around the world with the subsequent massive inflation on energy, thus on everything else as well. Why? Cuz they have to save us all. Yes dear friend, every day we go to the gas pumps we are reminded of how they are saving the planet, it is by forcing us all use less and less and less energy.

Good times.
About the only thing I agree with them on is ranked choice voting.
If G5000 was dictator for a day, I would first eliminate the income tax and enact the Fair Tax with ZERO exemptions.

I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 immediately, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I would repeal all government health care regulations which interfere with the ability of any American to pick up a phone and call any health insurance company in the country and choose what health insurance options are best for them. The same way they buy their life/auto/home insurance.

Commensurate with that, I would ban employer-sponsored health insurance.

Also, I would enact the death penalty for slower drivers in the left lane. Hey, I'm a dictator, I have to do one over-the-top thing, right?
If G5000 was dictator for a day, I would first eliminate the income tax and enact the Fair Tax with ZERO exemptions.

I would raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 immediately, and index them to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I would repeal all government health care regulations which interfere with the ability of any American to pick up a phone and call any health insurance company in the country and choose what health insurance options are best for them. The same way they buy their life/auto/home insurance.

Commensurate with that, I would ban employer-sponsored health insurance.

Also, I would enact the death penalty for slower drivers in the left lane. Hey, I'm a dictator, I have to do one over-the-top thing, right?
You have my vote. For dictator.
Yeah, that worked out so well in that NY congressional race that took a month to determine the winner!
As we've seen, that can happen with ordinary voting as well. Especially when the sides are so bitterly opposed and divisive - something that RCV would help mitigate.

I really don't get the opposition to RCV. The worst case scenario is that it's no worse than what we have now. Most of the opposition I've seen is backed by the assumption that it's a scheme by the "other" side to get more votes.
The Forward Party was founded by Andrew Yang. His schtick was the Universal Basic Income.

Cities and countries around the world have been experimenting with UBI with a modicum of success.

The earliest proponent of UBI that I know of was Founding Father Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense.

The Forward Party's platform is here: Our Platform

I'm okay with Term Limits and Ranked Choice Voting.

I like the idea of non-partisan primaries as well.

Another idea of theirs I like:
  • Ban all legislators and anyone who works at a regulatory agency from working for a lobbying firm for a period of time after they leave office/their position.

I also like the idea of automatic tax filing. Several countries do this. It is stupid we don't.

Independent Redistricting Commissions are an outstanding idea.

"Democracy Dollars" are silly.

"Civic Juries" are silly.

"American Exchange Program" is silly.

Anything to do with cryptocurrencies is silly.

They're also baby-killers like you, so I guess you've found your match.
Wow, I really do take up a lot of space in people's heads.

As the below logo says, and as I've said MANY times, I'm a one-issue voter: We have to change a system that incentivizes and rewards the worst impulses of its participants. And the Forward Party is the one and only party committed to doing that.

Everything else is secondary. All of it. All the destruction and division and ugliness we're seeing flows from that.

There. I made that absolutely as simple as I could. You're welcome.


You might want to read the Constitution and see what the federal responsibilities are. Hint, it's not to solve everyone's problems of fulfill their wish lists.

As we've seen, that can happen with ordinary voting as well. Especially when the sides are so bitterly opposed and divisive - something that RCV would help mitigate.

I really don't get the opposition to RCV. The worst case scenario is that it's no worse than what we have now. Most of the opposition I've seen is backed by the assumption that it's a scheme by the "other" side to get more votes.
Yeah I can see how it could give voters more than one of two options. It's still wouldn't save a guy like HW or Biden who pissed off an element of his own party and had a recession. But it could have an effect when there are two fairly equally despised candidates like we had in 16.

I used to look at Israel in horror of seeing so many nutty parties, from religious re-actionists to socialism, but I think that non-American Jews are just very diverse, and frankly the Pales would make anyone insane. And I look at the UK and Germany and think .... maybe it'd be better to have more voices competing to form a majority. And RCV might be a way to do that.
Correct, it isn't accurate. I responded in post 5, and I tried to keep it real, real simple.

Not that it matters for you folks. You're going believe whatever your universe dictates.
Not at all, I only believe what your universe dictates.

That's why we love dictators, especially Left wing ones.
As we've seen, that can happen with ordinary voting as well. Especially when the sides are so bitterly opposed and divisive - something that RCV would help mitigate.

I really don't get the opposition to RCV. The worst case scenario is that it's no worse than what we have now. Most of the opposition I've seen is backed by the assumption that it's a scheme by the "other" side to get more votes.
The problem is time. Why complicate the process? If Democrats would like to use that in a primary, more power to them. In Congressional and Senate races, it makes no sense as third party candidates don't draw any real votes.
Great big statist faggot with list, with no real concrete answers about how they expect from Point A to Point B.

Platitudes, bromides, truisms, milquetoast cliches, and banal "independent" boilerplate, with no cohesive underlying philosophy meant to inspire and drive the cause.

No wonder they give Mac such a big time boner.
As we've seen, that can happen with ordinary voting as well. Especially when the sides are so bitterly opposed and divisive - something that RCV would help mitigate.

I really don't get the opposition to RCV. The worst case scenario is that it's no worse than what we have now. Most of the opposition I've seen is backed by the assumption that it's a scheme by the "other" side to get more votes.
RCV is another scam, meant to keep leftist hacks in power.....The results from Maine are in,
The Forward Party was founded by Andrew Yang. His schtick was the Universal Basic Income.

Cities and countries around the world have been experimenting with UBI with a modicum of success.

The earliest proponent of UBI that I know of was Founding Father Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense.

The Forward Party's platform is here: Our Platform

I'm okay with Term Limits and Ranked Choice Voting.

I like the idea of non-partisan primaries as well.

Another idea of theirs I like:
  • Ban all legislators and anyone who works at a regulatory agency from working for a lobbying firm for a period of time after they leave office/their position.

I also like the idea of automatic tax filing. Several countries do this. It is stupid we don't.

Independent Redistricting Commissions are an outstanding idea.

"Democracy Dollars" are silly.

"Civic Juries" are silly.

"American Exchange Program" is silly.

Anything to do with cryptocurrencies is silly.
UBI is Marxist, don't let them fool you.

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