The FOunding Fathers Supported Immigration

Everyone supports legal immigration.

We don't support anyone who wants to just flood in here without legal entrance, trying to take over the country with large numbers of Hispanics and make it Mexico again.

Seems the govt and most of the People do actually support it all.
The government supports it...

Because the government is run by Democrat Vote-Whores who pander to the Hispanic vote and who are hoping to glean millions of grateful new Democrat voters once they're legalized and made citizens...

Because the government is run by Republican Vote-Whores who tinker with pandering to the Hispanic vote and who are hoping to continue having access to near-slave-wages cheap-labor that comes with such a flood...

Many (but not all) Liberals seem to support it... at least that segment who are best caricaturized as campfire-kumbya buy-the-world-a-Coke world-without-borders cultural-self-suicide types...

But most sane Americans - the Center, the Right and even some considerable portion of the Left - resent the invasion of 12,000,000 - 20,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon United States soil without our permission, and are not looking forward to the next round of Shamnesty, which will set the stage for double the present numbers - 24,000,000 - 40,000,000 Illegals - to be granted Shamnesty in another 20-40 years, now that we're proving ourselves lacking in backbone to control our own borders and to enforce our own laws...

A sad, disgusting, dismal, limp-wristed, pathetic, spit-worthy state of affairs...
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And the fact is that the anti-immigrant un-American-value voters will not be able to stop the bill.

Just another sign of the demographic and cultural changing of America.
The Founding Fathers supported immigration:

David Bier: America's Founders Supported Immigration

Particularly of slaves.
Slaves were legal back then Jake, even though wrong in the eyes of many they were still legal. Now they were mainly accepted as slaves, and purchased by the ones who needed these slaves for work, otherwise for whom had to have them to work in some serious labor intensive situations back then. It was figured by the owners back then that they would only do it as slaves and/or they figured that they would not do it as free men, so who are we to go back and only give half of the story by interjecting like you do here ? Can you imagine trying to get the average American citizen to do such a thing back then as they had these salves doing (harvesting thousands of acres where no tractors existed), it would have been all but impossible. They were not illegal these slaves, so what does this have to do with legal verses illegal Jake ? PS. Has Obama used the same tactic to get everyone to buy health care ? Think about it.

Should it be legal to force people to buy a product that is not going to serve their needs fully in respect to their well being and their overall health in life ? Does this reek of slavery days again, where as it is government making something legal that should not be legal, in which is to force people to buy a product that it can't or won't stand behind as a guarantee, yet we are forced to buy it anyways or be punished ? The slaves were forced to be slaves in America against their will, and government was wrong on that one too, and then it took some years to get that one straightened out also, now didn't it ?
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Our founding "fathers" supported immigration? Yeah. Right. They owned slaves and I am sure immigrants weren't any concern of theirs, legal or not. In the twenty first century, global warming and overpopulation, people pretend to worry about these interlopers. How about we do something to stop overpopulation instead of pretending relocating solves the problem? Elitists used to be us Americans born HERE, now the entitled elitist are the “immigrants", legal or not. No kidding. WOW!
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The Founding Fathers supported immigration:

David Bier: America's Founders Supported Immigration

I support new immigrants, be they educated or not, as long as they are here legally. I understand the obstacles of someone wishing to have a new future, but only given a temporary visa. The way to go is most definitely going for a green card, but they are few and often for countries that don't have a high demand on emigrates. Which brings to point, reform on US part, but that isn't where Obama & Co are headed.

Nope, they are headed for political reasons to supporting those they think they can get votes from. Mexico in particular.

I've no problem with Mexicans in particular, Hispanics in general. I like the people, think they are hard working and want best for their kids, aligns with US in general. The favoritism though is wrong. Eastern Europe, Asia in general have massive numbers that wish to come here. The illegals swamp our quotas, quotas that no longer have meaning.

Reform would address the issue.
Overpopulation isn’t a problem, nope. Global warming and climate change, just a silly delusion. What was I thinking? Just that perhaps, stupid me, it is. All those folks with nowhere to go but to wealthy cultures, it's a poor excuse. Perhaps they think they deserve nothing less but to immigrate without question because they work harder and they are smarter thus they deserve special treatment? Hmm? WOW. OK, sounds great. Sounds great, why didn't they do so good in their collective homeland then?
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The Founding Fathers supported immigration:

David Bier: America's Founders Supported Immigration

Particularly of slaves.
Slaves were legal back then Jake, even though wrong in the eyes of many they were still legal. Now they were mainly accepted as slaves, and purchased by the ones who needed these slaves for work, otherwise for whom had to have them to work in some serious labor intensive situations back then. It was figured by the owners back then that they would only do it as slaves and/or they figured that they would not do it as free men, so who are we to go back and only give half of the story by interjecting like you do here ? Can you imagine trying to get the average American citizen to do such a thing back then as they had these salves doing (harvesting thousands of acres where no tractors existed), it would have been all but impossible. They were not illegal these slaves, so what does this have to do with legal verses illegal Jake ? PS. Has Obama used the same tactic to get everyone to buy health care ? Think about it.

Should it be legal to force people to buy a product that is not going to serve their needs fully in respect to their well being and their overall health in life ? Does this reek of slavery days again, where as it is government making something legal that should not be legal, in which is to force people to buy a product that it can't or won't stand behind as a guarantee, yet we are forced to buy it anyways or be punished ? The slaves were forced to be slaves in America against their will, and government was wrong on that one too, and then it took some years to get that one straightened out also, now didn't it ?

beagle9 has trouble with all the story, as is wont of his kind. So be it.

Other immigrants included Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Paine.

We can enjoy beagle blundering around. He may get it right.
I am for legal immigration too. Anyone else here for ILLEGAL immigration? Besides Hispanics with a ton of baggage?
Immigration was a far different concept before the United States became a country than it is today. The British ruled the US. Well into the 19th century the fledgling US government was killing Mexicans and taking their land. Does anyone in their right mind (including low information liberals) that the US would have tolerated a flood of illegal immigrants flowing over the border of the country we just defeated?
The Mexican government justifiably tried to defends its state of Coahuila-Texas from the illegal immigration of the Americans from the southern states who swam the Red and Sabine rivers, who were known to the Mexican authorities as 'dixiebacks'.
A good friend of mine's father fought in the Spanish-American war (no joke). The old man was a Mexican and his grand kids were good friends of mine. I know plenty of Hispanics that have roots here in Colorado for over a hundred years. Spanish was their first language, I respect them . But when a daughter of a Mexican immigrant calls these recent illegal immigrants from Mexico “wetters” and holds no respect for them I have to wonder. Immigration is one thing, illegal aliens, something else.

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