The French people have some serious balls

Steve, not funny or revelent. People in the civilized world are being killed by barbarians, and you take it as an oppertunity to attack other citizens in this nation? That is despicable behaviour.

Why not if these 'Americans' support Sharia?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
No, the simple fact is that no 'Christian Europeans' alive today did a damned thing to 'savagely' harm a single Amerindian, you fucking racist bastard.
Even in WW2, Germany considered itself a Christian nation. And there have been many times that people of every religion have committed horrible crimes. Today, there is a part of the Muslim faith that is doing that. That part, and the people in it have to be eliminated. But there are hundreds of millions of Muslims that want nothing to do with that criminal element. They should not be condemned for what the criminal element is doing. That would be the same as condemning all of Christianity for what the Germans did during WW2.
Steve, not funny or revelent. People in the civilized world are being killed by barbarians, and you take it as an oppertunity to attack other citizens in this nation? That is despicable behaviour.

Why not if these 'Americans' support Sharia?
Look, asshole, you take this attack as an opportunity to attack other Americans. Why are you any differant than those making these cowardly attacks? Damned few Americans, Muslim or otherwise, support Sharia.
Our problem is-----I admit-----some silly Judeo-Christian notion of------"LET'S BE NICE". We have passively watched the children of mecca-----murder and destroy
for 1400 years They committed a comprehensive genocide of -----Zoroastrians and jews and Christians in arabia-------a the very outset of islam------and utter
devastation of temples and churches thereof-----to the point of Obliteration ---and
moved about the middle east-----doing the same and migrated east---doing the same---leaving in excess of 100 million dead in just a few centuries as tribute to their "god" Of course that is ancient history---right? well no---- they never repudiated the filth and---IN FACT call it the GOLDEN AGE OF ISLAM ---and
are trying desperately to reproduce the same filth today. -------the rest of the world-------Christians, jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, hindus ----and---non affiliated-----time to face facts. The only way to end it-----is PAY BACK------stop the baby nonsense

No, this isn't 1400 years ago. Its today and there is a relatively small group causing very serious problems that needs to be dealt with. The other 1 billion aren't doing anything. Keep things clear.

The 1 billion should be doing something...they could squash these radical imams if they wanted. They are either spineless or complicit. Rosie's right, this savage behavior has been going on since the creation of Islam. Long before Israel or the U.S. existed. Keep things clear.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!
No, this isn't 1400 years ago. Its today and there is a relatively small group causing very serious problems that needs to be dealt with. The other 1 billion aren't doing anything. Keep things clear.

The 1 billion should be doing something...they could squash these radical imams if they wanted. They are either spineless or complicit. Rosie's right, this savage behavior has been going on since the creation of Islam. Long before Israel or the U.S. existed. Keep things clear.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!

You are utterly blinded by partisanship if you think anyone is 'justifying' anything.

Jesus does this phoney conservative meme ever die.
Even in WW2, Germany considered itself a Christian nation. .

You said 'we'.

Were you alive and supporting Hitler back in 1945?

No, so shut up with the racial guilt, you fucking racist.
Hey, lying little bigoted corksmoker, show me where I said 'we'. No racial guilt here, no prejudiced against any of my ancestors, no matter what their place of origin. And, oh yes, my dd214 says Honorable. And yours? Do you have one? If not, why not? And if not, why do you consider yourself a patriot?
Look, asshole, you take this attack as an opportunity to attack other Americans. Why are you any differant than those making these cowardly attacks? Damned few Americans, Muslim or otherwise, support Sharia.

I do not believe that Muslims are generally capable of embracing the freedoms and rights that are the foundation of our nation.

And you are wrong about Sharia support in the USA. Not that that should surprise anyone that you are consistently wrong.

Muslim Group Wants To Teach You About Sharia Law
After heated debates in two dozen statesover banning Sharia law, the legal code of Islam, a national Islamic group is beginning a multi-million dollar effort to explain how Sharia applies to the lives of American Muslims.

The Islamic Circle of North America, a New York-based group, is spending $3 million on its Defending Religious Freedom campaign, which kicks off Monday and explains Sharia law and common misunderstandings.

The effort includes billboards, TV and radio ads in 25 major cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Chicago, in addition to town hall meetings and seminars on university campuses led by Muslim academics and activists. Each directs audiences to a website and manned hotline, 1-855-Shariah.
No, this isn't 1400 years ago. Its today and there is a relatively small group causing very serious problems that needs to be dealt with. The other 1 billion aren't doing anything. Keep things clear.

The 1 billion should be doing something...they could squash these radical imams if they wanted. They are either spineless or complicit. Rosie's right, this savage behavior has been going on since the creation of Islam. Long before Israel or the U.S. existed. Keep things clear.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!
Once again we see a cowardly 'Conservative' reacting to an attack on citizens of the civilized nations by attacking other citizens of the civilized nations. Gipper, you and the other 'Conservatives' engaging in this are truly a peice of work. Really, your actions border on treasonous.
Hey, lying little bigoted corksmoker, show me where I said 'we'.

No problem, PC Nazi.

You said, 'The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America ...'
Yes, and that is totally correct. And what the hell did that have to do with Nazi Germany. By the way, Mr. Super Patriot, the matter of the dd214? Do you have one? Or did you shit your pants like Nugent, or have a pimple on your ass like Limbaugh?
Yes, and that is totally correct.

No, it is not correct that 'we' did anything savage to Amerindians as we were not alive then, you racist prick. There is no moral legitimacy to racial guilt.

And what the hell did that have to do with Nazi Germany.

That was the last major war by so-called Christians to subjugate other races andnations, dumbass.

By the way, Mr. Super Patriot, the matter of the dd214? Do you have one? Or did you shit your pants like Nugent, or have a pimple on your ass like Limbaugh?

I already answered your asinine question, shit-for-brains.
The 1 billion should be doing something...they could squash these radical imams if they wanted. They are either spineless or complicit. Rosie's right, this savage behavior has been going on since the creation of Islam. Long before Israel or the U.S. existed. Keep things clear.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!

You are utterly blinded by partisanship if you think anyone is 'justifying' anything.

Jesus does this phoney conservative meme ever die.
You should read posts before posting. Otherwise, you look like a fool as you were in the above post.
Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!

You are utterly blinded by partisanship if you think anyone is 'justifying' anything.

Jesus does this phoney conservative meme ever die.
You should read posts before posting. Otherwise, you look like a fool as you were in the above post.

I don't have time to reread everything here, sorry. Care to explain? If not, no worries.
The 1 billion should be doing something...they could squash these radical imams if they wanted. They are either spineless or complicit. Rosie's right, this savage behavior has been going on since the creation of Islam. Long before Israel or the U.S. existed. Keep things clear.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Yeah blah blah they should do something. It would be great if they did, the other arab nations there like Jordan and Saudi should march into that region and set it straight, I agree. But the rest who aren't a problem are too easily scapegoated. Its not a simple thing, it is complicated.

We have to get rid of the problems, the rest are not a problem. And once we do get rid of the losers the rest will be a lot less likely to turn that direction. I don't think anyone is advocating that we need to wipe out 1 billion people.

But its going to take a long time, the West has to get that through its head. We need to stop walking on glass around these people, but the real enemy is who we need to eliminate. And that we need to do now.

And savagery is a human failing, not a Muslim failing. North America WAS inhabited before Europeans arrived.

what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!
Once again we see a cowardly 'Conservative' reacting to an attack on citizens of the civilized nations by attacking other citizens of the civilized nations. Gipper, you and the other 'Conservatives' engaging in this are truly a peice of work. Really, your actions border on treasonous.
BS. You distort history to fit your screwy hatred of the West. I am treasonous, yet you shit on the history of the United States to justify the acts of madmen.

You should know by now, I am not a conservative.
what does the fact that North America was inhabited before Europeans got there have to do with the issue under discussion?
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!

You are utterly blinded by partisanship if you think anyone is 'justifying' anything.

Jesus does this phoney conservative meme ever die.
You should read posts before posting. Otherwise, you look like a fool as you were in the above post.

I don't have time to reread everything here, sorry. Care to explain? If not, no worries.
The simple fact that we, as white Christian Europeans, acted as savagely against the native population of America as the Arabs did against people of the lands they invaded.
An effort at moral equivalence...failing a dunce.

Once again we can count on the Left to fail to comprehend history, twist it to denigrate the West, and try to justify murderous actions by Muslims. CRAZY!!!

You are utterly blinded by partisanship if you think anyone is 'justifying' anything.

Jesus does this phoney conservative meme ever die.
You should read posts before posting. Otherwise, you look like a fool as you were in the above post.

I don't have time to reread everything here, sorry. Care to explain? If not, no worries.

Done and done.

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