The Friday Five

Probably not.....I bought an exercise trampoline, only two feet from the floor, and I've almost fallen flat on my face on it...:razz::razz: I read that jumping rope is one of the best exercises, boxers do it all the time, maybe I need to get back into it?:eek:


jumping rope is great for cardio.... but hell on your knees.

The trampoline is not. (hell on your knees).

well.. maybe not.... but if you fall im sure it will be hell on your noggin. :lol:

poor dogs.... they are so tolerant aren't they? What kind of dog did you have?

Lab/Pit mix. i was taught to respect animals at an early age so I did none of the poking in the eye things. He did put up with all my adventures though.

big dog!

oh come on..... you didn't put clothes on him even once??? Ribbons and bows at christmas? :)

I was a big reader. Loved Jack London so I made him a sled dog for skateboard.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. A football
2. With that toy? With others, it is pretty hard to have even a game of catch alone.
3. Not sure I would call it a child's game but we used to play a double solitaire game we called Nertz.
4. Sports
5. Pretty well.


football?? .... i don't know why, but i never saw you as a football kind of kid.

I had a very good arm and loved sports as a kid, all kinds. It is a big reason that I can barely walk today. My back is so out of sorts that just standing is painful. I would play street ball just about every day. Now my shoulder is shot and one short pass has me grabbing my arm in pain.

What I wouldn't give to be young and capable again.
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1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1) Inside: Atari, Electronics Kit, slot racing, strategy games... Outside: Cushman Mini Bike, Kites, Bikes, Balls, Kit Airplanes
2) Others
3) Truth or Dare with the girls
4) Sports
5) The concept of not sharing was unknown to me.


was here a kit airplane that you particular proud of finishing?

Guillow P47thunderbolt (balsa), lots of Revel (plastic) military planes F14 Tomcat, Corsair, ...

Then I started building RC planes in back in HS (81) and still do one every once in a while even today.

you are the first musical instrument.... what did you play?

Violin, Keyboard, cello, trombone, harmonica, various woodwinds, guitars, voice etc.

wow.... you did them all! Were you any good....or were you just making noise?

I have spent my life with musical instruments one way or another. I chose a profession other than music, I never wanted it to be a job, but an expression of my soul which I freely share at my pleasure.
1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

Mostly, anything outside. In the house, I think it would have to be Rock-em Sock-em Robots.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?

7 Kids in our house and tons of neighbors....Never had lack of teammates or adversaries for a 15 on a side football game.

3. What was your favorite children's game?

War. right behind our house was a carpet cleaners. And they had an exhaust where all the dust came out. You gould actually make like a snowball out of it.. Wasn't ever any "Got you..No you didn't"

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

Anything outside...

5. How well did you share?

Like we had a choice?


Rock-em Sock-em Robots..... olllie you crack me up. I can see you playing that........ lol

Hey that was a big deal in the early 60's. Got em for Christmas, they were set up right in between my little brothers stuff and mine, which meant they were for both of us. I remember being the champ of course.

I had those.

Didn't last very long in my house.

Fun though.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

As a child, what was your favorite toy? Don't remember, but my prized possession at one point was a beat up old Daisy BB gun.

Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children? Grew up on a farm, so didn't play much with others unless aunts/uncles/family friends were visiting and brought my cousins/friends over.

What was your favorite children's game? Hide-Seek or Freeze Tag outside... Hucka-Bucka-Beanstalk or a board game (usually Monopoly) if inside

What kind of play were you most interested in? Mostly chasing or daring stuff... "jump from top of the barn into the stack of hay below" and stuff like that.

How well did you share? Good, I guess. At least I don't remember getting in trouble for not sharing stuff.
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1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
I enjoyed all of my toys, but my favorites were my lionel train set along with my hot
wheels race track.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
Generally played with the neighborhood kids.

3. What was your favorite children's game?
My favorite children's game that I also actively participated in was baseball.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
I really enjoyed playing cops and robbers or Cowboys and Indians.

5. How well did you share?
I shared my toys and cookies my mom made with the neighborhood kids.


Did you ever get the hot weals to go in the 180 loop?
I vaguely remember the Hot Wheels version that I had had 2 loops (one for each car), overpasses, curves, and inclined curves. The hard part was trying to make the cars stay on the tracks, especially on the curves, and the loops. It was fun racing. :)
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. When I was 4, a recieved a doll taller than me, that could walk and give a hand and say "thank you":) It was my absolute favorite.

2. By myself.

3. Hide and seek:D

4. Hopscotch? maybe...

5. Pretty good!
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

(1) My favorite toy? I had several - but I'll say it was my bicycle. FREEDOM!!!

(2) My Mother NEVER allowed us to "stay inside" unless we were sick. There was always a bunch of us playing together. Baseball mostly. Actually, the NFL hadn't become "popular" back then.

(3) Sand lot football or baseball

(4) You're a little vague here. "Play" as in outdoors? Or "Play" as in theatrical?

(5) I grew up with an older Brother and two sisters - you either shared together or got into trouble with the old man.


play as in what you enjoyed and had fun doing. Did you enjoy playing acting?

In that case…..BASEBALL!!!!!

you are the first musical instrument.... what did you play?

Violin, Keyboard, cello, trombone, harmonica, various woodwinds, guitars, voice etc.

wow.... you did them all! Were you any good....or were you just making noise?

Well heck Connery and I should have met each other.
I was a lyricist. I must have wrote 200 songs between 16-24 yo before "life" began.
We could have been like Elton John and Bernie Taupin. And I don't mean that in a romantic sense. :eusa_hand::razz:
Violin, Keyboard, cello, trombone, harmonica, various woodwinds, guitars, voice etc.

wow.... you did them all! Were you any good....or were you just making noise?

Well heck Connery and I should have met each other.
I was a lyricist. I must have wrote 200 songs between 16-24 yo before "life" began.
We could have been like Elton John and Bernie Taupin. And I don't mean that in a romantic sense. :eusa_hand::razz:

Violin, Keyboard, cello, trombone, harmonica, various woodwinds, guitars, voice etc.

wow.... you did them all! Were you any good....or were you just making noise?

Well heck Connery and I should have met each other.
I was a lyricist. I must have wrote 200 songs between 16-24 yo before "life" began.
We could have been like Elton John and Bernie Taupin. And I don't mean that in a romantic sense. :eusa_hand::razz:

Strange. I failed to mention that I grew up playing the piano and the Bass (first love). My folks started me out on piano - which was fine, but I saw a friend in 1964 playing a Sears Silvertone Bass and that was it - I was hooked. Been playing since 65. My hero is the Master - James Jamerson.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. I didn't have one. I had many.
2. With others
3. I didn't have one.
4. ??
5. Well. I just made sure my toys came back!


what were some of the many you loved?


- my soccer ball
- my hockey stick
- my football
- my water skis
- my badminton racket
- my basketball

You might be seeing a pattern there.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

Tough one.....
[ame=]Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling (1972) - YouTube[/ame]
Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling (1972)

My second favorite toy was my bicycle.

Either. Friends were always preferred though. :):):)

Year round? Ringalerio.

Pool? Blind-Man's Bluff/MarcoPollo.

Group, Team.

5. How well did you share?
That depends on circumstance. I like to take care of my things. Abuse it, lose the privilege. ;)


What is Ringalerio.

Ringalerio may have another name too. It's kind of like Tag, only there are two teams. One Team hides, the other, after a count, hunts them down. Both Teams agree on the boundaries usually several neighborhood blocks, any number of people can play. As members get tagged, they are caught, and brought back to base. You can rescue them by touching them, and they are free again. When the whole team is caught, it's the other teams turn to hide. It's kind of an All Day Summer Game.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?

Hm. Either Rock-em Sock-em Robots or a very small miniature rifle that fired caps.

2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?

If pals were around (or my older brothers pals), I liked companions. If not, I was ok playing alone. I got hooked on reading when young. Even crappy rainy days never bothered me therefore.

3. What was your favorite children's game?

Outdoors, I liked climbing a neighbors tree rope or playing some pick up touch football. (This was before I fucked up my knees of course.) Indoors, we used to play card and board games. I liked Bridge at a young age (not good at it though). And I enjoyed Monopoly with my brothers, some of their pals and when possible with my Uncle or grandfather and even my dad once in a while.

4. What kind of play were you most interested in?

It never dawned on me that it mattered. All play beat all school work and all chores. I never matured much in that regard. :D

5. How well did you share?

Pretty well. My brothers wouldn't have tolerated anything less. We used to fight a lot, too. But I still preferred the play time. So I didn't want to be the hose head that wouldn't share. It would invoke their anger and thus result in less quality play time. It was kind of a form of getting socialized.
The Friday Five is something I have enjoyed on many forums. How about we all have some fun with it here.

1. As a child, what was your favorite toy?
2. Were you more likely to play by yourself or with other children?
3. What was your favorite children's game?
4. What kind of play were you most interested in?
5. How well did you share?

1. Probably Barbie.
2. I liked both. But there were always kids to play with.
3. Candy Land
4. I was never a craftsy kind of person. If we weren't playing indoors, we were outside jumping rope or on the swings/slides, etc.
5. I shared pretty well.


I can see you with the Barbies .... loving the little shoes!

it's all about the shoes. ;)

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