The Front Porch Swing

Wait, wait ... this is a perfect cat-on-the-porch song:


What's left of it, anyway.......gotta finish paths in my veg back later....:)
Buon giorno.

Regards from Rosie


Buon Giorno, bella Donna 11001100! Come vai?


Dearest 00110011,

Since I always and forever tell you true - mammograms BITE HIPPO WEENIE! Perhaps that is TMI but I am bemoaning since this morning having my cutlets in a twist.

Other than that- superb!

And you and yours, darling?

Buon giorno.

Regards from Rosie
Hi, Rosie. Come stai? Ciao a tutti voi e benvenuti.

Hi, Rosie. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome to The Front Porch. :)

Such good Italian! Grazie!

Nice to meet you, too, pacer.

Have a wonderful day!

Regards from Rosie
Gracias, Rosie. Usted no visita aquí a menudo. Este es un bonito lugar para socializar y conocer gente. :)
Hi, Rosie. Come stai? Ciao a tutti voi e benvenuti.

Hi, Rosie. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome to The Front Porch. :)

Such good Italian! Grazie!

Nice to meet you, too, pacer.

Have a wonderful day!

Regards from Rosie
Gracias, Rosie. Usted no visita aquí a menudo. Este es un bonito lugar para socializar y conocer gente. :)

Thank you - I know some here very well already and am looking forward to getting to know you.

I am not terribly old - tú puedes usar la forma: tú

A multilingual friend to chat with could never be boring!

Regards from Rosie
Hi, Rosie. Come stai? Ciao a tutti voi e benvenuti.

Hi, Rosie. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome to The Front Porch. :)

Such good Italian! Grazie!

Nice to meet you, too, pacer.

Have a wonderful day!

Regards from Rosie
Gracias, Rosie. Usted no visita aquí a menudo. Este es un bonito lugar para socializar y conocer gente. :)

Ayayya.....usted habla Español muy bien.....come estad usted? Yo estoy muy bien....gracias a Dios....trabajando muy duro.....muy cansada.
¡UPS! Pensé que estaba hablando Italiano. Me olvidaba "muchas gracias" es el español.
The online translator works well. :)

Ok, then let me put it this way:

Your having a friend who reads multiple languages could mean you won't get bored! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Regards from Rosie

Hay Rosie....yo no sabia que usted hablaba en Espanol. Muy buenas tardes.....

Hay Mertex! Sí, viente y tres años en Miami y todo yo tengo es Spanglish.

¿Eres Latina?

Pot favor, no estoy vieja....tú, tú LOL.

Regards from Rosie
Ok, then let me put it this way:

Your having a friend who reads multiple languages could mean you won't get bored! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

Regards from Rosie

Hay Rosie....yo no sabia que usted hablaba en Espanol. Muy buenas tardes.....

Hay Mertex! Sí, viente y tres años en Miami y todo yo tengo es Spanglish.

¿Eres Latina?

Pot favor, no estoy vieja....tú, tú LOL.

Regards from Rosie

oh, 00110011's beloved 11001100 is HERE!!!

[ame=]Naughty Marietta, Ah Sweet Mystery Of Life - YouTube[/ame]

(start at 40 seconds!!!)
Hay Rosie....yo no sabia que usted hablaba en Espanol. Muy buenas tardes.....

Hay Mertex! Sí, viente y tres años en Miami y todo yo tengo es Spanglish.

¿Eres Latina?

Pot favor, no estoy vieja....tú, tú LOL.

Regards from Rosie

oh, 00110011's beloved 11001100 is HERE!!!

[ame=]Naughty Marietta, Ah Sweet Mystery Of Life - YouTube[/ame]

(start at 40 seconds!!!)

00110011....thou art a most clever operatic beast.

Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy indeed! <applause,applause>

Luv from 11001100

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