The Front Porch Swing

Morning all. Another shitty day in Paradise, as they say. Still no rain. :(

Sorry, ma'am. We're having a cold snap, here. I say that like it's new and unusual - but you're still waiting on rain, so I'm sure you get my point.

I don't have to leave home until Saturday, and it looks like we'll be at 18° then (a heat wave, I say!!! A HEAT WAVE!!) Right now, though? -10°, windchill = -20°.

This weekend I am getting together with a friend I haven't seen for at least six months, so I am grateful we will have decent weather (unless it decides to do a 180° on me).
Morning, Boop and Sarah.

We are in for five days of rain and snow beginning late this afternoon.
Nah, my last commute was four minutes.

But I did a lot of driving from East Texas to west Florida during the year.

None of that now. If I drive my wife the four miles to the school she likes to sub at so she can speak some Spanish during the day, it is an eight mile round trip.
I did a 24 mile one way for eight years. I worked with somebody who came in from WI, and one who came from waaaay up north. I can't even imagine, especially when the weather is misbehaving.

My sister certainly doesn't miss commuting, I can tell you that for sure. :thup:
Nah, my last commute was four minutes.

But I did a lot of driving from East Texas to west Florida during the year.

None of that now. If I drive my wife the four miles to the school she likes to sub at so she can speak some Spanish during the day, it is an eight mile round trip.

That's what my last commute was like. Right around the block.
Before I do my bike exercise and have my coffee .....I wanted to say to everyone here:

I did a 24 mile one way for eight years. I worked with somebody who came in from WI, and one who came from waaaay up north. I can't even imagine, especially when the weather is misbehaving.

My sister certainly doesn't miss commuting, I can tell you that for sure. :thup:

Thanks for the push over the 6500 mark. :)
I did a 24 mile one way for eight years. I worked with somebody who came in from WI, and one who came from waaaay up north. I can't even imagine, especially when the weather is misbehaving.

My sister certainly doesn't miss commuting, I can tell you that for sure. :thup:

Thanks for the push over the 6500 mark. :)


Not that I'm anal about the 00's or anything. >.>
i did a 24 mile one way for eight years. I worked with somebody who came in from wi, and one who came from waaaay up north. I can't even imagine, especially when the weather is misbehaving.

My sister certainly doesn't miss commuting, i can tell you that for sure. :thup:

thanks for the push over the 6500 mark. :)


Not that i'm anal about the 00's or anything. >.>

ocd? :)

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