The Front Porch Swing

Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?



Rooibos is becoming more popular in Western countries, particularly among health-conscious consumers, due to its high level of antioxidants such as aspalathin[2] and nothofagin, its lack of caffeine, and its low tannin levels compared to fully oxidized black tea or unoxidized green tea leaves.[3] Rooibos also contains a number of phenolic compounds, including flavanols, flavones, flavanones, and dihydrochalcones.[4]
Rooibos is purported to assist with nervous tension, allergies and digestive problems.[5] Rooibos tea has been shown to inhibit in vitro activity of xanthine oxidase, but an in vivo study has not been conducted. Xanthine oxidase (XO) plays a role in conversion of purine to uric acid in humans and reducing the activity of XO could limit uric acid production, which would aid in treatment of gout. In in vitro tests only, for the specific concentration tested, the infusion was shown to be less than half as effective as allopurinol, which is the drug typically prescribed to inhibit XO activity in treating gout.[6]
Two flavonoids found in rooibos, quercetin and luteolin, have been known to have cancer fighting qualities.[7] Rooibos does not contain the antioxidant Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in tea.[8]
Traditional medicinal uses of rooibos in South Africa include alleviating infantile colic, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.[9]

In 2011, researchers conducted a trial to test the effects of rooibos on various biological markers considered to be indicative of risk for cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases. A high intake of rooibos tea resulted in significant reductions in lipid peroxidation, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and an increase in HDL cholesterol levels compared with the control group. The researchers concluded that rooibos lowered risk factors.[14]
Ok...I'll try a dear and brew me a cup? :D

My pleasure! :)

Hey, folks, the day turned out to be a light rainy one with a warmup in the afternoon.
I'm so behind on everything.....I spend too much time here and there.....but, just checking in and hoping everyone is doing okay.....


Always happy when you are here.

Little Princess Statalina had her 7th birthday yesterday and she and I celebrated today. She really wanted two Barbies (check) and a loom (check) and a Dino set (check), one where you chisel the bones out of "stone" and then assemble your very own dinosaur skeleton. So, for about 2 hours, she sat there patiently, with safety goggles on, chiseling very carefully. So sweet. She also got super duper secret disappearing inkpens from me and so she then wrote something onto a piece of paper and snuck into papa's room and slid the paper under my sheet. Turning up the sheets for the night, I see this little piece of paper and know from the instructions that applying heat from below (like, placing the sheet of paper over a toaster for a couple of minutes) will cause the text to appear:

"Papa, ich hab Dich lieb"
(Papa, I love you).

Melt. Tears of joy. Wow.

We didn't do cake yet, because the official party is Sunday a week from now. Lots of her little friends are sick right now and so her mother and I, we decided to delay the party a week. She is getting a bowling party. In Germany, it is custom to invite a number of guests that is one year less than your age. So, including my little one, there will be 7 little girls bowling strikes in about 10 days.... !!!

Ahhh, life is good.

Hey, folks, the day turned out to be a light rainy one with a warmup in the afternoon.

We are expected to get anywhere between 6-14 inches of snow, starting at 1 AM Thursday. I think I'll stay at home and enjoy the scene from inside tomorrow. :coffee:
Yeah well I finally figured out my WiFi. I've had a modem with WiFi for awhile but never used it. We have a PS3 in the house that you are supposed to use it with and I just recently got a smart phone you need to use it with. Finally, got it set up. I had no clue. It was embarrassing how little I knew. I was forgetting to go online and put a password in. I was just frustrated I had no WiFi icon on my computer. I really need to get with the times. My daughter already knows more about how to use my cell phone than I do. LOL

@Wolfsister77 check this out!!

[ame=]14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah well I finally figured out my WiFi. I've had a modem with WiFi for awhile but never used it. We have a PS3 in the house that you are supposed to use it with and I just recently got a smart phone you need to use it with. Finally, got it set up. I had no clue. It was embarrassing how little I knew. I was forgetting to go online and put a password in. I was just frustrated I had no WiFi icon on my computer. I really need to get with the times. My daughter already knows more about how to use my cell phone than I do. LOL

@Wolfsister77 check this out!!

[ame=]14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code - YouTube[/ame]

Wow, Now that's a smart kid and very driven. Thanks for sharing.
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

try chamomile or passion flower. Either will relax you and you don't need to add anything to it. Also epsom salts in a hot bath would be the place to relax while you are drinking it. Rest well, AngelsNDemons. I hope you feel well soon. - Jeri
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

Mi Sh'Berach, AngelsNDemons!!

[ame=]Mi Shebeiriach - Debbie Friedman - YouTube[/ame]

Get well!
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

Mi Sh'Berach, AngelsNDemons!!

[ame=]Mi Shebeiriach - Debbie Friedman - YouTube[/ame]

Get well!

Thank you stat...:smiliehug:
thanks for the invite, miss boop, m'am.

seems like a lot of people are busy hanging on by threads.

moi aussi. seems like the word got out that i am somewhat fluent in military bureaucratese and this kid asked me to help him fill out a form for a compassionate reassignment to help his sick father. even after all these years, my eyes glaze over reading those things. man, they have a twenty plus page form to ask a simple question. the sad part is is that a lot of enlisted rookies who have problems won't fill out these forms because they can't get to the question.

but on the lighter hand, you have me thinking in malaprops with your "jellyspoons" so i will clear my head and hammer out an address hopefully susceptable to the military bureaucrazy. don't wanna leave that kid up the creek without a pickle.

Surely not without a pickle! Nobody could be THAT cruel!!
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

/flying tackle hug

Oops, where are my manners. Chammomile would be my guess. If I could spell it, that is.

And how are you now?
I'm so behind on everything.....I spend too much time here and there.....but, just checking in and hoping everyone is doing okay.....


Always happy when you are here.

Little Princess Statalina had her 7th birthday yesterday and she and I celebrated today. She really wanted two Barbies (check) and a loom (check) and a Dino set (check), one where you chisel the bones out of "stone" and then assemble your very own dinosaur skeleton. So, for about 2 hours, she sat there patiently, with safety goggles on, chiseling very carefully. So sweet. She also got super duper secret disappearing inkpens from me and so she then wrote something onto a piece of paper and snuck into papa's room and slid the paper under my sheet. Turning up the sheets for the night, I see this little piece of paper and know from the instructions that applying heat from below (like, placing the sheet of paper over a toaster for a couple of minutes) will cause the text to appear:

"Papa, ich hab Dich lieb"
(Papa, I love you).

Melt. Tears of joy. Wow.

We didn't do cake yet, because the official party is Sunday a week from now. Lots of her little friends are sick right now and so her mother and I, we decided to delay the party a week. She is getting a bowling party. In Germany, it is custom to invite a number of guests that is one year less than your age. So, including my little one, there will be 7 little girls bowling strikes in about 10 days.... !!!

Ahhh, life is good.


What a neat birthday celebration she is having.....she is truly blessed to have you as her Daddy.....hope you are taking lots of pictures....they grow up so fast! :smiliehug:
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

I believe "heartwarming" tea is recommended....

Heartwarming Tea Mix
1 15 oz. jar instant orange breakfast drink mix
1 C. granulated sugar
1 C. unsweetened instant tea powder
1/2 C. pre-sweetened lemonade-flavored soft drink mix
1 tsp. Pineapple extract
1 tsp. Coconut extract
Ok party's here. Now what?

Wait........strike that no can do dat now. Spent the entire first half of the day in the hospital stuck to a bunch of heart monitoring crap and am to take it easy ...what kind of tea can I have for that?

I believe "heartwarming" tea is recommended....

Heartwarming Tea Mix
1 15 oz. jar instant orange breakfast drink mix
1 C. granulated sugar
1 C. unsweetened instant tea powder
1/2 C. pre-sweetened lemonade-flavored soft drink mix
1 tsp. Pineapple extract
1 tsp. Coconut extract

Hmmmnn...I showed this potion recipe to my root lady. She said you are trying to seduce me.
Oh grand. I just choked up in the middle of a call because "Your absence dated February 13th" .... the day my mother died three years ago .... "has been recorded ..."

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