The Front Porch Swing

That is a precious cartoon video, BD. Thank you for posting it - I'm saving that one! Those were the days! I want my grandchildren to grow up seeing videos like that. Very sweet!
Question of the Day: February 19, 2014

What group were you part of in high school?

I wasn't. I had friends from all the groups, but I wasn't actually in any of them. Closest I might get would be the religious kids.
Question of the Day: February 19, 2014

What group were you part of in high school?

I wasn't. I had friends from all the groups, but I wasn't actually in any of them. Closest I might get would be the religious kids.

The nickname for my HS was "all the morons"! :eek: Anyone who wasn't a jock or a street thug was a de facto nerd. There were about 5 or 6 of us in total who ended up surviving to become seniors. We hung out together because we weren't part of any of the other gangs. I suspect that we were only allowed to survive because we were willing to help the others with their homework. I turned 17 just a couple of months before I graduated and I had never been so happy to get out of somewhere before in my life. I have never attended a "reunion" and I suspect that if they ever held one it would probably be in a prison cemetery. I have hooked up again, on Facebook, with 3 of my fellow senior group. Who would have guessed that it was my taste in music (Janice Joplin) that ended up deciding the career of one of them. Strange brew, but thanks for the recollection. :)
Question of the Day: February 19, 2014

What group were you part of in high school?

I wasn't. I had friends from all the groups, but I wasn't actually in any of them. Closest I might get would be the religious kids.

The nickname for my HS was "all the morons"! :eek: Anyone who wasn't a jock or a street thug was a de facto nerd. There were about 5 or 6 of us in total who ended up surviving to become seniors. We hung out together because we weren't part of any of the other gangs. I suspect that we were only allowed to survive because we were willing to help the others with their homework. I turned 17 just a couple of months before I graduated and I had never been so happy to get out of somewhere before in my life. I have never attended a "reunion" and I suspect that if they ever held one it would probably be in a prison cemetery. I have hooked up again, on Facebook, with 3 of my fellow senior group. Who would have guessed that it was my taste in music (Janice Joplin) that ended up deciding the career of one of them. Strange brew, but thanks for the recollection. :)

Can you share a bit more about the Joplin career?

My favorite teacher that I never, EVER forgot and always thought of with a smile is the one who nicknamed me Bobbi McGee. ;)
Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.
Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.

Thanks!! I did not know! Hopefully he'll swing through here and we can have some festivities in his honor.


Question of the Day: February 19, 2014

What group were you part of in high school?

I wasn't. I had friends from all the groups, but I wasn't actually in any of them. Closest I might get would be the religious kids.

The nickname for my HS was "all the morons"! :eek: Anyone who wasn't a jock or a street thug was a de facto nerd. There were about 5 or 6 of us in total who ended up surviving to become seniors. We hung out together because we weren't part of any of the other gangs. I suspect that we were only allowed to survive because we were willing to help the others with their homework. I turned 17 just a couple of months before I graduated and I had never been so happy to get out of somewhere before in my life. I have never attended a "reunion" and I suspect that if they ever held one it would probably be in a prison cemetery. I have hooked up again, on Facebook, with 3 of my fellow senior group. Who would have guessed that it was my taste in music (Janice Joplin) that ended up deciding the career of one of them. Strange brew, but thanks for the recollection. :)

Can you share a bit more about the Joplin career?

My favorite teacher that I never, EVER forgot and always thought of with a smile is the one who nicknamed me Bobbi McGee. ;)

Since I was the one who was out working every weekend I had the money to spend on albums. I found this little store in an alley that stocked the kind of music that wasn't sold on Main Street. The first time I went in there the owner handed me a set of stereo headphones and put on Traffic's John Barleycorn Must Die album. This is the first thing that I heard;

[ame=]TRAFFIC - Glad - YouTube[/ame]

I was reaching for my wallet before the first track was finished. It was like I had found musical nirvana. ELP, Jethro Tull, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, it was all in there. I had the largest music collection amongst the seniors and it was all from this store. It was the Cheap Thrills album that made my fellow senior decide that he wanted to become a recording engineer.
Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.

Thanks!! I did not know! Hopefully he'll swing through here and we can have some festivities in his honor.






Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.

Nothing exceptional? Little bugger? Damned right I'm tough. Thanks for reminding me it's my birthday! I'm trying to quit. Big brothers!!! And I like German chocolate cake with lot's of chocolate icing. And thanks for the BD wishes everyone!
Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.

Nothing exceptional? Little bugger? Damned right I'm tough. Thanks for reminding me it's my birthday! I'm trying to quit. Big brothers!!! And I like German chocolate cake with lot's of chocolate icing. And thanks for the BD wishes everyone!

Do you have dinner plans?

Just a reminder that today, February 19th, is Bloodrock's birthday. Nothing exceptional but two days after his birth, I came home from school, raced up the lane into the house and the bedroom where I met him for the first time. Went over to my mother's bed and sat down on the little bugger. He was a tough kid. Didn''t let out a peep.

Nothing exceptional? Little bugger? Damned right I'm tough. Thanks for reminding me it's my birthday! I'm trying to quit. Big brothers!!! And I like German chocolate cake with lot's of chocolate icing. And thanks for the BD wishes everyone!

Do you have dinner plans?


I don't. Don't know what the family has in mind.

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