The Front Porch Swing

Yeah! I get off at 215. Thankfully they went to all day kindergarten this year. It's good for him, he needs school all day for one he loves school, and it helps with daycare sad to say. My dad watches him in the morning and he gets off the bus at 335.

My son has had delays and has been in therapy since right before his 2nd birthday. I am not going to get too in to it, people are assholes around here. Anyways, having him full day kindergarten has helped so much. He is in a integrated kindergarten with children who needed therapy like him and then "normal" children.

He still has problems with some things, but very few, and he has moved on to first grade words on his flash cards ahead of some of the "normal" kids. I think a lot of it before was him being stubborn. No clue where he gets it.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

With smart kids it can sometimes be boredom that results in them acting out to get attention. Once they start to discover that learning can be fun there is no stopping them. If you can get them into reading they will always be exploring new things with their minds.

My son is very smart. He observes quite a bit plus he memorizes words and patterns of words. Last soccer season before he could read most kindergarten words he read a sign for a pizza place called the Fieldhouse. We had been there before and he recognized the pattern of the word. He started doing this early on with the guide on the TV, memorizing the names of TV shows. The kid is smart, I am just glad we have been able to unlock some of it.
When he was younger he wouldn't talk, and that is how this all started with therapy. Then I realized he liked dinosaurs. The kid had problems with speech yet could name almost every single dinosaur when showing him their picture by the time he was three.
A few months ago my sister was bragging about her seven year old son knowing all the dinosaurs. Lol I just smiled.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

That's true of a lot of kids I think; just the bit about learning being tied to what interests them.

My nephew is on the autism spectrum, as is my grandson. My grandson doesn't have a lot to say, but man does he chat up a blue streak in honor of legos, trains, and Doctor Who. :)
Well, it's getting pretty close to my bed I'll have to say:


I'll see ya all tomorrow........:)
With smart kids it can sometimes be boredom that results in them acting out to get attention. Once they start to discover that learning can be fun there is no stopping them. If you can get them into reading they will always be exploring new things with their minds.

My son is very smart. He observes quite a bit plus he memorizes words and patterns of words. Last soccer season before he could read most kindergarten words he read a sign for a pizza place called the Fieldhouse. We had been there before and he recognized the pattern of the word. He started doing this early on with the guide on the TV, memorizing the names of TV shows. The kid is smart, I am just glad we have been able to unlock some of it.

When he was younger he wouldn't talk, and that is how this all started with therapy. Then I realized he liked dinosaurs. The kid had problems with speech yet could name almost every single dinosaur when showing him their picture by the time he was three.

A few months ago my sister was bragging about her seven year old son knowing all the dinosaurs. Lol I just smiled.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

That's true of a lot of kids I think; just the bit about learning being tied to what interests them.

My nephew is on the autism spectrum, as is my grandson. My grandson doesn't have a lot to say, but man does he chat up a blue streak in honor of legos, trains, and Doctor Who. :)

My son loves Doctor Who. Lol
He has normal social skills, so they never worried about autism.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
This evening I woke up for work about 7:30. Noticed it was dark upstairs thought to myself Great! My sister is sick, she went to bed early, she's taking good care of herself.

As I'm logging in to work, I check Facebook and find a message from her. "So, I'm at Urgent Care ..."

I freaked out. Somehow thought she meant emergency room. She has had these incidents, three times now I think, where she is rushed by ambulance to the ER. They don't know what is the matter with her, and it doesn't affect her at all except when it is happening.

I thought it had happened again, but no. She has an upper respiratory infection.

I calmed right down. :) Funny how that sisterly "tie that binds" is as tight as it was the day I hit the planet (13.5 months behind her.)

My son is very smart. He observes quite a bit plus he memorizes words and patterns of words. Last soccer season before he could read most kindergarten words he read a sign for a pizza place called the Fieldhouse. We had been there before and he recognized the pattern of the word. He started doing this early on with the guide on the TV, memorizing the names of TV shows. The kid is smart, I am just glad we have been able to unlock some of it.

When he was younger he wouldn't talk, and that is how this all started with therapy. Then I realized he liked dinosaurs. The kid had problems with speech yet could name almost every single dinosaur when showing him their picture by the time he was three.

A few months ago my sister was bragging about her seven year old son knowing all the dinosaurs. Lol I just smiled.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

That's true of a lot of kids I think; just the bit about learning being tied to what interests them.

My nephew is on the autism spectrum, as is my grandson. My grandson doesn't have a lot to say, but man does he chat up a blue streak in honor of legos, trains, and Doctor Who. :)

My son loves Doctor Who. Lol
He has normal social skills, so they never worried about autism.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Is his hearing OK? That can have that affect too...
My son is very smart. He observes quite a bit plus he memorizes words and patterns of words. Last soccer season before he could read most kindergarten words he read a sign for a pizza place called the Fieldhouse. We had been there before and he recognized the pattern of the word. He started doing this early on with the guide on the TV, memorizing the names of TV shows. The kid is smart, I am just glad we have been able to unlock some of it.

When he was younger he wouldn't talk, and that is how this all started with therapy. Then I realized he liked dinosaurs. The kid had problems with speech yet could name almost every single dinosaur when showing him their picture by the time he was three.

A few months ago my sister was bragging about her seven year old son knowing all the dinosaurs. Lol I just smiled.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

That's true of a lot of kids I think; just the bit about learning being tied to what interests them.

My nephew is on the autism spectrum, as is my grandson. My grandson doesn't have a lot to say, but man does he chat up a blue streak in honor of legos, trains, and Doctor Who. :)

My son loves Doctor Who. Lol
He has normal social skills, so they never worried about autism.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

From my daughter:

So we watched the first episode of Torchwood again, it's been quite a while. Aidan was plastered to my left side and when Jack got shot in the forehead and crumpled to the ground, Aidan gasped and covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh no, mom!"

You should have seen him when Jack stood up. "Wait, how's he alive?"
Yup! All of the festivals are fun but the summer programs for the kids are the best of all. The Anything that Floats and Cardboard Boat races on the local pond are my favorites. The Egg Drop competition from the 3rd floor balcony is another perennial that never ceases to be fun. We also have Robotics and science programs where local laboratories come in and let the kids have hands on fun with experiments.

Posterity. :thup:

Darn!! Why does all the fun stuff happen whilst I am sleeping??? :D
This evening I woke up for work about 7:30. Noticed it was dark upstairs thought to myself Great! My sister is sick, she went to bed early, she's taking good care of herself.

As I'm logging in to work, I check Facebook and find a message from her. "So, I'm at Urgent Care ..."

I freaked out. Somehow thought she meant emergency room. She has had these incidents, three times now I think, where she is rushed by ambulance to the ER. They don't know what is the matter with her, and it doesn't affect her at all except when it is happening.

I thought it had happened again, but no. She has an upper respiratory infection.

I calmed right down. :) Funny how that sisterly "tie that binds" is as tight as it was the day I hit the planet (13.5 months behind her.)

Glad she is OK. :smiliehug:
Took me a while to find this place but thanks to my GPS, I made it.

Love what you've done to the joint. Nice curtains, comfy rocker on the porch. Gonna put my philodendron right over there ...

Boop, hope your sister is okay and I LOVE that sister photo.

Luissa - I'm not clear about what went on with your son. He's not autistic, right? I have enormous respect and admiration for those who raise special needs kids. Not saying your son is cuz, as I say, I'm not clear on that. Hope Im not stepping on toes with this ...

Gotta go water that philodendron.
This evening I woke up for work about 7:30. Noticed it was dark upstairs thought to myself Great! My sister is sick, she went to bed early, she's taking good care of herself.

As I'm logging in to work, I check Facebook and find a message from her. "So, I'm at Urgent Care ..."

I freaked out. Somehow thought she meant emergency room. She has had these incidents, three times now I think, where she is rushed by ambulance to the ER. They don't know what is the matter with her, and it doesn't affect her at all except when it is happening.

I thought it had happened again, but no. She has an upper respiratory infection.

I calmed right down. :) Funny how that sisterly "tie that binds" is as tight as it was the day I hit the planet (13.5 months behind her.)

Glad it wasn't serious.

That's too mom would try and dress my sister (4 years older) and me the same, too....only in different colors...and this while we were 10/14! We, of course, wouldn't wear them on the same day.....
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Morning all. Still no rain here. Cloudy yesterday, but that was about it. Sunny and in the
70s and 80s all week. Now that might sound good, but it's winter and we need rain badly.

Good all need rain too? We've had a couple of misty days with heavy dew....I mean actually wets the ground, but no rain to speak of. Seems like a lot of places are having that same problem.

On the other hand...those that got snow...are now going to get rain...according to the news last night....:confused:

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