The Front Porch Swing

Took me a while to find this place but thanks to my GPS, I made it.

Love what you've done to the joint. Nice curtains, comfy rocker on the porch. Gonna put my philodendron right over there ...

Boop, hope your sister is okay and I LOVE that sister photo.

Luissa - I'm not clear about what went on with your son. He's not autistic, right? I have enormous respect and admiration for those who raise special needs kids. Not saying your son is cuz, as I say, I'm not clear on that. Hope Im not stepping on toes with this ...

Gotta go water that philodendron.

Thank you for dropping by, Luddly. :)

Would you like something to drink, an iced tea perhaps?

Thanks very much ... a little cool yet for ice tea.

Early this morning, I went out on our deck to watch the eagles cruising the lake for brakfast and what should I spy but a gorgeous fox just below our house.

Last spring, I managed to get two pretty poor photos of a youngster on our deck. He looked so skinny, I worried for him. I don't know if he made it but the guy I video'd this morning looked fat and fluffy. He caught on to me pretty quickly but I was able to get a pretty good look at him.

I have so many photos I would like to post now and again. One of these days, I'll set up an anonymously account so I can.

Meanwhile, just take my word that this little red fox had such a fat and fluffy tail ... why I was right real jealous of him!

Oh and don't tell the Jim the Egg Guy down the road.


I could always make you some hot chocolate instead? We have a special peppermint chocolate with marshmallow if you prefer?

I love having wildlife around. Your foxes sound adorable. I was watching a young hare loping around a couple of days ago. With all the snow cover it was probably foraging, but it was so curious about everything. It stopped by my neighbor's car and washed off it's face with it's paws.

In the fall I saw 6 bald eagles circling above my house. We have a resident nesting pair in the Audobon sanctuary a mile away. They were probably the parents showing the young 'uns the neighborhood.
Beautiful week! 75 again today and stuff is blooming and budding at the Bloodrock estate! Check out my flowers.


It has warmed up here into the mid 40's and tomorrow the 50's but next week it is supposed to go back to being winter again! :(

So far I am not even seeing buds, let alone flowers!

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