The Full Transcript of Donnie's Awesome Email Adventure

All this shit and you have the nerve to think you have some sort of moral authority? Your man forfeited what moral authority republicans ever had and none of you seem to miss it. No shame, no honor, just a bunch of pots calling the kettles black.

A sociopathic Nazi like you spewing off about morals? :eek:
Just saying that you think the opposition is as crooked as your guy does not make them innocent of wrongdoing. Your guy engages in a level of criminality that exceeds all the Obama conspiracy theories and can't understand why some people think he's corrupt. Before this is all over his excuse will be: Obama got away with being a secret Muslim Manchurian candidate illegal alien, why are are you guys beating me up for teaming up with a dictator?

There is nothing "crooked" about getting dirt on the opposition.

Your filthy party is based on nothing more than slander and libel, you are the demagogue - sociopath party.

That you bitch because someone else would DARE think of doing what you do constantly is absurd.

This is yet another nothingburger that all you Nazis are jacking off to, with utterly no relevance to anything. The foreign hate rag, the NY Times is just feeding your festering hate, there is absolutely nothing else to this.
Your lecture from the republican moral high ground means nothing as long as you refuse to see why teaming up with a hostile foreign intelligence service to get dirt on the opposition is wrong. You people no longer have the moral authority to lecture anyone on ethics.Trump won dirty without any detectable shame so you must accept that people are going to think he is an amoral scumbag. Bitch about "crooked democrats" all you like, it only makes you seem like the partisan hack you are.
All this shit and you have the nerve to think you have some sort of moral authority? Your man forfeited what moral authority republicans ever had and none of you seem to miss it. No shame, no honor, just a bunch of pots calling the kettles black.

A sociopathic Nazi like you spewing off about morals? :eek:
To people like you morals are nothing but a bludgeon to hit others over the head with, not something you apply to yourself or the candidates you want. You people brushed aside a dozen mildly amoral candidates to choose the most morally bankrupt nominee in living memory. Shove your moral outrage, it means nothing coming from you.
Your lecture from the republican moral high ground means nothing as long as you refuse to see why teaming up with a hostile foreign intelligence service to get dirt on the opposition is wrong. You people no longer have the moral authority to lecture anyone on ethics.Trump won dirty without any detectable shame so you must accept that people are going to think he is an amoral scumbag. Bitch about "crooked democrats" all you like, it only makes you seem like the partisan hack you are.

I may not be a Republican, but I do oppose you Nazis.

I laugh at your idiocy in trying to paint mud slinging as corrupt. Mud slinging which you Nazis are the masters of, relying on the foreign press of the Mexican New York Times to collude with you in your attempt to corrupt American elections.

If getting dirt on the opposition were a crime, each and every last one of you goose stepping fascists would be in prison.

Now go back to your foreign source, the NY Times to get more dirt to fling at those whom you hate...
To people like you morals are nothing but a bludgeon to hit others over the head with, not something you apply to yourself or the candidates you want. You people brushed aside a dozen mildly amoral candidates to choose the most morally bankrupt nominee in living memory. Shove your moral outrage, it means nothing coming from you.

How would you know? What could a Nazi like you possibly know about morals? You have zero ethics and zero integrity, you are fueled by hatred and blind rage.
To people like you morals are nothing but a bludgeon to hit others over the head with, not something you apply to yourself or the candidates you want. You people brushed aside a dozen mildly amoral candidates to choose the most morally bankrupt nominee in living memory. Shove your moral outrage, it means nothing coming from you.

How would you know? What could a Nazi like you possibly know about morals? You have zero ethics and zero integrity, you are fueled by hatred and blind rage.
Projection anyone? Your man is dirty and you are a fool to continue supporting him. The smart republicans are already denying ever voting for him so they do not have to defend his fat crooked ass.
None of the claims have been validated.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Steele's "dossier", as the material came to be known, contains a number of highly contested claims.

At one point he wrote: "A leading Russian diplomat, Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election operation… would be exposed in the media there."

There was no diplomat called Kulagin in the Russian embassy; there was a Kalugin.

One of Trump's allies, Roger Stone, said to me of Steele, scornfully: "If 007 wants to be taken seriously, he ought to learn how to spell."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Kalugin was head of the embassy's economics section.
He had gone home in August 2016 at the end of a six-year posting.

The man himself emailed journalists to complain about a "stream of lies and fake news about my person".

If anyone looks like a harmless economist, rather than a tough, arrogant KGB man, it is the bland-faced Kalugin.

But sources I know and trust have told me the US government identified Kalugin as a spy while he was still at the embassy.

It is not clear if the American intelligence agencies already believed this when they got Steele's report on the "diplomat", as early as May 2016.

But it is a judgment they made using their own methods, outside the dossier.

A retired member of a US intelligence agency told me that Kalugin was being kept under surveillance before he left the US.

In addition, State Department staff who dealt with Russia did not come across Kalugin, as would have been expected with a simple diplomat.

"Nobody had met him," one former official said. "It's classic. Just classic [of Russian intelligence]."
Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government.
She was Putin's "Honeypot." As your MessiahRushie calls her!
No connection to Putin or the Kremlin. BIG connection to Fusion GPS.
And if by BIG you mean NONE then you would be correct.
And if by no connection to the Kremlin you mean married to the former Deputy Minister of Transportation in Moscow then you would also be correct.
Wow , they can't find ten thousand missing Hillary classified documents but the "Media Matters?" research has managed to uncover all the "legal" e-mails related to Trump Jr.
Trump campaign beat one of the most corrupt political machines in history. Liberals need to get over it.
Well we know you democrats would flat out turn down incriminating evidence against Trump..

Just saying that you think the opposition is as crooked as your guy does not make them innocent of wrongdoing. Your guy engages in a level of criminality that exceeds all the Obama conspiracy theories and can't understand why some people think he's corrupt. Before this is all over his excuse will be: Obama got away with being a secret Muslim Manchurian candidate illegal alien, why are are you guys beating me up for teaming up with a dictator?
It's called "politics " and if you have ever been a paid professional to engage in it...then you you would understand that what Don jr. did was rather normal and tame.
If it was normal they would have disclosed the meeting months ago instead of dumping this shit hours before the NYTimes was going to publish a major story about it. No, this shit is Abnormal and it is a statement to just how brainwashed you are that you just accept it. You people have a scandal of historic proportions on your hands here and you all have the nerve to think you are the honest ones when you even believe the lies you tell yourselves.
Hillary Clinton is an "honest" victim? Really?
All this shit and you have the nerve to think you have some sort of moral authority? Your man forfeited what moral authority republicans ever had and none of you seem to miss it. No shame, no honor, just a bunch of pots calling the kettles black.
Clinton's...moral high ground...lmfao!
Projection anyone? Your man is dirty and you are a fool to continue supporting him. The smart republicans are already denying ever voting for him so they do not have to defend his fat crooked ass.

TRUMP is dirty? :eek:


This from a fucking Hillary supporter...

You Nazis are trying to make is seem as if getting dirt on the opposition is somehow unusual, as you fling mud.

But you know what's REALLY stupid, the enticement to meet was supposed evidence of CLINTON COLLUSION WITH THE RUSSIANS. Why did Trump Jr. bite? Because it is fully plausible, Hillary has taken bribes from Moscow for years, and her chief of staff is a fucking registered agent of the Russian government.

It is surreal, the chutzpah you little Goebbels have....
None of the claims have been validated.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Steele's "dossier", as the material came to be known, contains a number of highly contested claims.

At one point he wrote: "A leading Russian diplomat, Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election operation… would be exposed in the media there."

There was no diplomat called Kulagin in the Russian embassy; there was a Kalugin.

One of Trump's allies, Roger Stone, said to me of Steele, scornfully: "If 007 wants to be taken seriously, he ought to learn how to spell."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Kalugin was head of the embassy's economics section.
He had gone home in August 2016 at the end of a six-year posting.

The man himself emailed journalists to complain about a "stream of lies and fake news about my person".

If anyone looks like a harmless economist, rather than a tough, arrogant KGB man, it is the bland-faced Kalugin.

But sources I know and trust have told me the US government identified Kalugin as a spy while he was still at the embassy.

It is not clear if the American intelligence agencies already believed this when they got Steele's report on the "diplomat", as early as May 2016.

But it is a judgment they made using their own methods, outside the dossier.

A retired member of a US intelligence agency told me that Kalugin was being kept under surveillance before he left the US.

In addition, State Department staff who dealt with Russia did not come across Kalugin, as would have been expected with a simple diplomat.

"Nobody had met him," one former official said. "It's classic. Just classic [of Russian intelligence]."

And you bashed the birthers, you fucking retard.

This fraud was debunked in January, right after you Nazi scum fabricated it.

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why
Wow , they can't find ten thousand missing Hillary classified documents but the "Media Matters?" research has managed to uncover all the "legal" e-mails related to Trump Jr.

Media Matters, say isn't that one of the more vile hate sites run by Nazi Fuhrer George Soros?

yep, it sure is....
Trump campaign beat one of the most corrupt political machines in history. Liberals need to get over it.

That's WHY the Nazis can't get over it. If the most corrupt election in history can be thwarted, their days of stealing elections are over. They depended on Illegal Aliens in California to hand Hillary power. If their strategy of using foreign nationals to pervert American elections is a failure, they are sunk.
None of the claims have been validated.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Steele's "dossier", as the material came to be known, contains a number of highly contested claims.

At one point he wrote: "A leading Russian diplomat, Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election operation… would be exposed in the media there."

There was no diplomat called Kulagin in the Russian embassy; there was a Kalugin.

One of Trump's allies, Roger Stone, said to me of Steele, scornfully: "If 007 wants to be taken seriously, he ought to learn how to spell."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Kalugin was head of the embassy's economics section.
He had gone home in August 2016 at the end of a six-year posting.

The man himself emailed journalists to complain about a "stream of lies and fake news about my person".

If anyone looks like a harmless economist, rather than a tough, arrogant KGB man, it is the bland-faced Kalugin.

But sources I know and trust have told me the US government identified Kalugin as a spy while he was still at the embassy.

It is not clear if the American intelligence agencies already believed this when they got Steele's report on the "diplomat", as early as May 2016.

But it is a judgment they made using their own methods, outside the dossier.

A retired member of a US intelligence agency told me that Kalugin was being kept under surveillance before he left the US.

In addition, State Department staff who dealt with Russia did not come across Kalugin, as would have been expected with a simple diplomat.

"Nobody had met him," one former official said. "It's classic. Just classic [of Russian intelligence]."

Why do you think Christopher Steele is in court right now?


Even he admits that there are unverified points in it. The FBI never went forward with the dossier because it couldn't be corroborated. Paid informants. The thing is a freaking fairy tale.

Say for example the issue with Trump's lawyer who was supposed to be in Prague meeting OMG Russian agents. In a heartbeat a reporter for the Atlantic blew that piece of the fairy tale right out the window.

First off they got the wrong Michael Cohen. AND Trump's lawyer was at his son's ballgame. It's bullshit.

"Steele’s admission that at least one of the memos he wrote is unverified raises questions about the other parts of the dossier, which contains salacious claims about Trump.

The FBI reportedly made an informal deal with Steele in October to pay the former spook $50,000 to continue his research. But The New York Times reported that the deal fell through, possibly because Steele was unable to corroborate his research."

You got that. Unable to corroborate his research.

Ex-Spy Who Wrote Trump Dossier Says Some Of It Is ‘Unverified’
Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government.
She was Putin's "Honeypot." As your MessiahRushie calls her!
No connection to Putin or the Kremlin. BIG connection to Fusion GPS.
And if by BIG you mean NONE then you would be correct.
And if by no connection to the Kremlin you mean married to the former Deputy Minister of Transportation in Moscow then you would also be correct.

Making a fool of yourself. He wasn't the federal Deputy Minister of Transportation. Just a local Minister that helped run Moscow area subways and bus routes. That doesn't get him anywhere near the Kremlin.

Don jr. met with a private lawyer with no connection to Russian government.
She was Putin's "Honeypot." As your MessiahRushie calls her!
No connection to Putin or the Kremlin. BIG connection to Fusion GPS.
And if by BIG you mean NONE then you would be correct.
And if by no connection to the Kremlin you mean married to the former Deputy Minister of Transportation in Moscow then you would also be correct.

Making a fool of yourself. He wasn't the federal Deputy Minister of Transportation. Just a local Minister that helped run Moscow area subways and bus routes. That doesn't get him anywhere near the Kremlin.

They are grasping at straws.
None of the claims have been validated.
Trump Russia dossier key claim 'verified' - BBC News

Steele's "dossier", as the material came to be known, contains a number of highly contested claims.

At one point he wrote: "A leading Russian diplomat, Mikhail KULAGIN, had been withdrawn from Washington at short notice because Moscow feared his heavy involvement in the US presidential election operation… would be exposed in the media there."

There was no diplomat called Kulagin in the Russian embassy; there was a Kalugin.

One of Trump's allies, Roger Stone, said to me of Steele, scornfully: "If 007 wants to be taken seriously, he ought to learn how to spell."

The Russian Foreign Ministry said Kalugin was head of the embassy's economics section.
He had gone home in August 2016 at the end of a six-year posting.

The man himself emailed journalists to complain about a "stream of lies and fake news about my person".

If anyone looks like a harmless economist, rather than a tough, arrogant KGB man, it is the bland-faced Kalugin.

But sources I know and trust have told me the US government identified Kalugin as a spy while he was still at the embassy.

It is not clear if the American intelligence agencies already believed this when they got Steele's report on the "diplomat", as early as May 2016.

But it is a judgment they made using their own methods, outside the dossier.

A retired member of a US intelligence agency told me that Kalugin was being kept under surveillance before he left the US.

In addition, State Department staff who dealt with Russia did not come across Kalugin, as would have been expected with a simple diplomat.

"Nobody had met him," one former official said. "It's classic. Just classic [of Russian intelligence]."

Why do you think Christopher Steele is in court right now?


Even he admits that there are unverified points in it. The FBI never went forward with the dossier because it couldn't be corroborated. Paid informants. The thing is a freaking fairy tale.

Say for example the issue with Trump's lawyer who was supposed to be in Prague meeting OMG Russian agents. In a heartbeat a reporter for the Atlantic blew that piece of the fairy tale right out the window.

First off they got the wrong Michael Cohen. AND Trump's lawyer was at his son's ballgame. It's bullshit.

"Steele’s admission that at least one of the memos he wrote is unverified raises questions about the other parts of the dossier, which contains salacious claims about Trump.

The FBI reportedly made an informal deal with Steele in October to pay the former spook $50,000 to continue his research. But The New York Times reported that the deal fell through, possibly because Steele was unable to corroborate his research."

You got that. Unable to corroborate his research.

Ex-Spy Who Wrote Trump Dossier Says Some Of It Is ‘Unverified’
Home run Tiny!

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