The Full Transcript of Donnie's Awesome Email Adventure



Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.
Or 9/11 where Republicans were warned and thousand died. And then Republicans worked for ten years to keep first responders from getting healthcare. And who got them the healthcare? Hillary Clinton.
And then tens of thousands dead and maimed after the GOP tricked us into Iraq and let Bin Laden go.
And Republicans have been doing this kind of thing since Reagan who sent hundreds of marines off to die for no apparent reason.

So yea,bring up Benghazi. I still wonder if Republicans did 9/11 and Iraq on purpose?
Let's see though the D team didn't have any problems with paying Russian informants via Fusion GPS to trash Trump with that fairy tale dossier.
Of course, it was the REPUBLICANS who hired Fusion GPS, not that the truth ever matters to the Right!

Ex-MI6 agent so worried by his Donald Trump discoveries he started working without pay

Fusion GPS had been hired by Republican opponents of Mr Trump in September 2015.

And then Democrats paid him. Oh and the FBI was looking to pay Steele as well. And that dossier is a fairy tale. None of the claims have been validated. Some kley ones were completely blown out of the water.


Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.
Or 9/11 where Republicans were warned and thousand died. And then Republicans worked for ten years to keep first responders from getting healthcare. And who got them the healthcare? Hillary Clinton.
And then tens of thousands dead and maimed after the GOP tricked us into Iraq and let Bin Laden go.
And Republicans have been doing this kind of thing since Reagan who sent hundreds of marines off to die for no apparent reason.

So yea,bring up Benghazi. I still wonder if Republicans did 9/11 and Iraq on purpose?

There was no specific threat for 9/11. Republicans did drop the ball in allowing Muslims into our country though. All Muslims should had been banned a long time ago.


Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.

uh-huh. & why isn't hillary in jail for that after multitudes of investigations... & 11 hrs under oath... & debunked by factcheckers...& even stevens' own family publicly statingto congress that it was political....


Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.
Or 9/11 where Republicans were warned and thousand died. And then Republicans worked for ten years to keep first responders from getting healthcare. And who got them the healthcare? Hillary Clinton.
And then tens of thousands dead and maimed after the GOP tricked us into Iraq and let Bin Laden go.
And Republicans have been doing this kind of thing since Reagan who sent hundreds of marines off to die for no apparent reason.

So yea,bring up Benghazi. I still wonder if Republicans did 9/11 and Iraq on purpose?

There was no specific threat for 9/11. Republicans did drop the ball in allowing Muslims into our country though. All Muslims should had been banned a long time ago.

funny dat. the PDB dated august 6, 2001 did give a heads up. but hey, we did have a pretty terror alert graph to guide us....

anyhoo- 15 of the 19 monsters were from saudi arabia............... why aren't they on that list of banned boogymen?



Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.
Or 9/11 where Republicans were warned and thousand died. And then Republicans worked for ten years to keep first responders from getting healthcare. And who got them the healthcare? Hillary Clinton.
And then tens of thousands dead and maimed after the GOP tricked us into Iraq and let Bin Laden go.
And Republicans have been doing this kind of thing since Reagan who sent hundreds of marines off to die for no apparent reason.

So yea,bring up Benghazi. I still wonder if Republicans did 9/11 and Iraq on purpose?
What does that have to do with the other?


Yup, Benghazi, where people actually died and Democrats lied to the American public about it.

But Trump's son receiving an email from a lawyer is somehow on the same level.
Or 9/11 where Republicans were warned and thousand died. And then Republicans worked for ten years to keep first responders from getting healthcare. And who got them the healthcare? Hillary Clinton.
And then tens of thousands dead and maimed after the GOP tricked us into Iraq and let Bin Laden go.
And Republicans have been doing this kind of thing since Reagan who sent hundreds of marines off to die for no apparent reason.

So yea,bring up Benghazi. I still wonder if Republicans did 9/11 and Iraq on purpose?
What does that have to do with the other?

it's called trying to create a diversion, a deflection....with a sarcastic bent i believe in deanrd's reply.... here maybe you'll understand it in this way:

might as well bring up hillary for being responsible for benghazi's tragedy to divert attention away from wtf is happening now..... get it?
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I see a lot of people are in denial here over Trump Jr. colluding with Russia.

Lock them up.
Trump must be thinking, "Wow, I'm glad nobody sent my kid a phony email password reset link."
It's weird to me that people seem to be assuming the meeting went the way Trump Jr or Vesselnikskayam said it did. Why would we believe that?
Just saying that you think the opposition is as crooked as your guy does not make them innocent of wrongdoing. Your guy engages in a level of criminality that exceeds all the Obama conspiracy theories and can't understand why some people think he's corrupt. Before this is all over his excuse will be: Obama got away with being a secret Muslim Manchurian candidate illegal alien, why are are you guys beating me up for teaming up with a dictator?

There is nothing "crooked" about getting dirt on the opposition.

Your filthy party is based on nothing more than slander and libel, you are the demagogue - sociopath party.

That you bitch because someone else would DARE think of doing what you do constantly is absurd.

This is yet another nothingburger that all you Nazis are jacking off to, with utterly no relevance to anything. The foreign hate rag, the NY Times is just feeding your festering hate, there is absolutely nothing else to this.
I'm loving 8 years of Trump. Daily meltdowns by the left now commonplace.

lol.... 8 years..... i think he'll get longer than that..........

Say Nazi fuck, what SPECIFIC law do you or Carlos Slim, the Mexican national feeding this hate frenzy you goose stepping thugs are engaged it, allege that Trump Jr. committed? Provide the federal statute.

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