The future of Electoral Voters

Just thought I'd stop by to say
Trump is in and all goes on as planned.
We did make history yesterday--7 faithless electors at a time is a record (back in the early 1800's we once had 6). Ironic that 5 of them turned against Clinton. LOL Sometimes I love politics.
The voices that you hear are in your own head, Joey.

I'm perfectly sane.

I am questioning you sanity.

Uh, yeah, guy, you just voted for a Nazi because a scary woman might be president. I think you are a little nuts... sorry, man.

Yousaid, why do you argue with this guy, he is a astro turfing manipulator! Look at his response to you, lol. He says Trump is a NAZI! Hwe starts you out with a false premise instantly. Then follows up with, a scary woman, which is also a fallacy, she is a crooked woman.

So you see, this is how they do it, with narratives, and everyone is so used to seeing their lies, you answer the phony question.

Ignore him! They are SO pissed, all they can do to make themselves feel better is mess with people, they have no power, and can do NOTHING! Laugh at him, lol. He is a pimple on the political ass of Democrats, and the Democrats are now a pimple on the political ass of the country-)

Where would the fun be in ignoring Joey?

I am laughing at him, while continuing to expose him for your amusement.

None of them bother me. I was a Democrat for most of my life.

I live in Progressive Maryland, amongst them.

I've been poking sticks at them for years.

I love it when they go batshit crazy.

Where would the fun be in ignoring Joey?

I am laughing at him, while continuing to expose him for your amusement.

None of them bother me. I was a Democrat for most of my life.

I live in Progressive Maryland, amongst them.

I've been poking sticks at them for years.

I love it when they go batshit crazy.

Yet you seem to be the only one who seems a little nuts, guy...
Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?

yes. the EC is perfectly fine, its the mafia like tactics of the Obamas, Pelosi, Reed and the clintons that make it an issue. Make it a federal crime to harass electors punishable by a mandatory 5 year federal prison term with a truth in sentencing requirement and call it done.
Take your own advice there bucky. Say, how many hood rats offed their brethren on your block today ?

Uh, probably none... but I live in a rather nice suburb...

You do get "Chicago" is a really big place, unlike that dun-der one horse town you live in where everyone is related...

Lol, ya! Thats why we got a space program, excuse me, THE space program, The guy who invented the heart transplant worked here, oh, and our hoodrats tend to kill each other here less.Chicago ? Even the mafia thought it was lame, but yall got really good pizza.

Where would the fun be in ignoring Joey?

I am laughing at him, while continuing to expose him for your amusement.

None of them bother me. I was a Democrat for most of my life.

I live in Progressive Maryland, amongst them.

I've been poking sticks at them for years.

I love it when they go batshit crazy.

Yet you seem to be the only one who seems a little nuts, guy...
Oh how original, Joey.

Your problem is you have no sense of humor.

Pull the stick from your ass.
What happened with the electoral college yesterday which in my opinion has been severly overblown is the exception not the rule the main reasons for this again in my opinion is both parties managed to nominate the worst possible candidates and you had a media that was all but giving written guarantees Hillary would win which sent her supporters into shock and denial in levels we had not seen when she lost so we got all this crazy stuff about electors flipping.
Lol, ya! Thats why we got a space program, excuse me, THE space program, The guy who invented the heart transplant worked here, oh, and our hoodrats tend to kill each other here less.Chicago ? Even the mafia thought it was lame, but yall got really good pizza.

So you got all that stuff, and no one bothered to teach you how to spell?

Oh how original, Joey.

Your problem is you have no sense of humor.

Pull the stick from your ass.

i've got a great sense of humor except when stupid people let the Nazis take over. Oh, wait, that totally just happened. Good going, Stupid Person.

What happened with the electoral college yesterday which in my opinion has been severly overblown is the exception not the rule the main reasons for this again in my opinion is both parties managed to nominate the worst possible candidates and you had a media that was all but giving written guarantees Hillary would win which sent her supporters into shock and denial in levels we had not seen when she lost so we got all this crazy stuff about electors flipping.

Well, more like, we expected too much out of the Von Papen Republicans.

Von Papen was the guy who cut the deal that let Hitler take power in 1933, thinking he could control him. It turned out really bad in case you learned your history at Home School.

A lot of those electors KNOW Trump is going to be a disaster, but they voted for him anyway, because they too afraid of Trump's brownshirts.

Kind of like Von Papen, who was cowering on his knees begging for his life on the Night of the Long Knives.
Lol, ya! Thats why we got a space program, excuse me, THE space program, The guy who invented the heart transplant worked here, oh, and our hoodrats tend to kill each other here less.Chicago ? Even the mafia thought it was lame, but yall got really good pizza.

So you got all that stuff, and no one bothered to teach you how to spell?

Oh how original, Joey.

Your problem is you have no sense of humor.

Pull the stick from your ass.

i've got a great sense of humor except when stupid people let the Nazis take over. Oh, wait, that totally just happened. Good going, Stupid Person.

What happened with the electoral college yesterday which in my opinion has been severly overblown is the exception not the rule the main reasons for this again in my opinion is both parties managed to nominate the worst possible candidates and you had a media that was all but giving written guarantees Hillary would win which sent her supporters into shock and denial in levels we had not seen when she lost so we got all this crazy stuff about electors flipping.

Well, more like, we expected too much out of the Von Papen Republicans.

Von Papen was the guy who cut the deal that let Hitler take power in 1933, thinking he could control him. It turned out really bad in case you learned your history at Home School.

A lot of those electors KNOW Trump is going to be a disaster, but they voted for him anyway, because they too afraid of Trump's brownshirts.

Kind of like Von Papen, who was cowering on his knees begging for his life on the Night of the Long Knives.
That response took stupid to a new level.
Lol, ya! Thats why we got a space program, excuse me, THE space program, The guy who invented the heart transplant worked here, oh, and our hoodrats tend to kill each other here less.Chicago ? Even the mafia thought it was lame, but yall got really good pizza.

So you got all that stuff, and no one bothered to teach you how to spell?

Oh how original, Joey.

Your problem is you have no sense of humor.

Pull the stick from your ass.

i've got a great sense of humor except when stupid people let the Nazis take over. Oh, wait, that totally just happened. Good going, Stupid Person.

What happened with the electoral college yesterday which in my opinion has been severly overblown is the exception not the rule the main reasons for this again in my opinion is both parties managed to nominate the worst possible candidates and you had a media that was all but giving written guarantees Hillary would win which sent her supporters into shock and denial in levels we had not seen when she lost so we got all this crazy stuff about electors flipping.

Well, more like, we expected too much out of the Von Papen Republicans.

One trick pony Camnpbell/JoeB. My spelling aside, Nothing illegal happened. Nothing. the EC did as the founders intended it to do which was protect the rest of the country from you pusscakes in big cities. Trump won just like Bammer did, and all you can do is cry. If you hate it, give all your extra money to the DNC, on your w2 you can always pay more taxes do what ever you want,point id you all lost and lost bigly. At this point all you Nazi's are doing is stinking the joint up with yalls yeast infection. Its people like you who put out the red carpet from Trump tower to the white house. Its people like you who will do it again in four years. Thank you camnpbell/Joe. Keep bitchin', your tears are awesome, but do wash. The yeasty smell is becoming to much to handle.
That response took stupid to a new level.

Duly noted you couldn't answer the point.

I used to wonder what my Grandfather in Germany was thinking in 1933.

I don't wonder about that anymore.

The only thing required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

Monday, Good men did nothing when they could have.

Funny. Grandad's storey sounds like campbell's story sept he drove tanks for the USA.
One trick pony Camnpbell/JoeB. My spelling aside, Nothing illegal happened. Nothing. the EC did as the founders intended it to do which was protect the rest of the country from you pusscakes in big cities.

Um, nobody said anything "illegal" happened. We just question whether or not it's a good idea to use a system designed to keep slave owners happy is still a good idea in 2016, given said system produces truly awful presidents.

Trump won just like Bammer did,

No, Obama won the popular vote by a pretty convincing margin. Twice.

If you hate it, give all your extra money to the DNC, on your w2 you can always pay more taxes do what ever you want,point id you all lost and lost bigly.

You don't give political parties money on your W2. It makes me wonder if you actually pay taxes.

At this point all you Nazi's are doing is stinking the joint up with yalls yeast infection. Its people like you who put out the red carpet from Trump tower to the white house. Its people like you who will do it again in four years.

Guy, you need to see someone about your misogyny... And, no, Trump isn't going to get re-elected. He probably won't serve out one term before he gets impeached.

Funny. Grandad's storey sounds like campbell's story sept he drove tanks for the USA.

Um, no, "Left Germany when the Nazis took over" and "Drove tanks in WWII" are totally different stories.

They have different key story points and everything.

(My DAD was actually a medic in WWII, as well as the unit translator, as he spoke fluent German.)
One trick pony Camnpbell/JoeB. My spelling aside, Nothing illegal happened. Nothing. the EC did as the founders intended it to do which was protect the rest of the country from you pusscakes in big cities.

Um, nobody said anything "illegal" happened. We just question whether or not it's a good idea to use a system designed to keep slave owners happy is still a good idea in 2016, given said system produces truly awful presidents.

Trump won just like Bammer did,

No, Obama won the popular vote by a pretty convincing margin. Twice.

If you hate it, give all your extra money to the DNC, on your w2 you can always pay more taxes do what ever you want,point id you all lost and lost bigly.

You don't give political parties money on your W2. It makes me wonder if you actually pay taxes.

At this point all you Nazi's are doing is stinking the joint up with yalls yeast infection. Its people like you who put out the red carpet from Trump tower to the white house. Its people like you who will do it again in four years.

Guy, you need to see someone about your misogyny... And, no, Trump isn't going to get re-elected. He probably won't serve out one term before he gets impeached.

Funny. Grandad's storey sounds like campbell's story sept he drove tanks for the USA.

Um, no, "Left Germany when the Nazis took over" and "Drove tanks in WWII" are totally different stories.

They have different key story points and everything.

(My DAD was actually a medic in WWII, as well as the unit translator, as he spoke fluent German.)

Hmm, a system designed to keep slave owners happy that certified the first half black president. Sorry campbell/JoeB. still a fail homes.
Hmm, a system designed to keep slave owners happy that certified the first half black president. Sorry campbell/JoeB. still a fail homes.

Uh, no, what certified the first black president is for a shining moment, America got over its racism and put the people who had ruined the country out to pasture.

Didn't last, though. We are too racist of a country.
Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?
It's worked perfectly for 240 years. Hillary losing does not constitute reason for a Constitutional convention.

It's far far far worse when only 5 SCOTUS justices have the power to make law binding on 330 million
Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?

yes. the EC is perfectly fine, its the mafia like tactics of the Obamas, Pelosi, Reed and the clintons that make it an issue. Make it a federal crime to harass electors punishable by a mandatory 5 year federal prison term with a truth in sentencing requirement and call it done.

We already have those types of laws on the books. They are being ignored.
It's the current Attorney General Lorreta Lynch who refuses to do her job.

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