The future of Electoral Voters

Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?
You do know it is against the law to use threats and intimidation to electorates right?
Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?
You do know it is against the law to use threats and intimidation to electorates right?
Of course.

You don't think that zealots care about the law, do you?
Is this really what we want?
Constitutionalists should be saying 'Yes'
You'd be okay with an election followed by a battle over EV's?

That's not a rhetorical question, I'm curious.
Let me explain this to you... The actual election for president isn't until the electoral vote.... What we did was choose the electorates. The president of the United States has never been elected by popular vote. Nor should he be since it is unequal representation.
Since politics has devolved into little more than short term thinking, here's a question to ponder. Let's look down the road a bit.

First, let's assume that the EV system remains, so all those who to bring that up don't need to (although I'm sure they will).

Now that the idea of turning Electoral Voters from their obligation has been breached on the largest level to date, can we expect EV's to be targeted each and every presidential election from now on?

And does anyone doubt that this "targeting" will include threats and intimidation and bribery?

The presidential election will only be prelude. The real battle would begin after that. A few dozen faceless EV's will have the power to control the destiny of 300+ million Americans.

Is this really what we want?
You do know it is against the law to use threats and intimidation to electorates right?
Of course.

You don't think that zealots care about the law, do you?
I dont think it matters what zelots do because they will be so small it would be meaningless. No for it to have any impact it w0ould have to be a whole org like the DNC pushing it.
we are ripe for a convention
We're certainly ripe for SOMETHING.

I don't know how that happens in our present condition.

a constitutional convention the last resort

In order to pass an amendment to the constitution, it would require approval of 37 states and two thirds vote of approval by the Senate to ratify! That is a huge mountain to climb and not very likely! Democrats will just have to try and garner more support in the rest of the country and not just the East & West coast's! Instead of continuing to whine, the democratic party would be better off if it took and inward look at itself and try to figure out why they are out of touch with the majority of the country! After all, the Republican party hasn't had this much political power in D.C. and the states since the 1880"s! That should tell them something!
It needs to stay to protect America from the tyrany of a few very high populated states.

As opposed to what, you stupid fuck? The tyranny of a few sparsely populated states inhabited by ignorant inbred idiots?

The people said NO. by about 3 million votes.

o it comes down to philosophy. Do we want one, two or three large states picking the presidency? Or do we want the system we have were there are 51 popularity contests run? Just saying that a person doesn't want the EC cause their candidate didn't win is BS.

then why bother to have a vote at all?
and again, why haven't those accusations continued once Trump was elected? Pretty powerful stuff to have as ammo in the current EC fight, unless of course they were all made up...

Again, that works on the assumptionthat the Republican Hacks would care. The thing is, YOU KNOW WHAT TRUMP IS. You just have decided that you don't care as long as you keep to get compensating for your tiny dick, you don't really

care what he does to other people.

Those guys too a bath, but then they bought cheap on the rebound. Again, if you had managed your portfolio properly, you would have weathered the storm better.

Quite right. We'll just take yours. You're kind of like the fat bear who admonishes the skinny bear, and then wonders why the skinny bear EATS him.

"The Capitalist will sell us the rope we hang him with!"
we are ripe for a convention
We're certainly ripe for SOMETHING.

I don't know how that happens in our present condition.

a constitutional convention the last resort

In order to pass an amendment to the constitution, it would require approval of 37 states and two thirds vote of approval by the Senate to ratify! That is a huge mountain to climb and not very likely! Democrats will just have to try and garner more support in the rest of the country and not just the East & West coast's! Instead of continuing to whine, the democratic party would be better off if it took and inward look at itself and try to figure out why they are out of touch with the majority of the country! After all, the Republican party hasn't had this much political power in D.C. and the states since the 1880"s! That should tell them something!

In order to pass an amendment to the constitution, it would require approval of 37 states and two thirds vote of approval by the Senate to ratify!

indeed it is

the state legislators has tipped quite far to the right

it is getting there buddy
While (as you know) I'm not happy with the election results, I get the theory, and I'd agree that it should remain.

If you were the successful businessman you claim to be (don't worry, no one believes you are) you'd know, "We've always done it that way" is a recipe for failure.

The Electoral college has never picked a President over the will of the people who wasn't a completely fucking disaster. the people get these things right.
Jefferson raped his slave, but we don't know if any of the other Founding Freemasons did or not. You should not therefore ever ass-u-me.

Right. Because clearly if you totally own a hot woman and can do whatever you want to her, legally, I'm sure they'd have been total gentlmen about it.

"I'll work you to fucking death, but I won't fuck you."
It needs to stay to protect America from the tyrany of a few very high populated states.

As opposed to what, you stupid fuck? The tyranny of a few sparsely populated states inhabited by ignorant inbred idiots?

The people said NO. by about 3 million votes.

o it comes down to philosophy. Do we want one, two or three large states picking the presidency? Or do we want the system we have were there are 51 popularity contests run? Just saying that a person doesn't want the EC cause their candidate didn't win is BS.

then why bother to have a vote at all?
You mean like CA getting 55 and South Dakota getting 3? I realize you want to win so badly you will condone anything even Hillary cheating and CA allowing anyone to vote. I for one am not comfortable with CA alone deciding whom is president. After the last 8 years I can see why you would want a dictatorship.

I voted because my vote counts more so then being disenfranchised by illegals voting in CA.
You mean like CA getting 55 and South Dakota getting 3?

CA has 39 Million people. SD has 858,000. So while California gets one elector for 709,000 people, the inbred sheepfuckers in South Dakota get one for every 280,000 people.

That's fucked up.

I realize you want to win so badly you will condone anything even Hillary cheating and CA allowing anyone to vote. I for one am not comfortable with CA alone deciding whom is president. After the last 8 years I can see why you would want a dictatorship.

Actually, what I want is a Democracy. If Trump got the most votes, I'd be sad that we have given into racism and misogyny, but that would be that. But he didn't. The people got this right,and we are stuck with him anyway.

I voted because my vote counts more so then being disenfranchised by illegals voting in CA.

How is an illegal "disenfranchising" you, exactly? Besides the fact you guys have offered no evidence they are voting in any significant numbers, so what if they are? They live here, they are affected by all the bone-headed decisions made in Washington that you are.
and again, why haven't those accusations continued once Trump was elected? Pretty powerful stuff to have as ammo in the current EC fight, unless of course they were all made up...

Again, that works on the assumptionthat the Republican Hacks would care. The thing is, YOU KNOW WHAT TRUMP IS. You just have decided that you don't care as long as you keep to get compensating for your tiny dick, you don't really

care what he does to other people.

Those guys too a bath, but then they bought cheap on the rebound. Again, if you had managed your portfolio properly, you would have weathered the storm better.

Quite right. We'll just take yours. You're kind of like the fat bear who admonishes the skinny bear, and then wonders why the skinny bear EATS him.

"The Capitalist will sell us the rope we hang him with!"

Nice flimsy rationalization there.

And of course you go to a commie quote....figures.
You mean like CA getting 55 and South Dakota getting 3?

CA has 39 Million people. SD has 858,000. So while California gets one elector for 709,000 people, the inbred sheepfuckers in South Dakota get one for every 280,000 people.

That's fucked up.

I realize you want to win so badly you will condone anything even Hillary cheating and CA allowing anyone to vote. I for one am not comfortable with CA alone deciding whom is president. After the last 8 years I can see why you would want a dictatorship.

Actually, what I want is a Democracy. If Trump got the most votes, I'd be sad that we have given into racism and misogyny, but that would be that. But he didn't. The people got this right,and we are stuck with him anyway.

I voted because my vote counts more so then being disenfranchised by illegals voting in CA.

How is an illegal "disenfranchising" you, exactly? Besides the fact you guys have offered no evidence they are voting in any significant numbers, so what if they are? They live here, they are affected by all the bone-headed decisions made in Washington that you are.

Yeah, the SCOTUS forcing law upon us is ..... up. Yeah having a congress that represents us is .....ed up. I guess what you want is a pure democracy where everything is decided by the people? Or are you just against our representative government when you lose? The EC is based on the representation that a state has in Congress. If it is fair to give smaller states some say in congress, then why isn't it fair in the presidential election. It is perfectly fair. Add the states up that it would take to match CA's EC votes and I will bet that the population totals for those states would pretty much equal those of CA.

Do you really want CA deciding who is the next president and the hell with the other 50 states, where Trump won the popular vote?
Nice flimsy rationalization there.

And of course you go to a commie quote....figures.

I'm sure the Romanovs were standing at the side of the ditch wondering what they did wrong...

I'm telling you in advance. "I've got mine, fuck you" isn't a strategy that works out for you in the long run.

And "gimme yours, fuck you" is a better one?
The voices that you hear are in your own head, Joey.

I'm perfectly sane.

I am questioning you sanity.

Uh, yeah, guy, you just voted for a Nazi because a scary woman might be president. I think you are a little nuts... sorry, man.

Yousaid, why do you argue with this guy, he is a astro turfing manipulator! Look at his response to you, lol. He says Trump is a NAZI! Hwe starts you out with a false premise instantly. Then follows up with, a scary woman, which is also a fallacy, she is a crooked woman.

So you see, this is how they do it, with narratives, and everyone is so used to seeing their lies, you answer the phony question.

Ignore him! They are SO pissed, all they can do to make themselves feel better is mess with people, they have no power, and can do NOTHING! Laugh at him, lol. He is a pimple on the political ass of Democrats, and the Democrats are now a pimple on the political ass of the country-)
Yeah, the SCOTUS forcing law upon us is ..... up. Yeah having a congress that represents us is .....ed up. I guess what you want is a pure democracy where everything is decided by the people? Or are you just against our representative government when you lose?

No, I'm against when i WIN and then I don't get what I want, anyway. This is what you don't get.

Most people said "NO" to Trumpenfuhrer.

Frankly, I'd have no problem with more direct democracy. California has a referendum system and it mostly works just fine.

The EC is based on the representation that a state has in Congress.

which is fucked up. There's no good reason to do that. None whatsoever. Look, we are a big grown up Democracy now. We can directly elect the President and it's fine. The guys who win the popular vote usually turn out to be okay Presidents. The guys the EC Forces down out throats tend to be real shitbags.

The people saw Trump for what he was and said no. But now we are stuck with him anyway because of Russian Hacking.

Good going.

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