The future of Electoral Voters

It is really ridiculous--------->the LEFT needs control of the Federal government, to spread misery equally among the states. If they can NOT do this, it becomes apparent which states fare better. People like Joe/Cambell, are in a race against time to get the power to spread the misery so as people believe that the way it is, is what the far left says.

If you guys could win a national election honestly, we wouldn't have an issue with you.

Instead you steal power, and abuse it..

No Republican/Conservative/Libertarians, the far left does NOT fear Trump, they just despise him.

Uh, no actually, we really do fear him.. because he's a racist Nazi idiot. Because he doesn't know what he's doing. Because he says things like we need more nukes.

Notice that the left wants to get rid of the EC! States rights, but they want to circumvent them. They NEED to throttle back states rights as much as they can, basically because THEY KNOW for the forseeable future, the GOP is going to have control of the majority of the states. And so, their whole shtick is now 2 fold......get rid of the EC, AND belittle states rights in the process.

Yes, we do want to get rid of states rights. We do want to get rid of corrupt backwaters where they try to curtail the rights of women and minorities.

Do the people of the GOP realize, that under our constitution, soon.....very soon........YOU will be able to call an article 5, insist upon what you want to protect, and the blue states will be unable to stop you! This is EXACTLY why the left is working on demeaning the EC, and states rights. They know the math.....although they will never tell you--------->a couple more states turn red in 2018, and the left can do absolutely NOTHING if the red states decide to call an article 5. YOU will dictate their SURRENDER to having to follow OUR constitution, and even the Supreme Court can NOT stop you.

Guy, it's kind of the opposite. The more likely scenario, when we get the Trump recession, all those blue states where the GOP has been able to bully their way into voter suppression, will turn on you pretty thoroughly. Walker, Snyder, Kasich, Scott... All goign bye-bye... and they'll be the ones drawing the congressional districts after the 2020 Census.

You see, Trump will inherit

Still haven't passed the denial stage of grief I see, give it time you'll feel better.
Still haven't passed the denial stage of grief I see, give it time you'll feel better.

I think you are a little confused. I'm not the one who gave up everything i stood for to "win".

That would be you guys.

Christians voted for a womanizer who promoted vice.
Libertarians voted for an authoritarian who threatens to throw his opponents in jail.
Security Republicans voted for a Russian Stooge.
Free Marketers voted for for a protectionist who is going to subsidize businesses and take corporate welfare to a new level...

I'm sorry, what did you guys win again? Oh, that's right. The hope that he will appoint someone to SCOTUS who will be as much as a knuckle dragger as Scalia was.

Wrong, 67% of the States said YES.

States actually say something? Do states actually exist outside of lines on a map?

The people said No.
We need a few basic civics lessons around here. Am I alone in believing this to be true?

Pretty much. "The Founding Slave Rapists Said So", isn't a good reason to do something stupid after the voters pretty clearly said no.
Jefferson raped his slave, but we don't know if any of the other Founding Freemasons did or not. You should not therefore ever ass-u-me.
Jefferson didn't rape anyone. He took his sister in law as his mistress after his wife died.
Jefferson didn't rape anyone. He took his sister in law as his mistress after his wife died.

The problem with that argument is that his (half) sister-in-law also happened to be his property, and according to the constitution he helped write, only 3/5th of a white person...

It has to do with a little something called "Consent". When you are a slave and you can be taken out behind the house and legally whipped for non-compliance, you don't have "consent'.
Jefferson didn't rape anyone. He took his sister in law as his mistress after his wife died.

The problem with that argument is that his (half) sister-in-law also happened to be his property, and according to the constitution he helped write, only 3/5th of a white person...

It has to do with a little something called "Consent". When you are a slave and you can be taken out behind the house and legally whipped for non-compliance, you don't have "consent'.
He did not own her. He did not whip her. She was raised as a lady and fulfilled the functions of the mistress of the household. Her brothers were Jefferson's companions and advisors.
Still haven't passed the denial stage of grief I see, give it time you'll feel better.

I think you are a little confused. I'm not the one who gave up everything i stood for to "win".

That would be you guys.

Christians voted for a womanizer who promoted vice.
Libertarians voted for an authoritarian who threatens to throw his opponents in jail.
Security Republicans voted for a Russian Stooge.
Free Marketers voted for for a protectionist who is going to subsidize businesses and take corporate welfare to a new level...

I'm sorry, what did you guys win again? Oh, that's right. The hope that he will appoint someone to SCOTUS who will be as much as a knuckle dragger as Scalia was.

Wrong, 67% of the States said YES.

States actually say something? Do states actually exist outside of lines on a map?

The people said No.

Poor little joey, you constantly berate people who believe in a higher power, yet you cling so tightly to the mythical national popular vote as if it has some bearing on reality.

Maybe you should run over to your local college and see if they'll allow you to use one of their safe spaces, a little coloring, juice box or hot chocolate will help. They might also help you with understanding that States are alive and well, as was demonstrated on Nov 8.
Poor little joey, you constantly berate people who believe in a higher power, yet you cling so tightly to the mythical national popular vote as if it has some bearing on reality.

It tells you what the people actually wanted. Good luck when they have a chance to prove that again in 2 years and you don't have the slave rapist trick to save you.
Poor little joey, you constantly berate people who believe in a higher power, yet you cling so tightly to the mythical national popular vote as if it has some bearing on reality.

It tells you what the people actually wanted. Good luck when they have a chance to prove that again in 2 years and you don't have the slave rapist trick to save you.

Yeah, it did, and it wasn't the hildabitch. 67% of the States saw through your regressive smoke and mirrors and rejected them. Instead of fixing your flawed message you idiots keep trying to developed schemes to force your will on the rest of us, how's that working for ya? We kept the House, Senate, got the presidency and will soon control the court. LMAO If you regressives keep on the same road, we will get an additional 9-10 seats in the Senate in the midterms along with another 30-35 in the House. The pendulum is swinging the other way now, you best learn to deal with it.
Then why do you keep pushing for it?

are you some kind of fucking retard?

I'm just asking, because, frankly, when you compare a social safety net to slavery, you know, that's kind of like being a complete fucking retard. Like we shouldn't let you leave the house by yourself.

And I mentioned a social safety net where? You're not very good at this are ya?
It tells you what the people actually wanted. Good luck when they have a chance to prove that again in 2 years and you don't have the slave rapist trick to save you.

Wrong it tells you what a very few indoctrinated PAID for votes areas wanted ONLY The rest of the country that really pays the bills got what they wanted. That is why we have the EC, and why we need it to keep a pile of wortless stupid coerced shit from taking control of the government. We had eight years of it, the shit tried to buy their way back in by giving away OUR damn money and the EC kept it from happening. Lie to someone else about what most people wanted because most people didn't even vote or have the chance to. the shitbitch did not get a majority of the people in the country, OR even 51% of the vote, so guess the hell what she was NOT the choice of the majority. LIAR you pump out lies just like all liberal dogshit. PROVE THE RAPIST statement with a case file smartass liberal. Better yet Trump can probably get an easy case of defamation with a major million dollar settlement or at least felony conspiracy to defame with a few of the other LIARS in the thread and forum, with your lie in this post. He is after all not like clinton a proven by the FBI liar and inept buffoon after thirty years of PROVEN lies by her family. Or a proven criminal of any kind. We need to start holding lying shit accountable for their hate speech, defamation, labeling people they have no knowledge whatsoever as some vile group. You shit are pure scum in the eyes of most people. I and everyone I know are tired of your lying, labeling, intimidation, theft, intolerance, violation of the majority of the peoples rights and pure arrogance When YOU are the dumbest most vile group of people on earth. Cry some more now, YOU ARE LOOSERS cmon now boo hoo hoo. HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH you so funnaaayyyy.
Yeah, it did, and it wasn't the hildabitch. 67% of the States saw through your regressive smoke and mirrors and rejected them. Instead of fixing your flawed message you idiots keep trying to developed schemes to force your will on the rest of us, how's that working for ya? We kept the House, Senate, got the presidency and will soon control the court. LMAO If you regressives keep on the same road, we will get an additional 9-10 seats in the Senate in the midterms along with another 30-35 in the House. The pendulum is swinging the other way now, you best learn to deal with it.

Actually, guy, your control of the Senate requires people like McCain and Grahmn to put their egos aside and go along with Trump.... that ain't gonna happen.

I think you all forgot the last time you had everything and had so little to show for it.
Wrong it tells you what a very few indoctrinated PAID for votes areas wanted ONLY The rest of the country that really pays the bills got what they wanted. That is why we have the EC, and why we need it to keep a pile of wortless stupid coerced shit from taking control of the government.

Again, you are a crazy person, and it's really a waste talking to you... but let's look at this map.


The states that get LESS back than they send to Washington are the Blue States.

The states that get MORE back are the RED states.

So who is living off of whom, exactly.

Let's also look at some more fun maps..

Here's a chart of the highest percentage of disability claims.


Oh, damn... the highest percentage of claims for disability are in the RED States.

Hey, let's look at the Earned Income Tax Credit. you kn ow, the one where people who don't pay taxes get a refund!


Oh, damn, it's the red states again!

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