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The future starts now

The 100% electric future of renewables is starting right now;

When i was in California, i saw windmills that werent turning, and lots of dust from the California fires, on the solar panel farms. And then California wonders why they have rolling black outs.. Have you looked out side lately and seen the very cold air that is coming from the "MELTING" ice caps? You can be a stupid prog slave and give up your carbon needs, but many of US want to stay alive in the cold, so either continue to use natural gas, or we start cutting down trees. Which do you prefer?

Why California had rolling blackouts: mainly, poor planning | CalMatters
We won't be so lucky. Obiden will shut our coal mines down. We will have no backup. Obama's policies would have meant some to no electric here where I live. Now that he is back in office, I think it's time to generate our own hydro electric power.
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The 100% electric future of renewables is starting right now;

You're BACK !! With the same old propaganda. Cheery professional voice folks quoting cherry picked good news. Here's the bad news.. Even if you achieved the goal in this horseshit presentation of "4x generation from batteries" -- At mind-numbing dollar cost and environmental carnages with a UNSTAINABLE reliance on Lithium mining, you'd still need a TWELVE X increase in solar wind capacity to generate enough charge to FILL those batteries and deliver their sketchy unreliable power. And SOLAR ALONE IS GONE 13 to 16 HOURS EVERY FUCKING DAY,. So IT NEEDS 3X capacity just to be a constant source to the grid..

Wind aint EVEN worth storing more than a few hours. Because it can take WEEKS OFF from providing anywhere near 25% of ITS capacity..

So the dead bodies gonna pile up quickly if you KILL Nat Gas and most of coal, bring on an EV Mandate before you ADDED about 30% generation and line capacity. The COST of this cheery bullshit with the enviro killing unsustainable battery fantasy and the EXCESS CAPACITY GENERATION to charge them is just the BEGINNING of the price tag.

If you dont keep a LARGE Nat Gas generation capacity on reserve when shit goes wrong or everyone charges their vehicles at once -- the bodies are gonna pile up faster, AND since PRIVATE investment will not build or maintain these facilities as gold plated back-ups they can't run at a profit --- THE PUBLIC will end up footing the bill thru their utility companies and that AGAIN DOUBLES the cost of the wind or solar you've installed to INCREASE generation.

Wind/Solar are SUPPLEMENTS - Never have been ALTERNATIVES...
Hey GoldieRocks -- you really are a Rube Goldberg kinda guy.. Listen to James Hansen and environmentalists on this .. "If you believe that wind and solar alone are gonna fix Global Warning, then you probably believe in the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny as well.. "

Currently writing a policy paper on wind, solar as supplements. Researching the Battery station they're building at Moss Landing that really is just enough to keep the grid stable with CURRENT amounts of wind and solar. And not even CLOSE to the capacity needed to make wind and solar safe and reliable with millions of tons of toxic battery waste..
Amazing how you luddites are incapable of seeing the future. The whole lot of you said Tesla was going bankrupt, and here they are making money every quarter and now the most valuable auto company in the world. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would have invested in Tesla when it was about $37 in mid 2019, now it is about $800. And will go much higher in the coming years. tesla stock - Google Search
Amazing how you luddites are incapable of seeing the future. The whole lot of you said Tesla was going bankrupt, and here they are making money every quarter and now the most valuable auto company in the world. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would have invested in Tesla when it was about $37 in mid 2019, now it is about $800. And will go much higher in the coming years. tesla stock - Google Search
How can you see the future when your energy needs dont meet the demands and thus you are in the dark?
Amazing how you luddites are incapable of seeing the future. The whole lot of you said Tesla was going bankrupt, and here they are making money every quarter and now the most valuable auto company in the world. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would have invested in Tesla when it was about $37 in mid 2019, now it is about $800. And will go much higher in the coming years. tesla stock - Google Search

Tesla makes money selling credits, not cars
Our future is our past, minus the carbon producing fire

Amazing how you luddites are incapable of seeing the future. The whole lot of you said Tesla was going bankrupt, and here they are making money every quarter and now the most valuable auto company in the world. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would have invested in Tesla when it was about $37 in mid 2019, now it is about $800. And will go much higher in the coming years. tesla stock - Google Search

Did ya get a piece of BitCoin also? We were here almost 12 years ago when the SOLAR ETF stocks were trading near$200. They haven't broken $20 in about 10 years. THere's just no RATIONAL BACKING to the value of Tesla stock..

One does not have to be an EV bear to have concerns about Tesla’s current valuation. Assuming a 22% compound annual growth rate in EV sales volumes over the next 10 years implies that Tesla is trading at more than 60x 2030 EPS. Even for the most bullish investors, this is too high a price for just an automobile business. Therefore, we estimate that just under half of Tesla’s market value is derived from selling EVs and the rest is from ancillary businesses. While Tesla’s shares tend to run ahead of fundamentals, current levels imply that it will dominate EV sales and many of its adjacent businesses are a sure bet. In short, a lot must go right for Tesla’s valuation to be justified.

If ya wanna hold that stock til 2030 to realize a valuation of 60 times EPShare, be my guest. But unless his insurance biz, and subscription sales biz and charging station biz pan out to be market dominant. And the other car companies feinting to "go all EV" are just gonna roll over and die.. I'd stick with the advice from Musk last May 2020.

When Elon Musk tweeted in May that the share price of Tesla was “too high” at $780 (£622), it caused a brief moment of panicked selling by investors in the electric carmaker. Yet two months later Tesla had overtaken Toyota as the world’s most valuable carmaker in a remarkable rally in which its market value briefly topped $300bn this week.

Tesla has never made an annual profit but the company has a market value equivalent to a third of the combined US, EU and Japanese auto indices – despite an expected share of only 0.8% of the global auto market this year. That disconnect has prompted re-evaluation from some investors and euphoria for others as they try to work out if the carmaker can ever justify the heady valuation.

Threads not about Tesla anyway. You can't or you wont admit that just over-producing and storing solar WHEN ITS WORKING WELL -- is a MASSIVE increase in cost to implement and a huge NEGATIVE enviro impact. And you're NEVER gonna store enough to "flatten its 8hrs of daily production curve.

You just keep finding the "cheerleader" fluff pieces and ignore realities. And you apparently cannot grasp that the sun is only in the sky with useful energy for 7 to 9 hours per day depending on LATTITUDE, season, weather, age of the panels, whether they are tracking or fixed and snow, ice, particulates. Can not DO wind in some areas. Can not DO solar in others.

How about you address some of that?? Because the reality IS -- these are SUPPLEMENTS -- NOT ALTERNATIVES to anything reliable and cheap,.
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The 100% electric future of renewables is starting right now;

When i was in California, i saw windmills that werent turning, and lots of dust from the California fires, on the solar panel farms. And then California wonders why they have rolling black outs.. Have you looked out side lately and seen the very cold air that is coming from the "MELTING" ice caps? You can be a stupid prog slave and give up your carbon needs, but many of US want to stay alive in the cold, so either continue to use natural gas, or we start cutting down trees. Which do you prefer?

Why California had rolling blackouts: mainly, poor planning | CalMatters

Yep, every time I drive by those Y-U-G-E wind farms in Cali, only a fraction of them are turning.
Thses ridiculous stock prices and P/E ratios are just another indication that way too much money is sitting at the top and people who actually produce stuff are way underpaid. So much so that even Musk is ashamed of himself.
Amazing how you luddites are incapable of seeing the future. The whole lot of you said Tesla was going bankrupt, and here they are making money every quarter and now the most valuable auto company in the world. If you were as smart as you think you are, you would have invested in Tesla when it was about $37 in mid 2019, now it is about $800. And will go much higher in the coming years. tesla stock - Google Search

When it was $37, it was really worth a -$400 a share. Now that it's at $800 a share, it's real net worth is -$2,000 share. It's merely a stock market version of a poker bluff by a guy who missed drawing a straight but doesn't want to fold as long as people keep anteing up the hand.

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