The Future

WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
What if there is a new procedure that might work to fix a disease, but the government panel thinks it's too experimental and costly to approve.

What recourse does one have to pursue that potential cure?

(see the UK case where parents wanted to pay for treatment outside the single-payer system and were told to accept their child's pending death and were DENIED)

Bu-bye freedom.



Private plans are available in the UK. You can also pay out of pocket for anything not covered.

sorry but youre wrong again,,,
My stance on abortion is irrelevant to efficiency of our healthcare system.
I require clarity to better address your stance. What choice do you believe you would lose under a single payer system?

The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?
The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?
but you want it to be the only game in town,,,
Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

but government isnt the payer we are,,,

A payer is the one who pays the healthcare provider for their services. The govt would be the payer. You pay taxes.

the payer is the one that worked for the money that ends up paying the doctor

Your insurer worked for your payment? WTF?
WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
What if there is a new procedure that might work to fix a disease, but the government panel thinks it's too experimental and costly to approve.

What recourse does one have to pursue that potential cure?

(see the UK case where parents wanted to pay for treatment outside the single-payer system and were told to accept their child's pending death and were DENIED)

Bu-bye freedom.



Private plans are available in the UK. You can also pay out of pocket for anything not covered.

Terminally ill boy denied 'potentially life-saving' treatment by NHS 'would be given it in any US hospital'
Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?
but you want it to be the only game in town,,,

That's what single payer means, dope.
First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.


So according to your screed the Republican party only does WEDGE issues and the Democratic party has never partaken in anything like that, am I correct?

If so could you please explain to the kind board why Obama waited until losing the House to demand Immigration reform?

Could you also explain why Obama insisted on signing the ACA aka Romneycare and not request for the Nixon\Kennedy plan instead?

Also during the eight years of Bush and the few years of Trump Pelosi lead Democrats have not offered much in bipartisan Bill's, can you explain why?

I know you will have to wait for Maddow to give you the answers so I will enjoy your accusations of me being a Trumpster, Birther and a person that hate our Republic because let face it you are just trolling!
Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?
but you want it to be the only game in town,,,

That's what single payer means, dope.

So you want what our Veterans get?
Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?
but you want it to be the only game in town,,,

That's what single payer means, dope.

I know,,,and is why I oppose it
Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

but government isnt the payer we are,,,

A payer is the one who pays the healthcare provider for their services. The govt would be the payer. You pay taxes.

Half you degenerates pukes and ALL wetbacks DO NOT pay taxes...What now?

The govt is already paying for indigent care, dope.
Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

but government isnt the payer we are,,,

A payer is the one who pays the healthcare provider for their services. The govt would be the payer. You pay taxes.

the payer is the one that worked for the money that ends up paying the doctor

Your insurer worked for your payment? WTF?

well they dont sit around doing nothing like you do,,,and its between me and them and none of your business
Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

again thats my personal business not yours

Look, dope. You're on a public forum.
You're bashing single payer healthcare by saying it restricts your choice but it's personal information when asked what choices you're referring to?


my choice to choose for myself how when and where I get healthcare,,,

Why do you belive you wouldn't have that choice?

what makes you believe I would???

and I have examples from all over the world that prove me right

Everyone would be on the same plan, dope. That means every doctor would accept it. No? Who else are they seeing?
What does that even mean. LOL

didnt think you would understand,,,

I don't understand because the subject is the us healthcare system. Your statement has nothing to do woth that.

healthcare is up to the person and how they care for themselves

insurance is when that fails in a catastrophic nature and not for doctor visits
Thats why I say healthcare and not insurance.

so now youre separating them,,,

sorry in this case they are the same

Show me where I said insurance.
didnt think you would understand,,,

I don't understand because the subject is the us healthcare system. Your statement has nothing to do woth that.

healthcare is up to the person and how they care for themselves

insurance is when that fails in a catastrophic nature and not for doctor visits
Thats why I say healthcare and not insurance.

so now youre separating them,,,

sorry in this case they are the same

Show me where I said insurance.

what does single payer mean healthcare mean other than government ran insurance???

we pay them and they pay the doctors,,ie insurance
WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
What if there is a new procedure that might work to fix a disease, but the government panel thinks it's too experimental and costly to approve.

What recourse does one have to pursue that potential cure?

(see the UK case where parents wanted to pay for treatment outside the single-payer system and were told to accept their child's pending death and were DENIED)

Bu-bye freedom.



Private plans are available in the UK. You can also pay out of pocket for anything not covered.
Those only cover the part that government doesn't exclusively control.
Health care in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

Here is the end result:
Who is Charlie Gard, what is the disease he suffered from and what happened in the court case?
Why Charlie Gard's case is so disturbing to Americans
Do those “models” include 80-100 million illegal and barely legal thirdworlders? Does more than half their nation pay zero in income taxes? Isn’t their minimum tax rate 30-40%?
Wake up simply can not have socialism and a wide open border between us and disgusting thirdworlders.

None of that is relevant in any way.
This country already pays for all that, dope.

You make no sense bud...think once...It’s all relevant. There is no more free shit available for you beggars. The wetbacks have fucked you lowlife degenerates over.

Idiot-gram ^^^; Lunatic Fringe Post variety.

What the hell is wrong with you loons. Put the word "free" in front of anything and you idiots are in, hook, line and sinker. The price on just about everything typically equates to the level and quality of services provided. You want free, the service will match the price. Go ask your doctor, or any doctor, how he/she feels about getting a 40% pay cut. You want free, soup lines are many of you are taking advantage of that service?

Need I continue to remind you that your nom de plume is absurd, since you never seem to think before you post?

The ACA was not free, it was subsidized (why do you lie?).

Statement: "The price on just about everything typically equates to the level and quality of services provided"

Response: True, but a half-truth. Cheap policies have fine print, and most health insurance policies have limits in terms of costs and procedures.

Doctors can drop out of the ACA program, and many have done so. They might price themselves out of business if they do so.

The cost to become an MD is exorbitant, those who enter medical school can also be subsidized by the government, if and only if they accept the fee schedule of citizens who have government insurance; they will be free to treat someone like you whose ideology prevents them from buying into the ACA.

Yea, sure don't see where I said ACA was free. ACA was definitely not free, especially to those of us that had to pay. Doctors can and do drop out of ACA, just as they do with Medicare. Typically if a doctor is just starting out Medicare and ACA patients are easy pickin, after a few years in practice they go out on their own and avoid the Medicare and ACA patients due to all the red tape and lower payments. As far as my "nom de plume", some idiot had already used wry catcher.
The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

Damn, you're in a fricken dream world also.


If the govt is the payer, then every doctor or hospital is in-network. No?

How about an all doctors take Medicare or Medical?

Umm.....they would if that was the biggest game in town. No?

Ah, no.
Everyone would be on the same plan, dope. That means every doctor would accept it. No? Who else are they seeing?
And, to save costs, doctors would take at least a 40% pay cut.

So, smart people will avoid medicine and the requirements will be lowered to save costs, resulting in a sharp fall in standards.



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