The Future

First of all, good health precedes everything else. The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals, and the Republican Party seeks to put profit before good health for all.

The only argument the Republican Party can offer is to claim government's intercession on the repeal of the ACA is it is Socialism. A claim which is absurd and an appeal to emotions.

Our government was founded by We the people to, "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

Common sense suggests the current iteration of Republicans (RINO's) have move so far to the dark side, that the meaning of the Preamble has been lost.

What do I mean by the Dark Side?

The R. Party's use of Wedge Issues, their lust for power and greed. No one will be able to equate any of the visions highlighted in the Preamble which is part of the current ideology under Trump and the miss-named Freedom Caucus.
First of all, the OP is suggesting that good health is dependent on government policies. I would suggest that good health is an individual responsibility. For instance, get off the couch, the chips, the cigarettes, the booze and drugs. Too many people are too damn dependent on the government to run their lives.
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.

Some people think good health can be promoted by government, others have been brainwashed by the special interests and the pols who benefit from their dollars.

We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.
no there isnt,,,

Show us.
Show us a costlier, govt run system with worse treatment outcomes.

Try the UK on that one. People have to bring their own water to the hospital or get none . Then there's the long waiting periods to get the needed medical care and surgeries.

Patients told to stay away after water supply
The Sun, A News UK Company Close. Your Sun ... NHS WATER CRISIS Patients in Manchester told to stay away, operations cancelled and doctors buy bottled water to wash hands after water supply dries ...
NHS patients dying from dehydration in hospitals
Dying for a drink: Over 12,000 killed by dehydration in hospitals every year. Patients are suffering dehydration and acute kidney injury (AKI) due to a lack of water, despite an official report highlighting the danger four years ago. NHS Kidney Care, an arm of the Department of Health, said at least 12,000 patients a year are dying from kidney disease due to lack of fluids.

Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.
By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.

I lived in Canada for many years - I know single payer WAAAY better then most of you.

It has it's good points - especially if you are poor (if you are poor, the Canadian system is light years ahead of America's).

But it has it's bad points - like INCREDIBLE wait times for non-life threatening things (even while in hospital) and you get treated like a number since customer service is TOTALLY irrelevant (you could could cry, moan, bitch, complain or whatever in a Canadian hospital. No one will give a shit - unless they are kind - because it is not their job to care about your satisfaction...just to follow the rules and NEVER go outside of them).
Plus, it ain't cheap - about $6K in taxes for each taxpayer and that does NOT include drugs (only welfare recipients get their drugs paid for - at least in the several provinces I lived in).

The solution is obvious (to me, anyway) - two-tiered healthcare. Full, government healthcare for free for those who need it (especially children) and the rest have private, FULLY free-market healthcare with near-zero government interference (including with insurance).

But right now, America has the worst of both worlds. A crummy, government healthcare alternative. With a 'free market', private healthcare industry that is 'free market' in name only.
Last edited:
The cost of healthcare EXPLODED and has increased exponentially ever since the US government first got involved

The OP solution? Mo' n bigga gubbamint!
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.

By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.


With all due respect to you BLF, you're NUTS.
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.

By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.


With all due respect to you BLF, you're NUTS.

but that doesnt mean hes wrong,,,
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.

By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.


With all due respect to you BLF, you're NUTS.

but that doesnt mean hes wrong,,,

First of all BLF uses war, I hope metaphorically, but it's clear he has never seen the Elephant. Calling me, and others Communists, is lunacy. I have more assets, and investments in stocks and bonds than at least 80% of the US population.

What he and other lunatics claim are "commies" are usually like me, supporters of Judeo-Christian values, who support democracy and the living Constitution.

Finally, BLF violated the rules in making a personal threat directed at me in his last two sentences. I don't sweat threats, in my career in LE I've been threatened before, mostly when the actor is in a cage.
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.

But you choose for ideology to refute with no reason the fact that addiction is largely a heredity based trait, as are cancers, obesity, hypertension and high cholesterol. And your persistent willful STUPIDITY detracts from the truth than in some areas of HC consumer competition most likely would control costs.
Yes Virginia, there are stupid questions. But, I suppose a response is in order, even when the question is stupid.

When the smoker / chewer gets cancer or has a heart attack.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.

By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.


With all due respect to you BLF, you're NUTS.

but that doesnt mean hes wrong,,,
Actually it does mean he's wrong.
The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals...
The goal of the ACA is to screw up the US health care system to the point where the people support federal universal health care.
Democrats, always looking to increase the power of the state and control over the people living in it, fully support this, for obvious reasons.
Why on earth would conservatives oppose this?

The goal of the ACA is to provide effective health care which is affordable and available to all citizens

Conservatives oppose it because, Obama signed it.

  • Health care was increasing double digits for 20 years, annually;
  • Hard working people were losing everything when a catastrophic injury or disease effected their family and their insurance had limits;
  • People with existing conditions could not afford or even obtain health insurance;
  • And, conservatives put profit before people.

The goal of ACA is to provide effective health care with is affordable and it failed.

Conservatives opposed it because they knew they were being lied to.

You are one of the liars.
Yeah, and why should we bail that fucker out at our expense? That person needs to pay or die. Decisions have dire consequences.

Government protects the consumer, but the consumer does nothing to protect himself. Do you see the problem?

You don't seem to grasp what government really is. Government is FORCE. That is all. Nothing more.

You think government should FORCE people to only consume government-approved products. You thing government should prohibit people from deciding what the will consume with the same "comply or die" coercion?


Government, by it's very nature, is a necessary affront to liberty. Government is the antithesis of liberty.

You must understand and accept that concept first. Otherwise, I will be wasting my time.


A simple answer to a complex issue ^^^. There is more to the issue than to blame the victim. I used to waste my time and provide comprehensive responses to the simple and concrete thinkers. Not any more.

Fortunately the Libertarian Ideology will never secure enough support to impose their lassiez faire approach to governance.

By "victim" you mean the motherfucking idiots who took no personal responsibility and who are now holding me at gunpoint (via government) and demanding that I pay for their motherfucking stupidity.

Do you see why we want a fucking war?

It's time for us to turn the guns back on your thieving commie ilk.

"Live free or die" mean I live free or YOU die.


With all due respect to you BLF, you're NUTS.

but that doesnt mean hes wrong,,,

First of all BLF uses war, I hope metaphorically, but it's clear he has never seen the Elephant. Calling me, and others Communists, is lunacy. I have more assets, and investments in stocks and bonds than at least 80% of the US population.

What he and other lunatics claim are "commies" are usually like me, supports of Judo-Christian ethics, who support democracy and the living Constitution.

Finally, BLF violated the rules in making a personal threat directed at me in his last two sentences. I don't sweat threats, in my career in LE I've been threatened before, mostly when the actor is in a cage.
there are 2 groups of people in a communist society,,,

the haves and have nots,,,you obviously are the haves

and your view of us being a democracy and having a living constitution confirm you are more communist than not,,,,

as for the war part i have to ask,,,

are you willing to kill me to get your way??
cause I am willing to die to stop you,,,

its you and your kind that send men with guns to my house and not the other way around
The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals...
The goal of the ACA is to screw up the US health care system to the point where the people support federal universal health care.
Democrats, always looking to increase the power of the state and control over the people living in it, fully support this, for obvious reasons.
Why on earth would conservatives oppose this?

The goal of the ACA is to provide effective health care which is affordable and available to all citizens

Conservatives oppose it because, Obama signed it.

  • Health care was increasing double digits for 20 years, annually;
  • Hard working people were losing everything when a catastrophic injury or disease effected their family and their insurance had limits;
  • People with existing conditions could not afford or even obtain health insurance;
  • And, conservatives put profit before people.

The goal of ACA is to provide effective health care with is affordable and it failed.

Conservatives opposed it because they knew they were being lied to.

You are one of the liars.

To be clear, I didn't agree with all its premises, but imo the ACA was intended to be a means to universal coverage, and while Roberts re-wrote it, it was a step in that direction and despite Roberts did curtail cost increases … in a socialistic manner. (-:
The current ideologies are in conflict, the Democratic Party supports the ACA goals...
The goal of the ACA is to screw up the US health care system to the point where the people support federal universal health care.
Democrats, always looking to increase the power of the state and control over the people living in it, fully support this, for obvious reasons.
Why on earth would conservatives oppose this?

The goal of the ACA is to provide effective health care which is affordable and available to all citizens

Conservatives oppose it because, Obama signed it.

  • Health care was increasing double digits for 20 years, annually;
  • Hard working people were losing everything when a catastrophic injury or disease effected their family and their insurance had limits;
  • People with existing conditions could not afford or even obtain health insurance;
  • And, conservatives put profit before people.

The goal of ACA is to provide effective health care with is affordable and it failed.

Conservatives opposed it because they knew they were being lied to.

You are one of the liars.

The ACA has not failed, costs are up but health care in America grew at double digits before the PPACA became active.

Conservatives opposed it because they put profit before people, and fooled biddable people that the bill was the first step toward socialism. Hate and fear sure works on the ignorant and the biddable.

Thankfully, as Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time".

As education and an informed nation it's clear Trump&Co. cannot ever fool all of the people, all of the time. But he can sure fool some of the people all of the time, and can't fool all of us.

Republicans want to push "socialism vs. freedom" as an opening 2020 message

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