The Future

Global Health
Our first govt healthcare was started in the early 50s for dependents of military personnel. Medicare in 65.
Remember, i said consider costs after inflation so include the hyperinflation in the 30s and 40s before you apologize for being a govt stooge.

That tells me nothing.
Because you dont want to see anything that goes against your closed, statist mind.
It tells any rational person all they need to know.

No. You didn't show how it made healthcare more expensive.

thats self explanatory,,, it's not.
The ability to make intelligent choices....dumbass.

Such as? Every doctor or hospital in the country would be available to you. I see that as far more choice than you have now.

again thats my personal business not yours

Look, dope. You're on a public forum.
You're bashing single payer healthcare by saying it restricts your choice but it's personal information when asked what choices you're referring to?


my choice to choose for myself how when and where I get healthcare,,,

Why do you belive you wouldn't have that choice?

what makes you believe I would???

and I have examples from all over the world that prove me right
Global Health
Our first govt healthcare was started in the early 50s for dependents of military personnel. Medicare in 65.
Remember, i said consider costs after inflation so include the hyperinflation in the 30s and 40s before you apologize for being a govt stooge.

That tells me nothing.
Because you dont want to see anything that goes against your closed, statist mind.
It tells any rational person all they need to know.

No. You didn't show how it made healthcare more expensive.

thats self explanatory,,, it's not.

only to you,,,
I don't understand because the subject is the us healthcare system. Your statement has nothing to do woth that
Dude, if we all thought we could actually get shit for free, don't you think we would be ALL IN FAVOR? Don't you think we have contemplated the consequences of handing over our liberty in exchange for....something...with no guarantees?

You are buying into the LIE!!!

SOMEBODY will pay. There is no "free."


Who believes it's free?

I've never asserted that. In fact I think everyone should pay unless unable.
What sort of society do imagine we should have? Healthcare to only those with means?
More libertarian dystopian nonsense.
healthcare starts at home and that is a part of daily life

What does that even mean. LOL

didnt think you would understand,,,

I don't understand because the subject is the us healthcare system. Your statement has nothing to do woth that.

healthcare is up to the person and how they care for themselves

insurance is when that fails in a catastrophic nature and not for doctor visits
Thats why I say healthcare and not insurance.
If your 60 or older & have a dependable monthly income after retirement, plus at least 500.000 savings you could be able to manage your health care for the rest of your life.
keeping in mind that a month in a skilled nursing home recovering from a major problem cost between 6 & 10 thousand dollars. surgery can cost 20 to over 100 thousand dollar per surgery. less life threating on going problems can cost thousands a month.
I like the peace of mind that go's with Medicare . that should my health care costs out strip my ability to pay I don't have to sell my home & live in personal poverty with my family. the false equation that it could never happen to you is unreal,am thankful for Medicare being there if needed.
healthcare starts at home and that is a part of daily life

What does that even mean. LOL

didnt think you would understand,,,

I don't understand because the subject is the us healthcare system. Your statement has nothing to do woth that.

healthcare is up to the person and how they care for themselves

insurance is when that fails in a catastrophic nature and not for doctor visits
Thats why I say healthcare and not insurance.

so now youre separating them,,,

sorry in this case they are the same
Who believes it's free?

I've never asserted that. In fact I think everyone should pay unless unable.
Isn't that what we already have, the only difference being who is in control?

You want ONE entity in complete control?

As opposed to many who have to profit which drives the cost up. Yes.
not as much as the increase under government control

but it isnt about cost but about control
We know good healthcate can be promoted by govt. There's successful models all around the world.

Do those “models” include 80-100 million illegal and barely legal thirdworlders? Does more than half their nation pay zero in income taxes? Isn’t their minimum tax rate 30-40%?
Wake up simply can not have socialism and a wide open border between us and disgusting thirdworlders.

None of that is relevant in any way.
This country already pays for all that, dope.

You make no sense bud...think once...It’s all relevant. There is no more free shit available for you beggars. The wetbacks have fucked you lowlife degenerates over.

Idiot-gram ^^^; Lunatic Fringe Post variety.

What the hell is wrong with you loons. Put the word "free" in front of anything and you idiots are in, hook, line and sinker. The price on just about everything typically equates to the level and quality of services provided. You want free, the service will match the price. Go ask your doctor, or any doctor, how he/she feels about getting a 40% pay cut. You want free, soup lines are many of you are taking advantage of that service?

Need I continue to remind you that your nom de plume is absurd, since you never seem to think before you post?

The ACA was not free, it was subsidized (why do you lie?).

Statement: "The price on just about everything typically equates to the level and quality of services provided"

Response: True, but a half-truth. Cheap policies have fine print, and most health insurance policies have limits in terms of costs and procedures.

Doctors can drop out of the ACA program, and many have done so. They might price themselves out of business if they do so.

The cost to become an MD is exorbitant, those who enter medical school can also be subsidized by the government, if and only if they accept the fee schedule of citizens who have government insurance; they will be free to treat someone like you whose ideology prevents them from buying into the ACA.
Claudette and Booty subscribe to "don't socialize my medicare!"

There is nothing socialized about Medicare.

Every working person pays into Medicare their entire working life. All they do is collect it when the time comes.

You really are a fool.

WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
it controls peoples lives from birth to death

Controls? I don't see how an office visit for a strep test for my kid and some amoxicilin is any more contolling than it is now.
If your 60 or older & have a dependable monthly income after retirement, plus at least 500.000 savings you could be able to manage your health care for the rest of your life.
keeping in mind that a month in a skilled nursing home recovering from a major problem cost between 6 & 10 thousand dollars. surgery can cost 20 to over 100 thousand dollar per surgery. less life threating on going problems can cost thousands a month.
I like the peace of mind that go's with Medicare . that should my health care costs out strip my ability to pay I don't have to sell my home & live in personal poverty with my family. the false equation that it could never happen to you is unreal,am thankful for Medicare being there if needed.

If you're typically 65 or older. Other than that, you spent about 40 years prepaying for Medicare.
Claudette and Booty subscribe to "don't socialize my medicare!"

There is nothing socialized about Medicare.

Every working person pays into Medicare their entire working life. All they do is collect it when the time comes.

You really are a fool.

WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
it controls peoples lives from birth to death

Controls? I don't see how an office visit for a strep test for my kid and some amoxicilin is any more contolling than it is now.

you wouldnt cause you consider government your god
WTF do you think single payer is? LOL
What if there is a new procedure that might work to fix a disease, but the government panel thinks it's too experimental and costly to approve.

What recourse does one have to pursue that potential cure?

(see the UK case where parents wanted to pay for treatment outside the single-payer system and were told to accept their child's pending death and were DENIED)

Bu-bye freedom.



Private plans are available in the UK. You can also pay out of pocket for anything not covered.
None of that is relevant in any way.
This country already pays for all that, dope.

You make no sense bud...think once...It’s all relevant. There is no more free shit available for you beggars. The wetbacks have fucked you lowlife degenerates over.

What "free shit" do you believe " wetbacks " receive?

Haha...this shit again?

My question stands. You provided no substantive answer.

LefTard Logic:
“Always play stupid when you’re made to look stupid.”

Citizen children receive the benefits, dope.

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