The Gaystapo is at it again

/——-/Do you demand the same standards for Muslims, or do they get a pass? Go peddle your baby killing glee somewhere else.

Are the Muslims running hospitals? Are they insisting on changing the laws to accommodate their superstitions?

If I want a sermon, I'll go to a Church.

If I want health care, I'll go to a Hospital.

I should not get health care at a church, or a sermon at a hospital.

this isn't complicated.
/——-/Do you demand the same standards for Muslims, or do they get a pass? Go peddle your baby killing glee somewhere else.

Are the Muslims running hospitals? Are they insisting on changing the laws to accommodate their superstitions?

If I want a sermon, I'll go to a Church.

If I want health care, I'll go to a Hospital.

I should not get health care at a church, or a sermon at a hospital.

this isn't complicated.
/—-/ It’s complicated for you. A religious organization has every right to run a hospital while upholding their beliefs. And no, there are not any Muslim hospitals in the US but plenty of Muslim doctors who won’t perform abortions.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Man...the perp is a real cocksucker!
/—-/ It’s complicated for you. A religious organization has every right to run a hospital while upholding their beliefs. And no, there are not any Muslim hospitals in the US but plenty of Muslim doctors who won’t perform abortions.

"Dr. Hassan, why won't you perform my abortion!"

"Um, because I'm a podiatrist!"

No, a religious organization has to run a business in accordance with the laws and regulations governing that business. Which means if a rape victim comes in and says, "Give me an abortion pill", you give it to her, PERIOD.
/—-/ It’s complicated for you. A religious organization has every right to run a hospital while upholding their beliefs. And no, there are not any Muslim hospitals in the US but plenty of Muslim doctors who won’t perform abortions.

"Dr. Hassan, why won't you perform my abortion!"

"Um, because I'm a podiatrist!"

No, a religious organization has to run a business in accordance with the laws and regulations governing that business. Which means if a rape victim comes in and says, "Give me an abortion pill", you give it to her, PERIOD.
/——-/ Actually they don’t. The ER says sorry we’re fresh out of baby killing pills. Go to the free clinic. But we will do a rape kit, counseling and treat you for STDs.
You mock the Constitution when you mock my religion. The Constitution protects my RIGHT to believe in God and express my beliefs. You are the problem in the United States, not my beliefs.

The Constitution gives you the right to believe in silly superstitions. It does not protect you from people pointing out how silly they are.
No, the Constitution protects my God-given right
You mock the Constitution when you mock my religion. The Constitution protects my RIGHT to believe in God and express my beliefs. You are the problem in the United States, not my beliefs.

The Constitution gives you the right to believe in silly superstitions. It does not protect you from people pointing out how silly they are.
Wrong, Stalin breath. God gives me my rights, not the Constitution. You're dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.
/—-/ It’s complicated for you. A religious organization has every right to run a hospital while upholding their beliefs. And no, there are not any Muslim hospitals in the US but plenty of Muslim doctors who won’t perform abortions.

"Dr. Hassan, why won't you perform my abortion!"

"Um, because I'm a podiatrist!"

No, a religious organization has to run a business in accordance with the laws and regulations governing that business. Which means if a rape victim comes in and says, "Give me an abortion pill", you give it to her, PERIOD.
You keep pushing that lie. When laws and regulations governing business collide with Constitutional rights, the laws and regulations must be changed to accommodate the Constitution. The Constitution CANNOT be changed. The only way to do that is through amendments, and even those cannot override previous amendments. Idiot.
/——-/ Actually they don’t. The ER says sorry we’re fresh out of baby killing pills. Go to the free clinic. But we will do a rape kit, counseling and treat you for STDs.

We let the Churches do all sorts of fucked up things... that needs to change.

You keep pushing that lie. When laws and regulations governing business collide with Constitutional rights, the laws and regulations must be changed to accommodate the Constitution. The Constitution CANNOT be changed. The only way to do that is through amendments, and even those cannot override previous amendments. Idiot.

Not a constitutional issue. The Constitution also calls for SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. That means you can't impose your religious stupidity on the rest of us.
Wrong, Stalin breath. God gives me my rights, not the Constitution. You're dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

Actually, there is no God.

There are also no rights. Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

What you have is what the rest of society tolerates.

No, the Constitution protects my God-given right

But it doesn't make your belief in a Cosmic Jewish Zombie any less silly.
Wrong, Stalin breath. God gives me my rights, not the Constitution. You're dumber than an empty box of Post Toasties.

Actually, there is no God.

There are also no rights. Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".

What you have is what the rest of society tolerates.

No, the Constitution protects my God-given right

But it doesn't make your belief in a Cosmic Jewish Zombie any less silly.
The founding fathers disagree with you. Thank God for that.
/——-/ Actually they don’t. The ER says sorry we’re fresh out of baby killing pills. Go to the free clinic. But we will do a rape kit, counseling and treat you for STDs.

We let the Churches do all sorts of fucked up things... that needs to change.

You keep pushing that lie. When laws and regulations governing business collide with Constitutional rights, the laws and regulations must be changed to accommodate the Constitution. The Constitution CANNOT be changed. The only way to do that is through amendments, and even those cannot override previous amendments. Idiot.

Not a constitutional issue. The Constitution also calls for SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. That means you can't impose your religious stupidity on the rest of us.
/——/ Nowhere in the Constitution is the “call” for The SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.. Nowhere
/——/ Nowhere in the Constitution is the “call” for The SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.. Nowhere

It's clearly stated in the Establishment Clause
/———/ : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". point out the words separation of church and state. BTW, it means freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. It means Congress can’t regulate religion, it doesn’t mean religion can’t be part of government.
/———/ : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". point out the words separation of church and state. BTW, it means freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. It means Congress can’t regulate religion, it doesn’t mean religion can’t be part of government.

Actually, it means exactly that... government can't establish laws based on religion.. which is what you nutters are trying to do with gays and abortion.
/———/ : "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". point out the words separation of church and state. BTW, it means freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. It means Congress can’t regulate religion, it doesn’t mean religion can’t be part of government.

Actually, it means exactly that... government can't establish laws based on religion.. which is what you nutters are trying to do with gays and abortion.
/——/ Actually it doesn’t mean that. I trust Cornell law school more than yours. Now focus on the last sentence:
Establishment Clause
The First Amendment's Establishment Clause prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion, but also prohibits government actions that unduly favor one religion over another. It also prohibits the government from unduly preferring religion over non-religion, or non-religion over religion. Establishment Clause
/——/ Nowhere in the Constitution is the “call” for The SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.. Nowhere

It's clearly stated in the Establishment Clause
Lie. The Constitution keeps government out of the religion of the people, not religion out of government. There are Christian symbols all over Washington DC. You've got some work to do removing all those symbols in Arlington cemetery, the Washington monument and the Supreme Court building. Get to it.

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