The Gaystapo is at it again

Sometimes it seems like the only protected speech is if itā€™s hate speech.

I was going through my comments and I got a warning for the following post.
Forget about foreign born. Thereā€™s Republicans right here in this country to teach their kids that education is bad, and they refuse to vaccinate their kids, and they disowned their own gay children.

Growing up in a conservative family with Republicans is almost child abuse.

And then hereā€™s an entire thread that proves my point.
equating gay people with Nazis.

And yet who were the republican party actually running in the midterms elections.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country
You haven't a clue as to what "Christian values" really are. The left is always trying to define "Christian values" and what the bible teaches, and they always miss it. Perhaps you will be the one that can actually define what "Christian values" you're referring to. Give it a try.


Treat people the way you'd want to be treated.
Forgive your enemies
Take care of the poor and less fortunate

this is the stuff Jesus talked about, and on it's own, it's just fine without him coming back as a Zombie.

But you guys seem to think it's about hating gays and Mexicans, for some reason.
I treat everyone with dignity and respect. You have no clue to the millions of tons of food and medicine that Christians give worldwide. Christians don't hate homosexuals or Mexicans. You're confused. Jesus said marriage is a Male and female. The New Testament says homosexuality is sin. Enforcement of immigration laws is not hate. You lock your doors at night because you love the people inside, not because you hate the people outside. You're an idiot, and I say that without malice, just an observation.
"You have no clue to the millions of tons of food and medicine that christians give worldwide." Do you?
Yep. There are Christian organizations giving away millions of tons of food and medicine worldwide. If you don't know that, then go to hell.

Not only that, there are Christians who give up their lives in this country to go live in third-world nations and help those people. Leftists admire the Peace Corp, but never notice that Christians have been doing that stuff on their own dime long before the Peace Corp ever existed.
Then what are you arguing about who the real Christians are? You don't believe the Scriptures and you don't believe in Jesus, yet you want to tell me what a real Christian is. You're an idiot.

I've actually read the scriptures... thanks to 12 years of Catholic Education.... and couldn't run away from these crazies fast enough.

But, yeah, I'll point out the things in your scriptures you guys to the opposite of.

Nowhere in the Gospel do I see, "Hate Gays and Mexicans", but you'd think that was Jesus' central message the way you carry on.

You're not being honest. Face it, when someone takes Christ seriously, you don't take them seriously. Likely because they don't conform to your idea of who Christ is.

Oh, I blame the churches entirely for letting themselves be coopted by these folks.
Then what are you arguing about who the real Christians are? You don't believe the Scriptures and you don't believe in Jesus, yet you want to tell me what a real Christian is. You're an idiot.

I've actually read the scriptures... thanks to 12 years of Catholic Education.... and couldn't run away from these crazies fast enough.

But, yeah, I'll point out the things in your scriptures you guys to the opposite of.

Nowhere in the Gospel do I see, "Hate Gays and Mexicans", but you'd think that was Jesus' central message the way you carry on.

You're not being honest. Face it, when someone takes Christ seriously, you don't take them seriously. Likely because they don't conform to your idea of who Christ is.

Oh, I blame the churches entirely for letting themselves be coopted by these folks.

So are you now backing away from your claim that you will take people seriously if they take Jesus seriously? Because you have a real problem with Him. He gores one of your most sacred cows.
Then what are you arguing about who the real Christians are? You don't believe the Scriptures and you don't believe in Jesus, yet you want to tell me what a real Christian is. You're an idiot.

I've actually read the scriptures... thanks to 12 years of Catholic Education.... and couldn't run away from these crazies fast enough.

But, yeah, I'll point out the things in your scriptures you guys to the opposite of.

Nowhere in the Gospel do I see, "Hate Gays and Mexicans", but you'd think that was Jesus' central message the way you carry on.

You're not being honest. Face it, when someone takes Christ seriously, you don't take them seriously. Likely because they don't conform to your idea of who Christ is.

Oh, I blame the churches entirely for letting themselves be coopted by these folks.
The fact you spent 12 years of Catholic education is your problem. You don't know the Scriptures and Jesus, you know religion. Two totally different things.
So are you now backing away from your claim that you will take people seriously if they take Jesus seriously? Because you have a real problem with Him. He gores one of your most sacred cows.

Go re-read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

The fact you spent 12 years of Catholic education is your problem. You don't know the Scriptures and Jesus, you know religion. Two totally different things.

Uh, no, Buddy, all the other Churches are just as fucked up as the Catholics. Some are truly fucked up, like the Mormons.


To quote the great Mark Twain, it's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that I have a problem with, it's the parts I understand perfectly well.
So are you now backing away from your claim that you will take people seriously if they take Jesus seriously? Because you have a real problem with Him. He gores one of your most sacred cows.

Go re-read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

The fact you spent 12 years of Catholic education is your problem. You don't know the Scriptures and Jesus, you know religion. Two totally different things.

Uh, no, Buddy, all the other Churches are just as fucked up as the Catholics. Some are truly fucked up, like the Mormons.

View attachment 258102

To quote the great Mark Twain, it's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that I have a problem with, it's the parts I understand perfectly well.
Oh yeah, you've been to all the churches, huh. You don't understand the bible. If you did then you wouldn't be hating the Church and you would understand who and what "The Church" and Jesus ruly are.
Oh yeah, you've been to all the churches, huh. You don't understand the bible. If you did then you wouldn't be hating the Church and you would understand who and what "The Church" and Jesus ruly are.

Jesus never existed. He's a construct.

The thing is, the fact you "Christians" have been murdering each other for the last 2000 years over who Jesus "Truly" was says a lot in and of itself.

/ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/ā€”ā€”/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless youā€™re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT
"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
This is what they do. The leftists attempt to rewrite history. They attempt to white wash their own ugly history of racism and violence, and then they attempt to pin whatever is left on the right.
/ā€”ā€”/ Youā€™re grasping at straws trying to defend your ridiculous position. Slavery was ended when we were a Republic.

No, slavery ended when we had a civil war because the dumb-inbred slave holding states tried to form their own country.

The same states that keep voting Republican today.
/ā€”ā€”/ Slavery was ended by Republicans unless youā€™re trying to convince us Lincoln was a democRAT
"College plaque in Land of Lincoln labels Abe a 'Democrat'

View attachment 256173
This is what they do. The leftists attempt to rewrite history. They attempt to white wash their own ugly history of racism and violence, and then they attempt to pin whatever is left on the right.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
So are you now backing away from your claim that you will take people seriously if they take Jesus seriously? Because you have a real problem with Him. He gores one of your most sacred cows.

Go re-read what I said, and then have someone explain the big words to you.

The fact you spent 12 years of Catholic education is your problem. You don't know the Scriptures and Jesus, you know religion. Two totally different things.

Uh, no, Buddy, all the other Churches are just as fucked up as the Catholics. Some are truly fucked up, like the Mormons.

View attachment 258102

To quote the great Mark Twain, it's not the parts of the Bible I don't understand that I have a problem with, it's the parts I understand perfectly well.
The bottom line remains, you said you would take someone seriously when they took Jesus seriously. Mike Pence comes the closest of the major political figures out there today who does that, and you don't take him seriously. Ergo, you're not being honest.

Face reality, you wouldn't take Jesus Himself seriously because He believes marriage is between a man and a woman, not between two men or two women. Homosexuality is one of your sacred cows, because you're constantly fixated on it. Jesus revered Jewish law, which condemns homosexuality. Thus, He is goring one of your sacred cows.

And now you don't have the stones to admit you were lying before. Sad that I have to explain this to you.
Oh yeah, you've been to all the churches, huh. You don't understand the bible. If you did then you wouldn't be hating the Church and you would understand who and what "The Church" and Jesus ruly are.

Jesus never existed. He's a construct.

The thing is, the fact you "Christians" have been murdering each other for the last 2000 years over who Jesus "Truly" was says a lot in and of itself.


For someone who claims Jesus never existed, you're certainly obsessed with talking about Him and claiming you know all about Him. Methinks perhaps you doth protest too much. A little conviction going on here?
Uh, no, Buddy, all the other Churches are just as fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up as the Catholics. Some are truly fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up, like the Mormons.

To be sure, there's plenty in this world that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up; including some elements on some religions.

But I think it has to be said, if you look at religion as a whole, and you only see ā€œfā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed upā€, perhaps it isn't religion that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up, but you, yourself, and the way you look at things. In other words, it is not that which you are observing that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up; it is you whois fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up, and it is your fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up condition that poisons how you see the rest of the world.
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This is what they do. The leftists attempt to rewrite history. They attempt to white wash their own ugly history of racism and violence, and then they attempt to pin whatever is left on the right.

It was conservatives who wanted to keep slavery and Jim Crow, not liberals. When those conservatives no longer felt welcome in the Demcoratic Party, the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

When the Party of Lincoln defends Confederate Monuments erected to intimidate black people, it really doesn't matter who put them up in the first place.
To be sure, there's plenty in this world that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up; including some elements on some religions.

But I think it has to be said, if you look at religion as a whole, and you only see ā€œfā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed upā€, perhaps it isn't religion that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up, but you, yourself, and the way you look at things. In other words, it is not that which you are observing that is fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up; it is you whois fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up, and it is your fā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ed up condition that poisons how you see the rest of the world.

No, not really. I mean, I know I make you really, really angry, but you've never met me... so you probably aren't qualified to really say that.

Really, religion is fucked up. It's some clever con men who've convinced you to do stuff because they know you are afraid of dying, so they promise you all sorts of goodies after you die to go along with their fucked up thinking.

Case in point, the founder of your Church, Joseph Smith was a two bit con man who started out selling divining rods in New York. Then he figured religion was an easier con because you didn't actually have to produce any results.

And he got chased out of NY for fraud, going to Iowa where he set up a fake bank with no assets and ripped people off. He then went to Missouri and tried to take over the state with a terrorist militia (The Dannites) before getting run out into IL. In IL, they finally shot him like a dog for fucking multiple 14 year old girls..

and you still call him a Prophet even though most of what he claimed was eventually debunked. (Sorry, the Native Americans weren't Jewish!)
For someone who claims Jesus never existed, you're certainly obsessed with talking about Him and claiming you know all about Him. Methinks perhaps you doth protest too much. A little conviction going on here?

Um, no, when you have millions of idiots who want to throw people in jail over what kind of sex they have or having an abortion trying to please an imaginary sky man, that really, really is a cause for concern. The problem with trying to please imaginary characters is you never know what they want.
The bottom line remains, you said you would take someone seriously when they took Jesus seriously. Mike Pence comes the closest of the major political figures out there today who does that, and you don't take him seriously. Ergo, you're not being honest.

Except that he doesn't. He just uses "Jesus" as an excuse for his homophobia and misogyny. the whole part about treating people decently, the part that almost makes the Jesus Superstition redeemable, he's totally lost on that point.

Face reality, you wouldn't take Jesus Himself seriously because He believes marriage is between a man and a woman, not between two men or two women.

Did he? Hey, check out what the New Testament says about marriage.

It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:1-2

For I would that all men were even as I myself.... I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:7-9

Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. 1 Corinthians 7:27

But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none. -- 1 Corinthians 7:29

Jesus wasn't encouraging his followers to get married.
This is what they do. The leftists attempt to rewrite history. They attempt to white wash their own ugly history of racism and violence, and then they attempt to pin whatever is left on the right.

It was conservatives who wanted to keep slavery and Jim Crow, not liberals. When those conservatives no longer felt welcome in the Demcoratic Party, the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.

When the Party of Lincoln defends Confederate Monuments erected to intimidate black people, it really doesn't matter who put them up in the first place.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Oh horseshyt You need to embrace the democRATs racist heritage- not hide from it.
You see, if the GOP sold it's economic rat poison to the Middle Class without dollops or racism, misogyny and homophobia, all they would have is, "You should work harder for less money and have no garuntee of a good life when you retire".
Fact: if the Dumbocrats sold it's human poison to the Middle Class without their racism, misogyny, propaganda, or fascism, all they would have left is "you should surrender all of your liberty to us in exchange for some government table scraps, so you can live like people in Cuba and Venezuela".

Joey ardently supports that nonsense for two reasons:

1. He suffers from what is essentially economic "penis envy". He looks over the stall/fence at his neighbor, sees they have what he doesn't, and it causes him to feel inferior. Which in turn causes him to feel angry. He'd rather live in poverty (a slight step down from his current lower class existence) so long as everyone in upper and middle class are forced down into poverty with him.

2. He doesn't want to have to work to provide for himself. He loves the idea of everyone having his small economic penis without ANY effort on his part. He can stay home in his government-subsidized housing smoking cigarettes and drinking beer while everyone else is required to provide him with those items.
Fact: if the Dumbocrats sold it's human poison to the Middle Class without their racism, misogyny, propaganda, or fascism, all they would have left is "you should surrender all of your liberty to us in exchange for some government table scraps, so you can live like people in Cuba and Venezuela".

I don't know, guy, I grew up in the Democratic Paradise. My Dad had a good union job. He brought home good pay, was able to raise five kids to be solid citizens, we were able to take family vacations every summer. Mom only had to work part time after she was done having kids.

And it was kind of awesome, until the Republicans came along and told that white working class that the queers and darkies wanted to take their stuff.

1. He suffers from what is essentially economic "penis envy". He looks over the stall/fence at his neighbor, sees they have what he doesn't, and it causes him to feel inferior. Which in turn causes him to feel angry. He'd rather live in poverty (a slight step down from his current lower class existence) so long as everyone in upper and middle class are forced down into poverty with him.

Guy, I'm not materialistic. I could afford to buy a lot of stuff, but mostly I'm a "if it aint broke, don't replace it" kind of guy. My neighbors are kind in the same middle class desperation the rest of us are in. Working two jobs, worried a serious illness or downturn in the economy can wipe us out.

You are in the same situation, you are just too stupid to realize it.

Where I learned my lesson from the last recession was to limit my vulnerabilities. I've paid down all my non-mortgage debt and am putting a lot of money in the bank. Because with Trump in charge, another recession is pretty much inevitable.

2. He doesn't want to have to work to provide for himself. He loves the idea of everyone having his small economic penis without ANY effort on his part. He can stay home in his government-subsidized housing smoking cigarettes and drinking beer while everyone else is required to provide him with those items.

Let's see how many things poodle got wrong here.

1) I currently work 80 hours a week, between my straight job and my side business.
2) Most people are actually WORSE off than I am. My income would put me probably in the second quintile of wealth. My current FICA score is 847.
3) I don't smoke.
4) I don't drink beer (I do drink wine, however).
5) Paid for my own house, although I got a VA loan to do it. .

The reason why I changed from being pretty conservative 12 years ago to where i am now was after I worked for a company for 6 years, I had a couple of medical issues, had to fight like a bastard with the insurance company AFTER I paid for the premiums, and then my wonderful boss decided that the first group he was going to let go in the downsizing was anyone who had medical issues.

"Good thing i don't have to deal with a union!" my douchebag boss said, and he wasn't even the worst person I've worked for.

At the end of 2008, I was left with a 25% reduction in pay, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage, because,- "Hooray, Capitalism!" And unlike the banks and the One Percenters, I didn't get a bailout.

So the funny thing is, I want a government that looks out for working folks instead of looking out for the rich, because the rich can take care of themselves.

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