The Gaystapo is at it again

At the end of 2008, I was left with a 25% reduction in pay, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage,
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.
because,- "Hooray, Capitalism!" And unlike the banks and the One Percenters, I didn't get a bailout.
I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism. It is the failed and idiotic polices you support.
For someone who claims Jesus never existed, you're certainly obsessed with talking about Him and claiming you know all about Him. Methinks perhaps you doth protest too much. A little conviction going on here?

Um, no, when you have millions of idiots who want to throw people in jail over what kind of sex they have or having an abortion trying to please an imaginary sky man, that really, really is a cause for concern. The problem with trying to please imaginary characters is you never know what they want.

And yet you claim authority to say what Jesus wants, placing you squarely in the camp of those attempting to use Him to further a political agenda.
The bottom line remains, you said you would take someone seriously when they took Jesus seriously. Mike Pence comes the closest of the major political figures out there today who does that, and you don't take him seriously. Ergo, you're not being honest.

Except that he doesn't. He just uses "Jesus" as an excuse for his homophobia and misogyny. the whole part about treating people decently, the part that almost makes the Jesus Superstition redeemable, he's totally lost on that point.

Face reality, you wouldn't take Jesus Himself seriously because He believes marriage is between a man and a woman, not between two men or two women.

Did he? Hey, check out what the New Testament says about marriage.

It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. 1 Corinthians 7:1-2

For I would that all men were even as I myself.... I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:7-9

Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife. 1 Corinthians 7:27

But this I say, brethren, the time is short: it remaineth, that both they that have wives be as though they had none. -- 1 Corinthians 7:29

Jesus wasn't encouraging his followers to get married.

He clearly stated that marriage is between a man and a woman. You're trying to make a point unrelated to that. And notice too that you are not quoting Him, but rather an apostle talking about how it is better to be totally devoted to God's service than to be married and distracted, but that it is better to be married than suffer extreme temptation and fall into sin. Whether He was encouraging marriage or not had nothing to do with what He considered marriage to be.
At the end of 2008, I was left with a 25% reduction in pay, a busted 401K and an underwater mortgage,
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.
because,- "Hooray, Capitalism!" And unlike the banks and the One Percenters, I didn't get a bailout.
I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
/——/ Bush cause the banking collapse ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
/——/ Bush cause the banking collapse ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
/——/ Bush cause the banking collapse ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
/---/ But Obozo gets credit for everything good happening on Trump's watch. I get it now.
pretzel logic.jpg
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
/——/ Bush cause the banking collapse ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
/---/ But Obozo gets credit for everything good happening on Trump's watch. I get it now.
View attachment 258603

You don't get anything, that's pretty clear. The first two years of any president's term is running on the economy of his or her predecessor. Obama was handed a terrible economy. We were hemorrhaging jobs and we had just had a huge housing bubble burst. In his eight years, that economy slowly turned around so that he handed off a train that was chugging along nicely. Trump, to his credit has, so far, not derailed that train.

He is trying like hell though with his trade wars...
All of which was the result of the failed and idiotic left-wing policies you support.

Um... no. It was because the banks sold mortgages to middle class people telling them they'd all get rich quick flipping McMansions. The problem was the government didn't regulate it, allowed the housing market to boom, because it created the illusion of economic growth.

This all happened when George W. Stupid was in charge.

I rest my case. A bailout is not capitalism. At all. It doesn’t even remotely resemble capitalism.

Capitalism would have been allowing the banking system to completely collapse and wiping everything out... right, Poodle.

So in addition to not understanding World War II, you didn't understand what the Great Depression was.
/——/ Bush cause the banking collapse ??? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
/---/ But Obozo gets credit for everything good happening on Trump's watch. I get it now.
View attachment 258603

You don't get anything, that's pretty clear. The first two years of any president's term is running on the economy of his or her predecessor. Obama was handed a terrible economy. We were hemorrhaging jobs and we had just had a huge housing bubble burst. In his eight years, that economy slowly turned around so that he handed off a train that was chugging along nicely. Trump, to his credit has, so far, not derailed that train.

He is trying like hell though with his trade wars...
/----/ "that economy slowly turned around "
You don't get anything, that's pretty clear. The economy was limping along at 1.5% GDP that was hailed as the new norm. The jobs created were part-time and the market recovered because of the QE and zero interest money. Trump- to his credit- has a 3,5% GDP that Obozo said would never happen. This economy has created the lowest UE rate sone 1953 - and these are real careers, not part-time gigs. The market is at historic highs in spite of rate increases. And democrats have not been able to derail this train.
For someone who claims Jesus never existed, you're certainly obsessed with talking about Him and claiming you know all about Him. Methinks perhaps you doth protest too much. A little conviction going on here?

Um, no, when you have millions of idiots who want to throw people in jail over what kind of sex they have or having an abortion trying to please an imaginary sky man, that really, really is a cause for concern. The problem with trying to please imaginary characters is you never know what they want.
What a load. You don't respect the Constitution.
It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
That may just be the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. The banks decide who gets a loan and who doesn’t. Before Bill Clinton’s 1997 Community Re-Investment Act forced banks to make loans they wouldn’t previously make, we didn’t have a single “housing bubble” or “collapse”. Moron. Stop flailing around wildly attempting to find bizarre excuses to blame conservatives for the failed policies of idiot leftists.
It happened during his administration. The Fed not raising the interest rate in 2004 helped lead to too many people buying houses they couldn't afford and the housing bubble that led to the recession.
Just 2004, uh? It’s not a problem that they didn’t raise rates in 2003 or 2005? What about 2002? I literally cannot stop laughing. First time I’ve seen an idiot try this absurd excuse.

Furthermore, the President of the United States doesn’t even control the Fed. :lmao:
You don't get anything, that's pretty clear. The first two years of any president's term is running on the economy of his or her predecessor.
And who was Obama’s “predecessors”? Nancy Pelosi (Dumbocrats controlled the House) and Harry Reid (Dumbocrats controlled the Senate). They were the one’s passing laws that were crushing the economy. The President doesn’t pass laws, sweetie. Well, Republican presidents don’t anyway. Marxists left-wing dictators such as Obama bypass Congress illegally.
Obama was handed a terrible economy.
From the Dumbocrats. Then Republicans took control of the nation, turned things around, and handed President Trump a solid economy. President Trump has turned it into a legendary economy by legally, properly, and constitutionally revoking all of Obama’s actions that were preventing an even better economy (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline).
What a load. You don't respect the Constitution.

Uh, guy I wasn't talking about the Constitution. Can you please try to pay attention here.

And who was Obama’s “predecessors”? Nancy Pelosi (Dumbocrats controlled the House) and Harry Reid (Dumbocrats controlled the Senate). They were the one’s passing laws that were crushing the economy. The President doesn’t pass laws, sweetie. Well, Republican presidents don’t anyway. Marxists left-wing dictators such as Obama bypass Congress illegally.

And what law did they specifically pass? Because the economy was already going south as early as 2007. The problem with Bush is that he was completely incompetent. He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Katrina, he fucked up the economy.

From the Dumbocrats. Then Republicans took control of the nation, turned things around, and handed President Trump a solid economy. President Trump has turned it into a legendary economy by legally, properly, and constitutionally revoking all of Obama’s actions that were preventing an even better economy (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline).

Yup, one project that employs maybe 10,000 people totally turned it around.

the reality, Poodle, Obama fixed Bush's mess, despite the Republicans doing everything they could to stop him. It's only a matter of time before Trump gets us back into recession... it's not a bug, it's a design feature.
What a load. You don't respect the Constitution.

Uh, guy I wasn't talking about the Constitution. Can you please try to pay attention here.

And who was Obama’s “predecessors”? Nancy Pelosi (Dumbocrats controlled the House) and Harry Reid (Dumbocrats controlled the Senate). They were the one’s paYoussing laws that were crushing the economy. The President doesn’t pass laws, sweetie. Well, Republican presidents don’t anyway. Marxists left-wing dictators such as Obama bypass Congress illegally.

And what law did they specifically pass? Because the economy was already going south as early as 2007. The problem with Bush is that he was completely incompetent. He fucked up Iraq, he fucked up Katrina, he fucked up the economy.

From the Dumbocrats. Then Republicans took control of the nation, turned things around, and handed President Trump a solid economy. President Trump has turned it into a legendary economy by legally, properly, and constitutionally revoking all of Obama’s actions that were preventing an even better economy (such as blocking the Keystone Pipeline).

Yup, one project that employs maybe 10,000 people totally turned it around.

the reality, Poodle, Obama fixed Bush's mess, despite the Republicans doing everything they could to stop him. It's only a matter of time before Trump gets us back into recession... it's not a bug, it's a design feature.
You mock the Constitution when you mock my religion. The Constitution protects my RIGHT to believe in God and express my beliefs. You are the problem in the United States, not my beliefs.
You mock the Constitution when you mock my religion. The Constitution protects my RIGHT to believe in God and express my beliefs. You are the problem in the United States, not my beliefs.

The Constitution gives you the right to believe in silly superstitions. It does not protect you from people pointing out how silly they are.
/——/ Does the Constitution protect the religious from Progs attacking them with laws that go against their fundamental beliefs? You know, like forcing Catholic hospitals to hand out birth control and abortion pills? You know, stuff like that?
/——/ Does the Constitution protect the religious from Progs attacking them with laws that go against their fundamental beliefs? You know, like forcing Catholic hospitals to hand out birth control and abortion pills? You know, stuff like that?

Um, then the Catholics shouldn't be in the health care business if they aren't going to practice health care. That's a pretty simple solution.

The idea that you aren't going to provide needed health care (such as giving a rape victim a morning after pill because you think every sperm is sacred) because your imaginary sky fairy tells you not to, then you shouldn't be in that business.
/——/ Does the Constitution protect the religious from Progs attacking them with laws that go against their fundamental beliefs? You know, like forcing Catholic hospitals to hand out birth control and abortion pills? You know, stuff like that?

Um, then the Catholics shouldn't be in the health care business if they aren't going to practice health care. That's a pretty simple solution.

The idea that you aren't going to provide needed health care (such as giving a rape victim a morning after pill because you think every sperm is sacred) because your imaginary sky fairy tells you not to, then you shouldn't be in that business.
/——-/Do you demand the same standards for Muslims, or do they get a pass? Go peddle your baby killing glee somewhere else.

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