The Gaystapo takes a knockout blow

Gays are not getting more than heterosexuals. I know Fox News has convinced you of this, but it's bullshit.

I love it when morons like you accuse me of this while in a dozen other threads i am the far left liberal.

Libertarianism takes a basic level of intelligence to understand...that is why it confuses you so much

libertarianism under goldwater never said be a bigot and never said tolerate bigots. in fact, the opposite... it said TOLERATE everyone because THAT is what a libertarian is. Today Goldwater would be a liberal.

but today's version of libertarian is a bunch of foot-stomping angry people who hate rules ... even those that keep society decent.

libertarianism today says we should tolerate everyone, but it does not agree that the Govt should force us to do so.

You do not want tolerance, you want subjugation to the Govt
if a business is opened to accommodate the public, they have to accommodate ALL of the public.
No business is opened to “accommodate” the public, sweetie. Businesses exist to generate revenue. They have every right for themselves to decide who they do business with.
As long as one class is discriminated against, there can be no equality.
Nobody is discriminated the public sector. Private industry is not an extension of government - no matter how desperate you are to make it so.
If you stop discriminating against a class of people, they would not need protection. But you keep ignoring this, of course.
I have a right and the liberty to “discriminate” whether you like it or not, you fascist queer. Deal with it.
they are "protected classes" because they are targets of discrimination,
And your point is? :dunno:
harassment or violence.
Both of those are already illegal, you drama queen.
that causes them to NEED protection -- from the very bigots who whine about the fact that they are protected. yet who try to divest them of their rights
You do not have a right to my labor, sweetie. Slavery was outlawed over a century ago. We know you Democrats hate that, but deal with it.
so again, you think posting signs on a business saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays" is ok?
I don’t “think” it is ok. I know it is ok.
we should go back to the jim crow era?
We should have never “left” that as the federal government simply has no authority for it. It’s such a shame that you are so profoundly ignorant of the law.
yes, some settled laws are bad... like heller, like citizens united, like dred scott, like korematsu. this isn't that.
Who are you to decide that for society? Quite the contrary, Heller upholds the U.S. Constitution while your fascism upholds illegal activity.
so again, you think posting signs on a business saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays" is ok?
I don’t “think” it is ok. I know it is ok.
we should go back to the jim crow era?
We should have never “left” that as the federal government simply has no authority for it. It’s such a shame that you are so profoundly ignorant of the law.
yes, some settled laws are bad... like heller, like citizens united, like dred scott, like korematsu. this isn't that.
Who are you to decide that for society? Quite the contrary, Heller upholds the U.S. Constitution while your fascism upholds illegal activity.

uneducated uninformed lowlife troll say what?
you can't be not gay, not black and not a jew. (well, you can be not a jew, but why would one do that?)
Oh I don’t one wouldn’t have to spend eternity burning in hell. Without the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, you’re toast sweetie. You haven’t been free of sin no matter how much you desire to believe otherwise.
you can't be not gay, not black and not a jew. (well, you can be not a jew, but why would one do that?)
Oh I don’t one wouldn’t have to spend eternity burning in hell. Without the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, you’re toast sweetie. You haven’t been free of sin no matter how much you desire to believe otherwise.

you might want to stop stamping your feet.... you look pathetic

there is no such a thing as hell, christofascist
so again, you think posting signs on a business saying "no blacks, no jews, no gays" is ok? we should go back to the jim crow era? yes, some settled laws are bad... like heller, like citizens united, like dred scott, like korematsu. this isn't that.
You are confusing two things, "ok" and "constitutional".
Believe me when I tell you that the U.S. Constitution always confuses her.

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