The Gaystapo takes a knockout blow

It actually offers resources to all those in need.
Even if that's true - the name is SO discriminatory! And "triggering". Can you imagine if I created a "white male heterosexual center" in my community? I couldn't. Triggered progressives like Jillian and Gstring would have a stroke and threaten violence unless the city blocked it.
Just because you can be one, does not mean you should be one.
You do realize that's the exact same ignorant argument progressives make when they claim that if you have nothing to hide, you should allow the governments to spy on your 24x7 and you should never refuse their request to search your property, don't you?

As you would tell them in that particular situation, a right not exercised is a right lost.

Sorry snowflake...but any progressive who tells me that I have no right/liberty to discriminate, I am going to go out of my way to discriminate against. For two reason. First, to ensure the right remains. Second, to drive home the point to the ignorant little snowflakes.

If and when they learn to respect the U.S. Constitution and liberty, I will treat them with respect and dignity. Respected is earned. They haven't earned it yet. I refuse to respect fascists. And yes, they are true fascists.
Just because you can be one, does not mean you should be one.
You do realize that's the exact same ignorant argument progressives make when they claim that if you have nothing to hide, you should allow the governments to spy on your 24x7 and you should never refuse their request to search your property, don't you?

As you would tell them in that particular situation, a right not exercised is a right lost.

Sorry snowflake...but any progressive who tells me that I have no right/liberty to discriminate, I am going to go out of my way to discriminate against. For two reason. First, to ensure the right remains. Second, to drive home the point to the ignorant little snowflakes.

If and when they learn to respect the U.S. Constitution and liberty, I will treat them with respect and dignity. Respected is earned. They haven't earned it yet. I refuse to respect fascists. And yes, they are true fascists.

So, you are one of those folks who "fight fire with fire" and in the end become the very thing you are railing against.

Very common around here
And this is the problem with defending the rights of people to be bigots, people assume I am like minded with this sort of asshole.

Just because you can be one, does not mean you should be one.
I am literally a mirror. If you see an "asshole", I have some really bad news for you. :lmao:

You are a mirror, but not mine. you are the very thing you rant and rave about and are just too dumb to know it.
So, you are one of those folks who "fight fire with fire" and in the end become the very thing you are railing against.
So to be clear - you absolutely do agree that if you have nothing to hide, you should allow the governments to spy on your 24x7 and you should never refuse their request to search your property, correct? If not, then you are "fighting fire with fire" and becoming an asshole.

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to hide. What's the problem here?
So, you are one of those folks who "fight fire with fire" and in the end become the very thing you are railing against.
So to be clear - you absolutely do agree that if you have nothing to hide, you should allow the governments to spy on your 24x7 and you should never refuse their request to search your property, correct? If not, then you are "fighting fire with fire" and becoming an asshole.

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to hide. What's the problem here?

That is a stupid analogy.

You are not allowing anyone to do anything, you are choosing to be a bigot. Yes, it is your right to be a bigot and a homophobe if you like to, but I still think it is not the way to go.

It is your right to drink a suitcase of beer a night ,but I think it is not the way to go.

It is not about what we allow others to do, it is what you are choosing to do.

Perhaps you are really not a bigot and a homophobe and you are allowing these people to make you act like one, is that why you choose your faulty analogy?
That is a stupid analogy.
Said every progressive ever who was unable to defend their irrational position.

It's a spot-on analogy. Not exercising a right is a right lost. Do I hate homosexuals? On a macro level, not at all. I couldn't possibly care any less what they do in the privacy of their own home. Do I hate specific homosexuals who feel the need to force homosexuality down the throat of every human on earth? Abso fucking lutely! Any homosexual who believes society owes them because they were born homosexual, I have zero use for. And if, like Gstring, they attempt to convince society that we do not have the right/liberty to discriminate against them (or any other "group" for that matter), I will go out of my way to make sure they experience otherwise.

At the end of the day, it is exclusively about liberty. Including the liberty to hate whoever you want to hate for any reason that you want to hate them. I think both the KKK and the Black Panthers are absolutely pathetic (and comical caricatures for that matter), but I vehemently defended both of their right's to exist. If you want to find a little corner of the world and stew in hate towards another group, have at it. Who the fuck am I, or anyone else, to tell you that you don't have the right to do that.
n the 50s the SCOTUS felt it was more important to try and bring racial unity than to follow the Constitution.
Well, isnt that a convenient method of argumentation! The SCOTUS revealed, in their decision, precisely why they ruled as they did. But get, you get the special ability tonignore anything anykne says, and just out thoughts in their heads that are more convenient for your argument!

Can I try?
Can you imagine if I created a "white male heterosexual center" in my community? I couldn't.
Of course you could, idiot. But nobody would come there, because they don't need advocacy or a place to get together. How do morons like you not get this?
That is a stupid analogy.
Said every progressive ever who was unable to defend their irrational position.

It's a spot-on analogy. Not exercising a right is a right lost.

Wow, this might be the most astounding thing I have seen posted on this forum..ever. If I do not exercise my right to be a bigot and be filled with hate, I will lose my right to be a bigot and filled with hate.

At the end of the day, it is exclusively about liberty. Including the liberty to hate whoever you want to hate for any reason that you want to hate them. I think both the KKK and the Black Panthers are absolutely pathetic (and comical caricatures for that matter), but I vehemently defended both of their right's to exist. If you want to find a little corner of the world and stew in hate towards another group, have at it. Who the fuck am I, or anyone else, to tell you that you don't have the right to do that.

I too will defend their right, but I will not join in their hate, that is the difference between you and I. It seems you think you have to join the hate in order for the right to do so to survive.

Sorry, I just can't do that. But I will defend your right to do so all day long
Can you imagine if I created a "white male heterosexual center" in my community? I couldn't.
Of course you could, idiot. But nobody would come there, because they don't need advocacy or a place to get together. How do morons like you not get this?
No, you couldn’t, you astoundingly ignorant dimwit. It’s considered “discrimination”. How dumb are you?!? Why do you think African-Americans and women can now play at Augusta National?
Wow, this might be the most astounding thing I have seen posted on this forum..ever. If I do not exercise my right to be a bigot and be filled with hate, I will lose my right to be a bigot and filled with hate.
Well you just spent 4 hours this afternoon arguing that the right exists. Jillian, Gstring, and others are adamant that you don’t have that right. Seems more than obvious to the casual observer of this thread that the right is rapidly being eroded.
Can you imagine if I created a "white male heterosexual center" in my community? I couldn't.
Of course you could, idiot. But nobody would come there, because they don't need advocacy or a place to get together. How do morons like you not get this?
No, you couldn’t, you astoundingly ignorant dimwit. It’s considered “discrimination”. How dumb are you?!? Why do you think African-Americans and women can now play at Augusta National?
Of course you could, idiot. Those clubs you are comparing to don't discriminate. Go ahead, start your little crybaby white red neck club, so we cal all laugh at you.
Wow, this might be the most astounding thing I have seen posted on this forum..ever. If I do not exercise my right to be a bigot and be filled with hate, I will lose my right to be a bigot and filled with hate.
Well you just spent 4 hours this afternoon arguing that the right exists. Jillian, Gstring, and others are adamant that you don’t have that right. Seems more than obvious to the casual observer of this thread that the right is rapidly being eroded.

I have to be honest with you, if me becoming a bigot is what it takes for the right for you to be one to survive, you might be in trouble.

The funny thing about the right to be a bigot, there is also a right not to be one, and that is the right I choose to exercise.
The funny thing about the right to be a bigot, there is also a right not to be one, and that is the right I choose to exercise.
Nobody asked. I literally do not care what you choose. Just like I don’t care what they choose. The only thing I care about is that the right to make choices exists. And that includes the right to choose to hate people for any reason they want.
No, you couldn’t, you astoundingly ignorant dimwit. It’s considered “discrimination”. How dumb are you?!? Why do you think African-Americans and women can now play at Augusta National?
Of course you could, idiot. Those clubs you are comparing to don't discriminate. Go ahead, start your little crybaby white red neck club, so we cal all laugh at you.
Good grief your IQ has to be under 60. It has to be. What “clubs”? Plural? I named one place. One. Augusta National. It was an all male, all white club. It no longer is. Do you know why? They were sued. Idiot.
I love it when government attempts to control private industry and strip the American people of their constitutional rights - only to see the ingenuity of the free market still prevail. This is a BRILLIANT strategy that every business should employ.
“At Liberty Ridge Farm, our deeply held religious belief is that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and the Farm is operated with the purpose of strengthening and promoting marriage. In furtherance of this purpose and to honor and promote our moral and religious beliefs, we donate a portion of our business proceeds to organizations that promote strong marriages such as the Family Research Council.”
So you facists want to force us into private transactions with you? Ok...we’ll take your money and use it to destroy you. We’ll use it to elect representatives who will restore liberty in America and we’ll use it to support organizations that promote what you despise.

This Christian-Owned Wedding Venue May Have Just Solved the Gay Marriage Dilemma

My religion teaches me that right wingers can be boiled alive in large vats.


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