The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I'm calling you out on obedience which is the libertarian bogeyman for organization, rule of law, and collaboration, the product of those other two. Get a group together with a common purpose. What do they do, naturally? They organize. They agree to roles and responsibilities. They adopt rules. Just like our countries founders did 250 or so years ago.

Your religion, that from chaos comes progress, is the big lie. From chaos comes chaos.

Well, as I said, I don't advocate chaos or anarchy. So, you're just shadowboxing. You can come up with whatever euphemisms make it all palatable to you, just as long as we're clear that you're diametrically opposed to liberty as a value.

First, I've never gotten from you, or anyone else here, a definition of "liberty", so I can only guess at what's in your head when you say it.

Nothing fancy - Let me google that for you

Second, living free of rules, as long as you are the only one free, is a compelling fantasy for most people.

Third, if everyone lived without rules and organization, the result would be chaos. There is an experiment performed about once a week in the middle east, which always demonstrates the mindlessness of mobs.

So, in the absence of any definition to the contrary, I think that your world is not real, but what you and others wish was true.

Wrong answer. Try again. The libertarian cause isn't a demand for 'no rules'. It's a defense of individual rights. You've had this explained to you. Repeatedly. Liberty requires rules.

Again (and again), we're not anarchists.
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Well, as I said, I don't advocate chaos or anarchy. So, you're just shadowboxing. You can come up with whatever euphemisms make it all palatable to you, just as long as we're clear that you're diametrically opposed to liberty as a value.

First, I've never gotten from you, or anyone else here, a definition of "liberty", so I can only guess at what's in your head when you say it.

Nothing fancy - Let me google that for you

Second, living free of rules, as long as you are the only one free, is a compelling fantasy for most people.

Third, if everyone lived without rules and organization, the result would be chaos. There is an experiment performed about once a week in the middle east, which always demonstrates the mindlessness of mobs.

So, in the absence of any definition to the contrary, I think that your world is not real, but what you and others wish was true.

Wrong answer. Try again. Libertarians aren't after 'no rules'. You've had this explained to you. Repeatedly. Liberty requires rules. Again (and again), we're not anarchists.

What is the difference then between your "vision" and today's reality?
Let me add that my real life experience is that there is nothing that I feel compelled to do that is illegal here and now. So my view of the law here and now is that it has no impact on my life but is rather 100% aimed at preventing others from imposing on me what's best for them. Near perfect freedom. Near perfect liberty.
First, I've never gotten from you, or anyone else here, a definition of "liberty", so I can only guess at what's in your head when you say it.

Nothing fancy - Let me google that for you

Second, living free of rules, as long as you are the only one free, is a compelling fantasy for most people.

Third, if everyone lived without rules and organization, the result would be chaos. There is an experiment performed about once a week in the middle east, which always demonstrates the mindlessness of mobs.

So, in the absence of any definition to the contrary, I think that your world is not real, but what you and others wish was true.

Wrong answer. Try again. Libertarians aren't after 'no rules'. You've had this explained to you. Repeatedly. Liberty requires rules. Again (and again), we're not anarchists.

What is the difference then between your "vision" and today's reality?

Assholes like you, moving our government toward authoritarian corporatism and away from liberal democracy.
Nothing fancy - Let me google that for you

Wrong answer. Try again. Libertarians aren't after 'no rules'. You've had this explained to you. Repeatedly. Liberty requires rules. Again (and again), we're not anarchists.

What is the difference then between your "vision" and today's reality?

Assholes like you, moving our government toward authoritarian corporatism and away from liberal democracy.

Is you calling me an "asshole", liberty?
Let me add that my real life experience is that there is nothing that I feel compelled to do that is illegal here and now. So my view of the law here and now is that it has no impact on my life but is rather 100% aimed at preventing others from imposing on me what's best for them. Near perfect freedom. Near perfect liberty.

Yes. We've established your myopia in this regard. Other people, however, see things differently than you. They have different goals, different values.

You're concerned with far more than protecting yourself. You want to control others for your convenience.
Let me add that my real life experience is that there is nothing that I feel compelled to do that is illegal here and now. So my view of the law here and now is that it has no impact on my life but is rather 100% aimed at preventing others from imposing on me what's best for them. Near perfect freedom. Near perfect liberty.

Yes. We've established your myopia in this regard. Other people, however, see things differently than you. They have different goals, different values.

You're concerned with far more than protecting yourself. You want to control others for your convenience.

I want others limited by law to what things, better for them, but worse for me, that they can impose on me. Freedom for all of us.

Is living my life on my terms rather than on the terms that others would impose on me, freedom? Yes, I think that it is.
Let me add that my real life experience is that there is nothing that I feel compelled to do that is illegal here and now. So my view of the law here and now is that it has no impact on my life but is rather 100% aimed at preventing others from imposing on me what's best for them. Near perfect freedom. Near perfect liberty.

Yes. We've established your myopia in this regard. Other people, however, see things differently than you. They have different goals, different values.

You're concerned with far more than protecting yourself. You want to control others for your convenience.

I want others limited by law to what things, better for them, but worse for me, that they can impose on me. Freedom for all of us.

Is living my life on my terms rather than on the terms that others would impose on me, freedom? Yes, I think that it is.

Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.
Yes. We've established your myopia in this regard. Other people, however, see things differently than you. They have different goals, different values.

You're concerned with far more than protecting yourself. You want to control others for your convenience.

I want others limited by law to what things, better for them, but worse for me, that they can impose on me. Freedom for all of us.

Is living my life on my terms rather than on the terms that others would impose on me, freedom? Yes, I think that it is.

Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.

"Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie."

Somewhere around 6% of what your insurance company charges you for hospitalization coverage, without any doubt, is to cover people without insurance who have no option to the use of emergency rooms for normal health care. You in denial has no effect on that.

That's way more money, that you and I are paying, than giving those people the alternative of normal health care delivery.

That's simple reality.

You've merely and meekly accepted Republican propaganda to the contrary, as they need you to excuse them for piss poor governance, when they had every chance to participate in health care reform, but chose not to, because they thought that they could kill it and embarrass Obama.

They made a stupid mistake and have recruited you to help cover it up.

Thinking for yourself is necessary in life. If you don't, others will think for you, and use you to their advantage. Unless that's made illegal, or you prevent it yourself.
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Yes. We've established your myopia in this regard. Other people, however, see things differently than you. They have different goals, different values.

You're concerned with far more than protecting yourself. You want to control others for your convenience.

I want others limited by law to what things, better for them, but worse for me, that they can impose on me. Freedom for all of us.

Is living my life on my terms rather than on the terms that others would impose on me, freedom? Yes, I think that it is.

Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.

Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit. IOW he gets off on pillaging and torturing people, that's what liberty is for him.
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You've merely and meekly accepted Republican propaganda to the contrary

Yeah... You're pretty fixated on Republicans. I don't really care. I don't listen to them any more than I listen to your bullshit. I'm just not interested in your partisan pissing match.

Thinking for yourself is necessary in life. If you don't, others will think for you, and use you to their advantage. Unless that's made illegal, or you prevent it yourself.

Do you ever read back over what you post?
I want others limited by law to what things, better for them, but worse for me, that they can impose on me. Freedom for all of us.

Is living my life on my terms rather than on the terms that others would impose on me, freedom? Yes, I think that it is.

Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.

Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.
Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.

Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

The one reassuring thing about authoritarians is that they pretty much always burn themselves out, usually fairly quickly. Their lust for power undoes them every time, as witnessed by the way the Democrats are taking a seemingly unsurmountable lead over Republicans and pissing it away on their overreaching ambitions.
Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

The one reassuring thing about authoritarians is that they pretty much always burn themselves out, usually fairly quickly. Their lust for power undoes them every time, as witnessed by the way the Democrats are taking a seemingly unsurmountable lead over Republicans and pissing it away on their overreaching ambitions.
It sure is showing in the Michigan polls.
Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

The one reassuring thing about authoritarians is that they pretty much always burn themselves out, usually fairly quickly. Their lust for power undoes them every time, as witnessed by the way the Democrats are taking a seemingly unsurmountable lead over Republicans and pissing it away on their overreaching ambitions.

Why not call us what we are and you aren't. Collaborators. People supporting democracy.

People who favor minority rule are authoritarian. Look how hard, for instance, John Boehner is trying to impose conservative economic dogma on the entire Congress and country.
Nah... when you see fit to force others to comply with your plans to solve your problems (ie the insurance mandate) for your convenience, you're no longer protecting your rights. You're forcing your will on others. Your insistence that someone else not having insurance imposes anything on you is simply a lie.

Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

ROFL You saying my English is fractured, is just hilarious. What was your first language? English is clearly beyond your scope of expertise. FYI talking about yourself in the third person by using the pronoun "he" tells us one of two things. 1) You are a retard; or 2) you are a retarded sock puppet.
Yeah PMZ is basically a one trick pony. He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority. He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit.

You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

ROFL You saying my English is fractured, is just hilarious. What was your first language? English is clearly beyond your scope of expertise. FYI talking about yourself in the third person by using the pronoun "he" tells us one of two things. 1) You are a retard; or 2) you are a retarded sock puppet.

Good avoidance. Keep dancing.
You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

ROFL You saying my English is fractured, is just hilarious. What was your first language? English is clearly beyond your scope of expertise. FYI talking about yourself in the third person by using the pronoun "he" tells us one of two things. 1) You are a retard; or 2) you are a retarded sock puppet.

Good avoidance. Keep dancing.

Avoidance of what? I addressed your thesis, as merely an exercise in self projection. What else do you think I need to address?
ROFL You saying my English is fractured, is just hilarious. What was your first language? English is clearly beyond your scope of expertise. FYI talking about yourself in the third person by using the pronoun "he" tells us one of two things. 1) You are a retard; or 2) you are a retarded sock puppet.

Good avoidance. Keep dancing.

Avoidance of what? I addressed your thesis, as merely an exercise in self projection. What else do you think I need to address?

If you had expressed yourself better, and had an actual point to make, you could attempt to defend it. Given that you did neither, avoidance was the only choice.
You calling me a one trick pony is record setting irony.

"He has stated numerous times that he thinks liberty means the liberty to do get away anything desired within the letter of the law proscribed by the tyranny of the majority."

If your fractured English can be roughly translated as "he thinks liberty is the freedom for all to do what's legal", we have it today. So he and you ought to be happy, not whiney.

"He also states that he believes it's ok to use government regulations to figuratively tie women and children down involuntarily and economically rape them again and again by taking their assets at his tyranny's pleasure for his benefit."

More fractured English. Hopefully English is your fourth or fifth language.

I would say this is the opposite of what he thinks. I would say what he thinks is that the current capitalist system of wealth distribution towards ruthlessness, should be left unchecked until the wealthy have vacuumed up the few crumbs of wealth that are now shared by the creators of all wealth, those that work productively, and those who would, but for business choosing to keep them on the bench.

The one reassuring thing about authoritarians is that they pretty much always burn themselves out, usually fairly quickly. Their lust for power undoes them every time, as witnessed by the way the Democrats are taking a seemingly unsurmountable lead over Republicans and pissing it away on their overreaching ambitions.

Why not call us what we are and you aren't. Collaborators. People supporting democracy.

Because collaboration is a voluntary activity. By your accounting, the slave plantations of the old south were 'collaborative farms'. No, when you employ the coercive power of the law to force your solutions on someone else, that's not 'collaboration'.

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