The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

I have to say that you are the prototypical conservative, desperate for a simple, black and white world. And that's exactly what Fox propaganda gives you.

Most people understood Obama's point. That Obamacare wasn't offering a product for people who had adequate coverage and were happy with the cost and source of it. It absolutely doesn't. It established some minimum coverage standards. It uncovered policies that were inadequate relative to those standards. It required insurers to deliver adequate coverage. Insurance improved.

Did he choose the best brief way to say that? I thought so. I believe that most people did.

But, this whole thing has nothing at all to do with that question.

It has to do with Republicans avoiding accountability for having no solution to, no alternative for, the biggest obstacle in our economy to global competition. They simply have ignored the problem. It's not at all about the American people and our future. They offered no way for themselves to win. They could only try to prevent Democrats from winning. And the American people.

It's pure politics with no regard at all for America and Americans.

And it cost them plenty on election day 2012. But even bigger defeats are coming.

I encourage Republican anger at me. I bring it on. It's the seed of their demise. As propaganda is based on making people angry then giving them a scapegoat, conservatives seeth with anger. And I take advantage of it.

I don't care about winning here. Just in the voting booth, and conservatives are their own worst enemy there. I just encourage them.
It's too bad you're tacking so partisan here. Obama was directly addressing the fears of people who worried that new regulations would disqualify their existing insurance plans - which, for some people, is exactly what happened. If you're not willing to admit that was a flat out lie, then I'm not sure what would qualify.

I'm partisan?????????? What are you????????

Not. Seriously, about the only defense that makes sense in this case is that anyone who bothered to read ACA, or even read a little about ACA, should have known he was lying. Most of us did. I suspect even most of his supporters did and just didn't care. And still don't, apparently.

The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.

I'm partisan?????????? What are you????????

Not. Seriously, about the only defense that makes sense in this case is that anyone who bothered to read ACA, or even read a little about ACA, should have known he was lying. Most of us did. I suspect even most of his supporters did and just didn't care. And still don't, apparently.

The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.


How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.

I have to say that you are the prototypical conservative, desperate for a simple, black and white world. And that's exactly what Fox propaganda gives you.

Most people understood Obama's point. That Obamacare wasn't offering a product for people who had adequate coverage and were happy with the cost and source of it. It absolutely doesn't. It established some minimum coverage standards. It uncovered policies that were inadequate relative to those standards. It required insurers to deliver adequate coverage. Insurance improved.

Did he choose the best brief way to say that? I thought so. I believe that most people did.

But, this whole thing has nothing at all to do with that question.

It has to do with Republicans avoiding accountability for having no solution to, no alternative for, the biggest obstacle in our economy to global competition. They simply have ignored the problem. It's not at all about the American people and our future. They offered no way for themselves to win. They could only try to prevent Democrats from winning. And the American people.

It's pure politics with no regard at all for America and Americans.

And it cost them plenty on election day 2012. But even bigger defeats are coming.

I encourage Republican anger at me. I bring it on. It's the seed of their demise. As propaganda is based on making people angry then giving them a scapegoat, conservatives seeth with anger. And I take advantage of it.

I don't care about winning here. Just in the voting booth, and conservatives are their own worst enemy there. I just encourage them.
Lying Troll. You are nothing, never were anything, and never will be anything.
Not. Seriously, about the only defense that makes sense in this case is that anyone who bothered to read ACA, or even read a little about ACA, should have known he was lying. Most of us did. I suspect even most of his supporters did and just didn't care. And still don't, apparently.

The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.


How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.
He'd feed Obama his dog if Obama told him to.
Not. Seriously, about the only defense that makes sense in this case is that anyone who bothered to read ACA, or even read a little about ACA, should have known he was lying. Most of us did. I suspect even most of his supporters did and just didn't care. And still don't, apparently.

The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.


How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.

I was paying attention at the time. Most everybody was. And I think that labeling it a lie is perfect political silliness.

It's as silly as Rotweiners argument that if the Supreme Courts Constitutional responsibilities aren't explicit in one particular section then they're not in the Constitution and therefore whatever he wants as interpretation is as valid as theirs.

The reason that conservatism has failed so spectacularly in practice is that the world isn't a Classic Comicbook. Insisting on gross oversimplifications is, as you say, silly.

Silly just doesn't cut it in the real world.
The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.


How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.
He'd feed Obama his dog if Obama told him to.

Speaking of political silliness, here's the star of it.
The fact that you label what he said a "lie" is absolutely prejudicial on your part. And you know it. That's why you chose that word.

A little trick rubbed off from Fox.


How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.

I was paying attention at the time. Most everybody was. And I think that labeling it a lie is perfect political silliness.

It's as silly as Rotweiners argument that if the Supreme Courts Constitutional responsibilities aren't explicit in one particular section then they're not in the Constitution and therefore whatever he wants as interpretation is as valid as theirs.

The reason that conservatism has failed so spectacularly in practice is that the world isn't a Classic Comicbook. Insisting on gross oversimplifications is, as you say, silly.

Silly just doesn't cut it in the real world.

Well, that's what I mean by 'partisan'. You're so caught up in the us vs. them mentality you're failing to look at things objectively. Sorry, but I have to put you in the same category is Republicans who could never admit Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

I have to say that you are the prototypical conservative, desperate for a simple, black and white world. And that's exactly what Fox propaganda gives you.

Most people understood Obama's point. That Obamacare wasn't offering a product for people who had adequate coverage and were happy with the cost and source of it. It absolutely doesn't. It established some minimum coverage standards. It uncovered policies that were inadequate relative to those standards. It required insurers to deliver adequate coverage. Insurance improved.

Did he choose the best brief way to say that? I thought so. I believe that most people did.

But, this whole thing has nothing at all to do with that question.

It has to do with Republicans avoiding accountability for having no solution to, no alternative for, the biggest obstacle in our economy to global competition. They simply have ignored the problem. It's not at all about the American people and our future. They offered no way for themselves to win. They could only try to prevent Democrats from winning. And the American people.

It's pure politics with no regard at all for America and Americans.

And it cost them plenty on election day 2012. But even bigger defeats are coming.

I encourage Republican anger at me. I bring it on. It's the seed of their demise. As propaganda is based on making people angry then giving them a scapegoat, conservatives seeth with anger. And I take advantage of it.

I don't care about winning here. Just in the voting booth, and conservatives are their own worst enemy there. I just encourage them.
Lying Troll. You are nothing, never were anything, and never will be anything.

Evidence shithead, evidence. You never offer any. None. Perhaps among the homeless under the bridge you can get away with that. You're among some adults here. Your playground act just embarrasses your friends.

Keep it up. You're getting to be my biggest exhibit here.
How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.

I was paying attention at the time. Most everybody was. And I think that labeling it a lie is perfect political silliness.

It's as silly as Rotweiners argument that if the Supreme Courts Constitutional responsibilities aren't explicit in one particular section then they're not in the Constitution and therefore whatever he wants as interpretation is as valid as theirs.

The reason that conservatism has failed so spectacularly in practice is that the world isn't a Classic Comicbook. Insisting on gross oversimplifications is, as you say, silly.

Silly just doesn't cut it in the real world.

Well, that's what I mean by 'partisan'. You're so caught up in the us vs. them mentality you're failing to look at things objectively. Sorry, but I have to put you in the same category is Republicans who could never admit Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

Apparently someone missdefined "objective" to you. It doesn't mean your opinion. In this context it means something like closer to the truth. Unbiased.
I have to say that you are the prototypical conservative, desperate for a simple, black and white world. And that's exactly what Fox propaganda gives you.

Most people understood Obama's point. That Obamacare wasn't offering a product for people who had adequate coverage and were happy with the cost and source of it. It absolutely doesn't. It established some minimum coverage standards. It uncovered policies that were inadequate relative to those standards. It required insurers to deliver adequate coverage. Insurance improved.

Did he choose the best brief way to say that? I thought so. I believe that most people did.

But, this whole thing has nothing at all to do with that question.

It has to do with Republicans avoiding accountability for having no solution to, no alternative for, the biggest obstacle in our economy to global competition. They simply have ignored the problem. It's not at all about the American people and our future. They offered no way for themselves to win. They could only try to prevent Democrats from winning. And the American people.

It's pure politics with no regard at all for America and Americans.

And it cost them plenty on election day 2012. But even bigger defeats are coming.

I encourage Republican anger at me. I bring it on. It's the seed of their demise. As propaganda is based on making people angry then giving them a scapegoat, conservatives seeth with anger. And I take advantage of it.

I don't care about winning here. Just in the voting booth, and conservatives are their own worst enemy there. I just encourage them.
Lying Troll. You are nothing, never were anything, and never will be anything.

Evidence shithead, evidence. You never offer any. None. Perhaps among the homeless under the bridge you can get away with that. You're among some adults here. Your playground act just embarrasses your friends.

Keep it up. You're getting to be my biggest exhibit here.

I cited my evidence you dumb ass troll it's called quoting.

I have to say that you are the prototypical conservative, desperate for a simple, black and white world. And that's exactly what Fox propaganda gives you.

I have to say that you are the prototypical idiot Dumbocrat [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION], desperate to defend the indefensible and spin the embarassing failures of your party and their policies. And that's exactly what MSNBC propaganda gives you.

Most people understood Obama's point.

Yep. Everyone but your dumb ass. He said over and over and over "let me be very clear" followed by "this is a promise that we will keep to the American people" followed by "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan". This could not be more clear and you know it. Watching you flail around wildly in your partisan hack panic is comical. Obama knowingly and egregious lied to the American people. It was a premeditated lie with the agenda of replacing freedom in the United States with marxism. Because that's what daddy taught him. Just like you.

Thank you for proving here PMZ that not only are you the party that breaks promises, but you're also the party that will lie to the American people and attempt to convince them that no promise was made. Unfortunately for you, your parties LIES are on video for the word to see.

That Obamacare wasn't offering a product for people who had adequate coverage and were happy with the cost and source of it.

Exactly - instead it was offering to replace your excellent coverage with shitty, more expensive, marxist coverage so that Obama could win the votes of moron's like you who live as parasites to your fellow citizen.

It required insurers to deliver adequate coverage. Insurance improved.

And here we see the utterly absurd spin again. How do you "improve" insurance by forcing people to lose their insurance and then causing the cost of their new insurance to skyrocket as much as 200% of their previous cost?

Did he choose the best brief way to say that? I thought so. I believe that most people did.

And here we see the utterly absurd and embarssing spin again. He didn't say "let me be brief". In fact, quite the opposite, he said "let me be CLEAR". And he said it over and over and over and over and over and over and over....

Listen you desperate little parasite - he's on video. No matter how hard you try to lie about this, it's there for everyone to see with their own eyes. All you're doing with this desperate campaign of yours is proving your the party which lies'over and over to the American people (compounding Obama's lies with more absurd and egregious lies) and proving that you a person with 0 credibility to be ignored, mocked, and ridiculed (which is why you're getting hammered in this thread stupid).

But, this whole thing has nothing at all to do with that question.

You're right - it has to do with parasites like you who want to replace freedom in the United States with communism so you can live as a ward of the state like a fuck'n helpless child.

It's pure politics with no regard at all for America and Americans.

Agreed. How sad that the Dumbocrats play such petty politics which destory lives. But then again, the Dumbocrats are the party of the poor so they need to create more and more poor people to vote for them. It's why their policies create such extreme poverty and misery (look no further than Detroit).

And it cost them plenty on election day 2012. But even bigger defeats are coming.

Says the Dumbocrat outnumbered 15-1 on USMB. :eusa_doh:

As propaganda is based on making people angry then giving them a scapegoat, conservatives seeth with anger. And I take advantage of it.

How interesting that the only thing you seem to be informed on is propaganda. Maybe that's because you've realized since you were a child and destroyed in debates by facts that the Dumbocrat party needs propaganda since their beleifs are anti-constitutional and their policies create poverty. Two things impossible to sell to any rational human.

I don't care about winning here.

That's because you can't win stupid. You're lying and you know you're lying. I provide evidence and facts, like a typical idiot Dumbocrat, you ignore both in favor of lies and spins.

Just in the voting booth, and conservatives are their own worst enemy there. I just encourage them.

They are so much their "own worst enemy" that they took control of the House and shut down the government while liberals cried like little girls... :lol:
Apparently you interpreted his remarks, however he worded it, to mean that there would be no more changes to health insurance. That if you liked what you had, when he said it, it was yours forever. If you're happy thinking that, feel free. I would personally not consider that top shelf thinking but if you're happy with it, have at it.

It's too bad you're tacking so partisan here. Obama was directly addressing the fears of people who worried that new regulations would disqualify their existing insurance plans - which, for some people, is exactly what happened. If you're not willing to admit that was a flat out lie, then I'm not sure what would qualify.

I'm partisan?????????? What are you????????

What is [MENTION=30065]dblack[/MENTION]? Honest and analytical. Two concepts you can't even begin to fathom - hence you're total shock and bewilderment at him.
How is that prejudicial? I'm not labeling what he said as a 'lie' because he's Obama, or because he's a Democrat. I'm labeling what said as a lie because I know what he said and the context in which he said it. Just like his claims that the the mandate wasn't a tax. Getting all pissy about it being a lie at this point is kind of silly - everyone who was paying attention knew it at the time. But it's no sillier than denying it.

I was paying attention at the time. Most everybody was. And I think that labeling it a lie is perfect political silliness.

It's as silly as Rotweiners argument that if the Supreme Courts Constitutional responsibilities aren't explicit in one particular section then they're not in the Constitution and therefore whatever he wants as interpretation is as valid as theirs.

The reason that conservatism has failed so spectacularly in practice is that the world isn't a Classic Comicbook. Insisting on gross oversimplifications is, as you say, silly.

Silly just doesn't cut it in the real world.

Well, that's what I mean by 'partisan'. You're so caught up in the us vs. them mentality you're failing to look at things objectively. Sorry, but I have to put you in the same category is Republicans who could never admit Bush lied to justify invading Iraq.

Says the asshole who can't admit that Obama lied - even though Obama's lies are on video!!! :lmao:
You're among some adults here

He should be among adults. Unfortunately immature, ignorant, and uneducated Dumbocrats like you show up and Nazi salute Obama while making weak attempts to defend the blatant LIES of the regime. "Period"

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

what was the name of the baby ?

Hi Tyrone. In my case, I had named my baby Matthew, and I felt he died and his spirit left me while I was emotionally coerced to have an abortion even though I didn't believe in that and wanted to have and keep the baby as my original intent. My boyfriend threatened to commit suicide if I had and gave the baby up for adoption.

Nobody "celebrated" this. Instead, everyone was ashamed, and I got blamed for it even though I felt raped, like blaming a victim for something she didn't choose but was forced into.

I am still prochoice and believe that is the only way to take all steps necessary to prevent abortion. But I totally understand why the prolife advocates protest this issue.

Many abortions happen before the baby's soul enters into the body. But in my case, the baby was already a baby to me. So the baby had to be killed in spirit first before I would consent to go through the abortion afterward.

I believe I was meant to go through this experience so I could understand both sides of the prochoice prolife issue and not judge people for their beliefs. But try to achieve the goal of preventing ALL abortion from a prochoice approach, which I believe is more constitutional.

You can't imagine my horror when the same prochoice advocates started pushing and defending this ACA mess. All the arguments about constitutional freedom from govt controls went out the window. So now I'm fighting for prochoice with prolife advocates who seem to have a better grip of the constitution. I am having next to zero luck explaining the concept of constitutional equal choice to my fellow liberal friends who have gone off the deep end with pushing gay marriage through the state and not as a free choice, and now this health care mandate. These things should be kept local and/or private if you want to keep free choice. If you want to delegate something to federal govt that isn't EXPRESSLY stated in the Constitution, it either requires a Constitutional amendment and/or ALL the public (all parties and states, not just one party pushing a biased policy) need to AGREE first since the govt is supposed to represent ALL views.

I have better success explaining to prolife people why the laws need to include all Views, but am striking out trying to explain this to prochoice people who put party before the Constitution. I think Republicans traditionally have similar difficulty with their far right fringe putting religion before the Constitution. With the leftwing, it is harder to define because their "religion" is secular and uses political language, but is clearly a marked difference in beliefs similar to a political religion. Because it uses political instead of religious language, it is not recognized as a religion, but are the equivalent beliefs.

I normally use either the Constitution and/or Christian principles to "check" people and reach agreement. But with the far left who don't relate to those principles, I either have to make analogies to experiences they understand, or real life examples to make points.

Tyrone you seem to focus on very succinct points.

Can you help come up with an "analogy" for liberals to understand why pushing this federal mandate on private health insurance goes against free choice?

For example, when my prolife friends didn't understand how can you be against abortion and for prochoice, I explained it using the death penalty. That none of the prolife people want to see people executed; but we want to prevent that by preventing murder, not by banning execution. You can still keep execution as a legal choice "on the books" but never invoke it because murder is prevented. Same with prochoice and preventing abortion without banning it.

Now what is the equivalent of making all people pay for private insurance or pay a fine to govt? I tried using "spiritual healing" that this would save more lives and resources to serve even more people; so why not mandate that through federal govt and make everyone go through that process or pay fines to cover the higher risks and costs of disease?

Clearly people would NOT agree to mandate that, even after spiritual healing is medically proven to cure disease, because it requires free choice. But if insurance can be mandated when it could or should be a free choice, why not mandate spiritual healing in order to cover even more people?

This analogy is not working because people don't know spiritual healing works and is medically proven.

Can you help me come up with an analogy that would make sense to prochoice or singlepayer advocates?

Can you name something that you believe without question should remain voluntary by nature, but since one group believes it is necessary anyway and the best or only solution, they are mandating it through federal govt while you believe that is an abuse of govt to push this on people who believe in voluntary free choice to pursue, fund and participate in other alternatives?

What about sex? Like no one can have sex unless you PROVE you have means/insurance to pay for the kids who "may result."
And if you have sex without this, then you pay a fine to govt. Is that close? Can you work with that and create a parallel analogy?
Last edited:
Lying Troll. You are nothing, never were anything, and never will be anything.

Evidence shithead, evidence. You never offer any. None. Perhaps among the homeless under the bridge you can get away with that. You're among some adults here. Your playground act just embarrasses your friends.

Keep it up. You're getting to be my biggest exhibit here.

I cited my evidence you dumb ass troll it's called quoting.

I see your problem. Quotes are evidence. Evidence of what? Language?
You're among some adults here

He should be among adults. Unfortunately immature, ignorant, and uneducated Dumbocrats like you show up and Nazi salute Obama while making weak attempts to defend the blatant LIES of the regime. "Period"

[ame=]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

How come you blindly following Fox propaganda is not both mindless and dysfunctional?
Evidence shithead, evidence. You never offer any. None. Perhaps among the homeless under the bridge you can get away with that. You're among some adults here. Your playground act just embarrasses your friends.

Keep it up. You're getting to be my biggest exhibit here.

I cited my evidence you dumb ass troll it's called quoting.

I see your problem. Quotes are evidence. Evidence of what? Language?

Now you can't read your own writing? ROFL

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