The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Where in my idea would it be found that your choice would be taken away ? You would have this insurance card issued to you, and it would work anywhere you would choose to go, and it would pay for the services that the card represents paying for, in which would be your total health care needs. You would be able to choose your own doctor, hospital and care,

But I wouldn't be able to choose my health insurance. Instead, I would be forced into an unconstitutional, government-run, single-payer system.

just as long as they are not found to be fraudulent, overcharging and criminals in which has been found in the past among some of these businesses and/or their operators

Do you really want to go down this road? There is more fraud, criminal activity, and unethical behavior in one week of government than you could find in decades of private industry.

And yet you'll sit here all day worshipping government and bashing private industry :cuckoo:. How do you explain that?

The health care industry seems to be the one that is out of control, and has been out of control for quite sometime now for many in this nation, but for the ones who could by pass the problems with money, they never experienced the horrors of the greed stricken industry in which was separating people by class. They were raping and pillaging peoples lives without regard of the long term consequences to them and this nation in the end. I know of a hospital right now that owes the government millions in fines and restitution for double billing and fraud of the Medicare system, and they have been ordered to pay the money back finally. These bad apples are what has made for the whole reform process to get to rolling in this nation, and it's just a shame that everyone wasn't on board with fixing it all. If they would have been, then maybe the right programs and solutions could have been found.

So because you know of a hospital (hell, lets say a dozen) who were corrupt, we need to shred the Constitution and hand over everything to the "pure", "incorruptible" government? This is the equivalent of saying because Ted Bundy was an animal who brutally beat, raped, and murdered women we need to permanently place all men in prison. :cuckoo:

By the way - had the federal government kept their fucking nose out of healthcare in 1967 (as they were Constitutionally required to) there would be no Medicare/Medicaid for corrupt people to bilk. But you never consider that, do you? All you do is solve a problem created by government by giving government more power and control. If they can't stop fraud for Medicare & Medicaid, what in the hell is Obamacare going to do to stop it?!?!? Please, tell me, what magical fairy tale, pixie dust scenario do you have in your head where Obamacare somehow stops unethical people from acting unethical? :cuckoo:
Where in my idea would it be found that your choice would be taken away?

Really? Seriously? Please see the part highlighted in red and bolded above. I eagerly await your response...
I had written it already in the same post, but you deleted it, and then you just pasted what you wanted to in what you kept. Then you wanted the answer that you had deleted to be what written again by me ? (Strange)

You had written what [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION]?!? Your ENTIRE post was there. I simply bolded and highlighted the part where you said "single payer" system which completely strips me of choice. Then you absurdly claim there is no loss of choice :cuckoo:
Where in my idea would it be found that your choice would be taken away?

Really? Seriously? Please see the part highlighted in red and bolded above. I eagerly await your response...
I had written it already in the same post, but you deleted it, and then you just pasted what you wanted to in what you kept. Then you wanted the answer that you had deleted to be what written again by me ? (Strange)

I deleted nothing. Your entire post was there - I simply bolded and highlighted the part in question. Want to try again? Maybe be honest and admit your idea of "single-payer" system robs me of CHOICE and FREEDOM?
ROTFLMFAO!!!! So now even government workers are losing their jobs and/or hours due to the "solution" to a problem that never existed created by Dumbocrats in government. Man, I can't wait to see how [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] tries to spin this one... :lmao:

Will he go with his standard Tourette's response of "Fox! Fox! Fox!"? Or will he try the hilarious "conservatives are too simple minded to understand the complexity of this 'required' solution which is causing tens of millions to lose their job, their insurance, or their hours - and you'll just have to take my word that this is a GOOD thing" (ie shit - the facts are indisputable, I need to feign mental superiority) :lol:. You just never know with PMZ. But one thing is certain - he will not acknowledge the simple, indisputable fact that this Dumbocrat policy is an epic failure which broke something that was previously working damn near flawlessly.

State and Local Governments Cutting Work Hours Due to Obamacare
Keep up your campaign of hate Rotweiner. The voters love it. I suspect every day you send another one our way.
Keep up your campaign of hate Rotweiner. The voters love it. I suspect every day you send another one our way.

Someone running out of excuses for the indisputable FACTS? Only a Dumbocrat would consider the TRUTH to be "a campaign of hate". :eusa_whistle:

You know why you're so angry and so worried? Because the headlines are sending voters away from your failed Dumbocrat policies and back to freedom and the Constitution:

Barack Obama More Unpopular Than George W. Bush

And you know once that happens, the free ride you've been bilking out of your fellow citizens is over. You're actually going to be forced to provide for yourself like a big boy. Gasp!
Keep up your campaign of hate Rotweiner. The voters love it. I suspect every day you send another one our way.

Someone running out of excuses for the indisputable FACTS? Only a Dumbocrat would consider the TRUTH to be "a campaign of hate". :eusa_whistle:

You know why you're so angry and so worried? Because the headlines are sending voters away from your failed Dumbocrat policies and back to freedom and the Constitution:

Barack Obama More Unpopular Than George W. Bush

And you know once that happens, the free ride you've been bilking out of your fellow citizens is over. You're actually going to be forced to provide for yourself like a big boy. Gasp!

I'm not going to change a thing that I'm doing and I hope the same is true of you.
Keep up your campaign of hate Rotweiner. The voters love it. I suspect every day you send another one our way.

Someone running out of excuses for the indisputable FACTS? Only a Dumbocrat would consider the TRUTH to be "a campaign of hate". :eusa_whistle:

You know why you're so angry and so worried? Because the headlines are sending voters away from your failed Dumbocrat policies and back to freedom and the Constitution:

Barack Obama More Unpopular Than George W. Bush

And you know once that happens, the free ride you've been bilking out of your fellow citizens is over. You're actually going to be forced to provide for yourself like a big boy. Gasp!

I'm not going to change a thing that I'm doing and I hope the same is true of you.

Well duh! Of course you're not going to change a thing. You're determined to live off of others like a parasite.

Believe me, I've never thought for a split second that you would ever change. People like you are simply too lazy to provide for yourselves. You will always focus what little effort you're willing to give on pushing communism rather than bettering yourself and providing for yourself.
Someone running out of excuses for the indisputable FACTS? Only a Dumbocrat would consider the TRUTH to be "a campaign of hate". :eusa_whistle:

You know why you're so angry and so worried? Because the headlines are sending voters away from your failed Dumbocrat policies and back to freedom and the Constitution:

Barack Obama More Unpopular Than George W. Bush

And you know once that happens, the free ride you've been bilking out of your fellow citizens is over. You're actually going to be forced to provide for yourself like a big boy. Gasp!

I'm not going to change a thing that I'm doing and I hope the same is true of you.

Well duh! Of course you're not going to change a thing. You're determined to live off of others like a parasite.

Believe me, I've never thought for a split second that you would ever change. People like you are simply too lazy to provide for yourselves. You will always focus what little effort you're willing to give on pushing communism rather than bettering yourself and providing for yourself.

Completely wrong but consistent with the rest of your delusions.

As keeper of the conservative closet monsters we know that you're paid to make scary noises and tell bizarre stories but people who think for themselves consider you the conservative court jester with your silly costume on.

You're the peewee Herman of conservatives.
I'm not going to change a thing that I'm doing and I hope the same is true of you.

Well duh! Of course you're not going to change a thing. You're determined to live off of others like a parasite.

Believe me, I've never thought for a split second that you would ever change. People like you are simply too lazy to provide for yourselves. You will always focus what little effort you're willing to give on pushing communism rather than bettering yourself and providing for yourself.

Completely wrong but consistent with the rest of your delusions.

As keeper of the conservative closet monsters we know that you're paid to make scary noises and tell bizarre stories but people who think for themselves consider you the conservative court jester with your silly costume on.

You're the peewee Herman of conservatives.

I have link after link after link in this thread alone proving what I've said is 100% fact. Meanwhile, you have nothing but uninformed opinion. Everybody here knows that you are the only one spewing "scary noises" because you want government to force your fellow citizen to provide for you.

You've yet to provide even the slightest semblance of an intelligent response to the FACT that roughly 50 million people are going to lose their health insurance. Instead, you have to focus on "hate" and attempt to pin that on conservatism. I wonder why that is.... :)
Well duh! Of course you're not going to change a thing. You're determined to live off of others like a parasite.

Believe me, I've never thought for a split second that you would ever change. People like you are simply too lazy to provide for yourselves. You will always focus what little effort you're willing to give on pushing communism rather than bettering yourself and providing for yourself.

Completely wrong but consistent with the rest of your delusions.

As keeper of the conservative closet monsters we know that you're paid to make scary noises and tell bizarre stories but people who think for themselves consider you the conservative court jester with your silly costume on.

You're the peewee Herman of conservatives.

I have link after link after link in this thread alone proving what I've said is 100% fact. Meanwhile, you have nothing but uninformed opinion. Everybody here knows that you are the only one spewing "scary noises" because you want government to force your fellow citizen to provide for you.

You've yet to provide even the slightest semblance of an intelligent response to the FACT that roughly 50 million people are going to lose their health insurance. Instead, you have to focus on "hate" and attempt to pin that on conservatism. I wonder why that is.... :)

"50 million people are going to lose their health insurance."

How many who never had insurance will now have it?

How many of your 50M "lost" their insurance due to their insurance company rejecting grandfathering and choosing instead to offer their customers a new policy?

Stop being being stupid.
Completely wrong but consistent with the rest of your delusions.

As keeper of the conservative closet monsters we know that you're paid to make scary noises and tell bizarre stories but people who think for themselves consider you the conservative court jester with your silly costume on.

You're the peewee Herman of conservatives.

I have link after link after link in this thread alone proving what I've said is 100% fact. Meanwhile, you have nothing but uninformed opinion. Everybody here knows that you are the only one spewing "scary noises" because you want government to force your fellow citizen to provide for you.

You've yet to provide even the slightest semblance of an intelligent response to the FACT that roughly 50 million people are going to lose their health insurance. Instead, you have to focus on "hate" and attempt to pin that on conservatism. I wonder why that is.... :)

"50 million people are going to lose their health insurance."

How many who never had insurance will now have it?

How many of your 50M "lost" their insurance due to their insurance company rejecting grandfathering and choosing instead to offer their customers a new policy?

Stop being being stupid.

Well, by the Dumbocrats own figures - at MOST - 30 million. Which leaves us with a net loss of 20 million.

By the way, there is a very important distinction to be made here. The 30 million (at MOST) who didn't have insurance were overwhelmingly to blame (there are always a few exceptions of course). But the 50 million who had insurance and have now had it stripped away from them by the Dumbocrats? Well, they did everything right and had it stuck to them by an unconstitutional, oppressive, communist government who holds 100% (without exception) of the blame for the loss of the insurance.

And that's the problem with the policies that you support. It takes power away from the people and ensures that someone else will decide if you succeed or fail. That's unacceptable. Each person should have the freedom and the power to succeed or fail on their own. That's what the Constitution did for us. It guaranteed and even playing field for all. Now, unconstitutional Dumbocrat government has guaranteed that no matter what you do, you will fail (unless of course you are in the favor of the Dumbocrats - then they will toss you a few pitiful table scraps).
I have link after link after link in this thread alone proving what I've said is 100% fact. Meanwhile, you have nothing but uninformed opinion. Everybody here knows that you are the only one spewing "scary noises" because you want government to force your fellow citizen to provide for you.

You've yet to provide even the slightest semblance of an intelligent response to the FACT that roughly 50 million people are going to lose their health insurance. Instead, you have to focus on "hate" and attempt to pin that on conservatism. I wonder why that is.... :)

"50 million people are going to lose their health insurance."

How many who never had insurance will now have it?

How many of your 50M "lost" their insurance due to their insurance company rejecting grandfathering and choosing instead to offer their customers a new policy?

Stop being being stupid.

Well, by the Dumbocrats own figures - at MOST - 30 million. Which leaves us with a net loss of 20 million.

By the way, there is a very important distinction to be made here. The 30 million (at MOST) who didn't have insurance were overwhelmingly to blame (there are always a few exceptions of course). But the 50 million who had insurance and have now had it stripped away from them by the Dumbocrats? Well, they did everything right and had it stuck to them by an unconstitutional, oppressive, communist government who holds 100% (without exception) of the blame for the loss of the insurance.

And that's the problem with the policies that you support. It takes power away from the people and ensures that someone else will decide if you succeed or fail. That's unacceptable. Each person should have the freedom and the power to succeed or fail on their own. That's what the Constitution did for us. It guaranteed and even playing field for all. Now, unconstitutional Dumbocrat government has guaranteed that no matter what you do, you will fail (unless of course you are in the favor of the Dumbocrats - then they will toss you a few pitiful table scraps).

Nobody lost their insurance dumbo. Their insurance companies chose to give them a new and different policy. Happens almost every year to almost every policy.

Many companies chose to take advantage of grandfathering.
"50 million people are going to lose their health insurance."

How many who never had insurance will now have it?

How many of your 50M "lost" their insurance due to their insurance company rejecting grandfathering and choosing instead to offer their customers a new policy?

Stop being being stupid.

Well, by the Dumbocrats own figures - at MOST - 30 million. Which leaves us with a net loss of 20 million.

By the way, there is a very important distinction to be made here. The 30 million (at MOST) who didn't have insurance were overwhelmingly to blame (there are always a few exceptions of course). But the 50 million who had insurance and have now had it stripped away from them by the Dumbocrats? Well, they did everything right and had it stuck to them by an unconstitutional, oppressive, communist government who holds 100% (without exception) of the blame for the loss of the insurance.

And that's the problem with the policies that you support. It takes power away from the people and ensures that someone else will decide if you succeed or fail. That's unacceptable. Each person should have the freedom and the power to succeed or fail on their own. That's what the Constitution did for us. It guaranteed and even playing field for all. Now, unconstitutional Dumbocrat government has guaranteed that no matter what you do, you will fail (unless of course you are in the favor of the Dumbocrats - then they will toss you a few pitiful table scraps).

Nobody lost their insurance dumbo. Their insurance companies chose to give them a new and different policy. Happens almost every year to almost every policy.

Many companies chose to take advantage of grandfathering.

Wrong many lost their insurance and can't afford to pay for the new policies. Additionally, the insurance companies were not given a choice. This bastard of a law written by the dumbocrats forced the insurance companies to drop customers.
"50 million people are going to lose their health insurance."

How many who never had insurance will now have it?

How many of your 50M "lost" their insurance due to their insurance company rejecting grandfathering and choosing instead to offer their customers a new policy?

Stop being being stupid.

Well, by the Dumbocrats own figures - at MOST - 30 million. Which leaves us with a net loss of 20 million.

By the way, there is a very important distinction to be made here. The 30 million (at MOST) who didn't have insurance were overwhelmingly to blame (there are always a few exceptions of course). But the 50 million who had insurance and have now had it stripped away from them by the Dumbocrats? Well, they did everything right and had it stuck to them by an unconstitutional, oppressive, communist government who holds 100% (without exception) of the blame for the loss of the insurance.

And that's the problem with the policies that you support. It takes power away from the people and ensures that someone else will decide if you succeed or fail. That's unacceptable. Each person should have the freedom and the power to succeed or fail on their own. That's what the Constitution did for us. It guaranteed and even playing field for all. Now, unconstitutional Dumbocrat government has guaranteed that no matter what you do, you will fail (unless of course you are in the favor of the Dumbocrats - then they will toss you a few pitiful table scraps).

Nobody lost their insurance dumbo. Their insurance companies chose to give them a new and different policy. Happens almost every year to almost every policy.

Many companies chose to take advantage of grandfathering.

:lmao: I've posted article after article after article. And here is another. Word-for-word stupid:

"Almost 250,000 Colorado residents have or will have their health insurance plans cancelled under ObamaCare."

Do you know what cancelled means? It means they LOST their insurance...dumbo :lmao:

Seriously folks, only a Dumbocrat like [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] could read national headline after national headline of people LOSING their health insurance and then make the outrageous claim that "nobody lost their insurance dumbo" :cuckoo:

And then people like [MENTION=34109]beagle9[/MENTION] wonder why you get treated like the asshole that you are? In the face of facts, you lie like a fuck'n prick because you're afraid of people seeing the truth.

Almost 250,000 Colo. residents lose health plans under ObamaCare
I don't get it [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION] - I thought the radical-left unions were huge supporters of your failed policies and of Obama? Now give us another tourette's outburst of "Fox! Fox! Fox!" and tell us all how conservatives "hate" to avoid another conversation about the FACTS.. :lmao:

Employers, as AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka recently said, are "restructuring their workforce to give workers 29- and-a-half hours " to dodge ObamaCare's health coverage mandate.

White House ObamaCare Math: 29.5-Hour Workweek Equals 30 Hours -
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Nearly 250,000 Colorado health policies canceled, many from Obamacare
By Michael Booth
The Denver Post
POSTED: 11/06/2013 04:25:40 PM MST261 COMMENTS
UPDATED: 11/07/2013 08:27:53 AM MST

President Obama talks healthcare
US President Barack Obama speaks about the healthcare reform laws, known as Obamacare, at an Organizing for Action event in Washington, DC, November 4, 2013. (Saul Loeb, Getty Images)
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Nov 6:
Colo.'s canceled health insurance count tops 200K
Nov 4:
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Oct 31:
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Oct 30:
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Insurance companies are canceling health policies for nearly 250,000 Coloradans, many because of Affordable Care Act rules, a tally likely to inflame consumers upset with controversial reforms.
The Colorado Division of Insurance said policies for 2013 that do not meet new minimum benefits under Obamacare are being canceled. Other cancellations are the result of business decisions by the insurers as part of normal operations.
Kathleen Baker is among those furious at the changes. She said her Kaiser Permanente policy was canceled, and a replacement would cost 17 percent more a month with higher deductibles.
Colorado health care exchange webpage
A screenshot of the home page taken on October 1, 2013 at 8:55 a.m. (Connect for Health Colorado)
"I would like to know how the president, or anyone in Congress, can say this is better for me," she said.
Opponents of Obamacare said the high number of cancellations is causing bewilderment and anger among consumers who thought they would be able to keep their plans.
Only 3,408 Coloradans have enrolled in the private insurance plans offered on a new state exchange, the conservative advocacy group Compass Colorado said.
"To have almost a hundred health plan cancellations for every exchange sign-up in Colorado under Obamacare is exponentially worse than even the most extreme skeptic could have predicted," said Kelly Maher, executive director for Compass Colorado.
Consumer advocates who welcome health reform said it will take time to decipher whether the cancellations represent disaster or simply transition.

Twenty-three health insurance carriers in Colorado canceled policies by Nov. 1, covering 106,083 lives in the individual market and 143,116 in the small-group market, the insurance division said.
The state did not say how many of those were directly related to existing policies' not meeting new rules under the Affordable Care Act, or were simply business decisions by the carriers. In past years, companies including Aetna have left the Colorado market in personal and small-group health insurance as conditions changed.
The division also did not offer a comparison to the thousands of canceled policies in past years.
There is wide anecdotal variance in consumers' experience after the cancellations.
Some complain that the new policies they were offered are much more expensive. Others say the insurance companies are giving them no help finding new policies on the exchange, which is another feature of the Affordable Care Act.
Still others have said they found better or as-good policies for acceptable prices, and some are receiving federal subsidies that will reduce their overall cost from 2013 prices.
Kaiser and Anthem cover three-quarters of the policies that have been canceled, the division said. Those companies are offering dozens of new, ACA-compliant policies on the exchange, at various prices.
Many of the canceled customers had bare-bones coverage that would not have helped them in 2013 if they had gotten sick, said Dede de Percin of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative. Some will find replacement policies through the Medicaid expansion, and others will get more useful policies and subsidies on the exchange, she added.
"Is it a legitimate concern right now? Yes," de Percin said. What she will be asking a year from now is: "Are most of those people back on policies, are people overall better off, have we reduced the number of uninsured? I believe the answer will be yes."
"The individual market is a volatile market, and plans come and go all the time," said Elisabeth Arenales, health care program director of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy. "While it's true that some people may wind up paying more, many will pay less."
Michael Booth: 303-954-1686, [email protected] or

Read more: Nearly 250,000 Colorado health policies canceled, many from Obamacare - The Denver Post
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Insurance companies are canceling health policies for nearly 250,000 Coloradans, many because of Affordable Care Act rules, a tally likely to inflame consumers upset with controversial reforms.
The Colorado Division of Insurance said policies for 2013 that do not meet new minimum benefits under Obamacare are being canceled. Other cancellations are the result of business decisions by the insurers as part of normal operations.
Kathleen Baker is among those furious at the changes. She said her Kaiser Permanente policy was canceled, and a replacement would cost 17 percent more a month with higher deductibles.
Colorado health care exchange webpage
A screenshot of the home page taken on October 1, 2013 at 8:55 a.m. (Connect for Health Colorado)
"I would like to know how the president, or anyone in Congress, can say this is better for me," she said.
Opponents of Obamacare said the high number of cancellations is causing bewilderment and anger among consumers who thought they would be able to keep their plans.
Only 3,408 Coloradans have enrolled in the private insurance plans offered on a new state exchange, the conservative advocacy group Compass Colorado said.
"To have almost a hundred health plan cancellations for every exchange sign-up in Colorado under Obamacare is exponentially worse than even the most extreme skeptic could have predicted," said Kelly Maher, executive director for Compass Colorado.
Consumer advocates who welcome health reform said it will take time to decipher whether the cancellations represent disaster or simply transition.

Twenty-three health insurance carriers in Colorado canceled policies by Nov. 1, covering 106,083 lives in the individual market and 143,116 in the small-group market, the insurance division said.
The state did not say how many of those were directly related to existing policies' not meeting new rules under the Affordable Care Act, or were simply business decisions by the carriers. In past years, companies including Aetna have left the Colorado market in personal and small-group health insurance as conditions changed.
The division also did not offer a comparison to the thousands of canceled policies in past years.
There is wide anecdotal variance in consumers' experience after the cancellations.
Some complain that the new policies they were offered are much more expensive. Others say the insurance companies are giving them no help finding new policies on the exchange, which is another feature of the Affordable Care Act.
Still others have said they found better or as-good policies for acceptable prices, and some are receiving federal subsidies that will reduce their overall cost from 2013 prices.
Kaiser and Anthem cover three-quarters of the policies that have been canceled, the division said. Those companies are offering dozens of new, ACA-compliant policies on the exchange, at various prices.
Many of the canceled customers had bare-bones coverage that would not have helped them in 2013 if they had gotten sick, said Dede de Percin of the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative. Some will find replacement policies through the Medicaid expansion, and others will get more useful policies and subsidies on the exchange, she added.
"Is it a legitimate concern right now? Yes," de Percin said. What she will be asking a year from now is: "Are most of those people back on policies, are people overall better off, have we reduced the number of uninsured? I believe the answer will be yes."
"The individual market is a volatile market, and plans come and go all the time," said Elisabeth Arenales, health care program director of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy. "While it's true that some people may wind up paying more, many will pay less."
Michael Booth: 303-954-1686, [email protected] or

Read more: Nearly 250,000 Colorado health policies canceled, many from Obamacare - The Denver Post
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Rotweiner's Fox News report is a classic example as to how the Republican Party uses Fox media to spread what they want to be true rather than news.

Every year before I got Medicare my health insurance was canceled. Every year.

And it's replacement announced.

Because every year my company would negotiate a new policy. It was part of my compensation so it was not known how much of the annual negotiations were related to what my company paid for it and how much were coverage changes. But every year we got a thick book of the new plan.

The Fox Opinions report if course is written to lead suckers to believe that those people are now without insurance, at least some of them due to ACA. But in every case their old policy could have been grandfathered but their insurance company chose not to.

It's not a bad rule of thumb to assume that every Fox Opinions report was written by the GOP and describes what they wish the truth to be.
Last edited:
Every year before I got Medicare my health insurance was canceled. Every year.

And it's replacement announced.

Well that's because you're a government parasite who has spent his life living off of people like me and Geaux, and RMK, etc.

But for the rest of us - we've literally gone our ENTIRE lives without our policies being cancelled even once.

So you're out of excuses. Basically this proves that your dumb-ass is just trying to drag the rest of us down to your government parasite level.

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