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The Global famine begins: UN announces that the worst food crisis since wwII is happening right now

We have been warned that there would be famines in diverse places in these times. But here in the western world we tend to be lulled into a false sense of security by our comfortable lives, not realizing that the massively inflated standard of living that we have been enjoying has been fueled by the largest mountain of debt in the history of the planet.

In Kenya, a national emergency has been declared due to drought and famine. For those of you that are parents, what would you do if your children were crying out for food but you didn’t have anything to give them? The following story from Kenya is beyond heartbreaking…"
ght now there is a desperate need for food in South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria, Eritrea and Kenya. And Yemen, even though it is not technically part of Africa,

That's not the world. Those are R selected cultures who breed like mosquitoes. They FAR exceeded their environment's carrying capacities decades ago. This continues to happen because well meaning western nations continue to prop up these low I.Q. trogs. Nature needs to take its course.

Not true. Sorry, wrong. Everything you are saying here is just flat out wrong. Period. The end. Moving on.
I would expect nothing less from a 'Rational Christian'. lol!
The Global Famine Begins: UN Announces That The Worst Food Crisis Since World War II Is Happening Right Now
We always knew that this would start happening. Earlier this month, I wrote about the severe economic problems that are plaguing South America, but up to this point I have neglected to discuss the horrific famines that are breaking out all over Africa. Right now there is a desperate need for food in South Sudan, Somalia, northeast Nigeria, Eritrea and Kenya. And Yemen, even though it is not technically part of Africa, is being affected by many of the same factors that are crippling nations all over eastern Africa. The United Nations says that more than 20 million people could die from starvation and disease if nothing is done. When I write about economic collapse, this is the kind of thing that I am talking about, and we are starting to see alarming conditions spread across the globe. Many believe that we could never possibly face this kind of food crisis in the western world, but unfortunately wishful thinking will only get you so far.

The Global Famine Begins: UN Announces That The Worst Food Crisis Since World War II Is Happening Right Now

View attachment 117560

UN: World facing largest humanitarian crisis since 1945 - CNN.com


MSM won't tell you what's really going on. They just sugar coat it or will blame Trump for it all lol.

What is interesting is that these are the same places where government intervenes in agriculture.

Additionally, they are places where the public supports terror groups, the same groups that steal the food aid.

It's really really sad. Hopefully they'll learn from this and move forward.

Until then I support Christian groups that help in those areas.

I realize that you are a Christian and your words are supposed to ring kind and fair. However, how can you sit and blame literally EVERYTHING around the situation but the people involved? You blame government intervention, terror, theft but not ONCE EVER do you blame the people.
When is it the people's fault? Intentional or not? When is it the people's fault for over breeding, for eating seed crop...for improper sanitation practices despite being taught? For their lack of forethought and control? How is it that the Asians can do this...the Europeans? Why is it always SOMEONE else when it is the Africans continually failing?
When, just one time, will one of you ever blame the people? Dislodge head from rectum ASAP.

Your response is rather baffling, since I thought I was doing exactly that.

When I said 'the public supports terror groups'... who exactly was that blame directed at? The people.

Over breeding isn't a problem. Sorry. Not true.

Further, I never suggested that everyone else is to blame all the time. However, when you intervene in a way that causes massive problems, you have to own those problems.

There is a huge difference between making suggestions, and giving education, and directly pushing a government program on people who don't want it.

For example, one of the food programs western do-gooder governments pushed in some countries of Africa, involved paying farmers a small price to plant corn, instead of their normal crops.

The problem was while corn is a staple in the US, it's not in Africa. People hate corn in Africa. Not only do they not like corn, but during colonial times, prisons operated by western governments forced prisoners to eat corn. So corn is considered "prison food" that white men punished prisoners with.

So while the governments with all their foreign aid money, got back these feel good reports about how they produced hundreds on hundreds of bushels of corn in Africa (which they did), instead of making the farmers better off, it made them even poorer, because all the corn wouldn't sell. No one wanted it. It ended up rotting on the rail way docks.

Those farmers didn't come up with this. They didn't even want to grow corn, because they knew it wouldn't sell.

They were convinced to do this by the US government, and their own local governments (whose well known corrupt politicians wanted the money).

We have to own our part in that bad play.

Does that mean everything in the entire planet is our fault? No. But what things ARE our fault... we have to own up.
your response is rather baffling, since I thought I was doing exactly that.

When I said 'the public supports terror groups'... who exactly was that blame directed at? The people.

My bad...I inadvertently posted and then failed to verify. Apologies. The interface here is still a bit clumsy for me as I am new here (3/12).

Over breeding isn't a problem. Sorry. Not true.

Au contraire mon ami.

Preface: Due to the breadth of the land range I will be providing graphs/charts which take into account the region in question, Sub-Saharan, Africa. I think that this will aid us in avoiding much of the minutia and informational noise that can be associated with the debate regarding specific nation states within a geographical region. This is non-negotiable from my stance. However if you wish to do your own homework we can take into account specific data if BOTH deem it pertinent to the discussion.
Right!...Do you love charts and graphs? I know you love the lord but lemme axe ya main...does ya loves some charts and graphs? I do!

Carrying Capacity Defined: Food supply, water supply, habitat space, and competition with other species are some of the limiting factors affecting the carrying capacity of a given environment. But in human population, other variables such as sanitation, diseases, and medical care are also at play.
Carrying capacity - Biology-Online Dictionary

The population has exploded in Sub-Sharan Africa (SSA) (Fig1) at a staggering 25% clip or ~39/1K in the past 12 years. Compare this with industrialized nations such as the US (Fig 5) at ~13/1K. I do realize that many would consider the US economy post industrialized. However, even when compared to other industrializing groups (BRICS) (Fig 6) we see a pop growth of ~9%...with Russia showing no projected pop growth.
Concurrently, we have seen a sharp decrease in arable land in the region ( Fig 2) that have resulted in a drastic increase in food imports.
Now, I will not oversimplify carrying capacity as an agricultural factor alone.
For example, Japan possesses a mere .03 hectares of arable land per citizen (source upon request). Yet, they have also generated the industrial base and GDP necessary to carry their current population at first world levels.
Typically, nations progress through stages of development. Agrarian, pre-industrial, Industrial and post-industrial. Their populations transition in kind. From rural to urban to meet their needs. Likewise their breeding patterns also accommodate to meet the needs of the society as a whole. SSA is not following this pattern and as a result of skipping those vital steps they are a burden to the world.
So, How does all of this apply to my argument that Africa is over populated?

r/K Selected Populations Argument

For example, one of the food programs western do-gooder governments pushed in some countries of Africa, involved paying farmers a small price to plant corn, instead of their normal crops.
Dumping and crop subsidy are at fault but only a slight bit. More importantly it is western medicine flowing into Africa which has spurred this population explosion. Infant mortality (Fig 7) rates have been cut by 50% in the past decade alone. Life expectancy has increased by 8 years (Fig 8) in the last decade.
Corn doesn't do that...medicine does...charity does.
This is only exacerbated when we factor in r/K selection.

Sub-Saharan Africa’s population is rising faster than the rest of the world because modern medicine and health care on the continent means more babies are surviving birth complications, and fewer adults are dying from preventable diseases.
Africa's population to double to 2.4 billion by 2050

As these populations explode and their economies do not progress in kind who is left with the ball? We are already seeing hundreds of thousands of Africans flowing north to Europe in the hope of finding work, food, shelter.

The Crux of it.
There are western "dogooder" governments to blame, however, the real culprit are the western Do-Gooder citizenry. The Christian Charities, UNICEF's, Doctors Without Borders. All of these NGO's and charity organizations have exacerbated the problems just as much if not more than any government. Billions of dollars in food, medicine and religion. A complete cottage industry has been created around the poor...hapless...Africa.
Every soul is precious to Jesus! Correct?
You and your ilk are as much to blame for this population explosion as anyone.
Yet you will sit and blame government or war or corruption. As Europe fills with hoards of these people clambering for more, remember that. Your "charity" and Do-Gooder" spirit reaped this bounty.

Fig 1) (Fig 2)
africa pop.PNG af land.PNG

(Fig3) (Fig 4) (Fig5)
births per 1k africa.PNG us births per 1k.PNG pop growth africa.PNG

All graphs used: TradingEconomics.com - Search Results

(Fig 6) (Fig 7) (Fig 8)
brics pop.PNG infant mort.PNG mort africa.PNG

Total population of the BRIC countries 2010-2020 | Statistic


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