The Global Warming/Climate Change Classroom


Quick Look Over There!
Feb 12, 2013
Everywhere but nowhere
Global Warming Classroom


Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5oC since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly. The UN and those who support the CO2 warming theory claim that the cooling is just a temporary glitch and earth's temperature will began to rise again in a year or two. However, as explained in Lesson 3, a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

Let us see how the AGE cult uses their religious scripture to deny actual science.

All these charts and graphs will be used on every thread that needs to defeat all the AGW cult talking points based on their religion.
Better. You gave an attribution.

Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5oC since early 2007.

The data says that's a flat out fabrication.

Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this.

Um, no.

This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly.

Again, no. AGW theory says that total heat will be rising fairly constantly, but air temps will have significant variation, due to the oceans being the primary heat reservoirs that can both store and release heat.

The UN and those who support the CO2 warming theory claim that the cooling is just a temporary glitch and earth's temperature will began to rise again in a year or two.

No, they correctly point out there hasn't been any cooling.

However, as explained in Lesson 3, a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

All these charts and graphs will be used on every thread that needs to defeat all the AGW cult talking points based on their religion.

Bragging about your intention to spam multiple threads with the same junk, and thus blatantly break a different board rule? Not a wise move on your part. And you were doing so well.
Last edited:
Better. You gave an attribution.

Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5oC since early 2007.

The data says that's a flat out fabrication.

Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this.

Um, no.

Again, no. AGW theory says that total heat will be rising fairly constantly, but air temps will have significant variation, due to the oceans being the primary heat reservoirs that can both store and release heat.

No, they correctly point out there hasn't been any cooling.

However, as explained in Lesson 3, a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

All these charts and graphs will be used on every thread that needs to defeat all the AGW cult talking points based on their religion.

Bragging about your intention to spam multiple threads with the same junk, and thus blatantly break a different board rule? Not a wise move on your part. And you were doing so well.

Once again the AGW cult disputes real science and chooses to be the real deniers.

I will post these until you AGW cult members stop spamming this board with your religious cult scripture.

If you can not dispute actual science then that is the problem of the AGW cult, not mine.
Kosh, stop blubbering. It sickens people to watch a grown man act as cravenly and dishonesty as you do. You chose to pledge allegiance to a liars' cult, so you have to bear the consequences of looking stupid.

You can't prove your case. You can't even provide any evidence. All you give us are the unsupported assertions of a kook web page. In contrast, we give loads of actual peer-reviewed science. You are making shit up. We aren't.

That's why the whole planet correctly considers you to be a cultist. You can keep whining like the little bitch you are about how unfair that is, or you can start showing some actual science, actual science not being the unsupported kook opinions of your cult web page.

More big talk from the AGW cult that can not handle real science.

Yet the AGW cult can not dispute the science.

Only the source. Goes to show that AGW is a religion not based on any science and the true science haters are those that promote the AGW religion.

If you want to peddle your religious scripture elsewhere you are free to do so, if you want t whine here every time your religion gets trumped by real science then you will need to find a way to deal with it.
Hype Economics

When I was a kid, I told my mom after watching the super-hero TV show "Masters of the Universe" (Filmation) that I wanted to grow up to be a real super-hero.

As I grew up, of course realized that fantasy stories about superhumans are playful tales for children, but I kept my love for comic book super-hero stories.

If global warming is an exaggerated hyped-up conspiracy, why do people believe in it? Is it just like the childhood super-hero fantasies presented in comic books?

Of course, super-hero stories allude to society talk about justice and strength idealization. If these posted global warming refutation-orientation stats are correct, how should we process seemingly related news stories about pollution-relevant city smog or pH indicators of pollution-relevant acidic content in rain water?

People have reported since 2008 that strange and drastic mini-spikes in weather change seem out of place. In New Jersey in 2011, September saw a 40 degree drop in temperature in the same week.

Climate change is important to everyday people and it seems that any kind of chatter at least draws attention to ecology, which can only be good for the classroom.


Climate change in the Arctic - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Very interesting that you should mention classroom. So, in the classrooms of the universities of the world, what do they say about AGW? The same as every Scientific Society in the world, the same as every National Academy of Science in the world. That AGW is real and a clear and present danger. The only ones disputing the scientific evidence concerning AGW are the right wing nut 'Conservatives' who fear for the profits of the energy companies.
Global Warming Classroom


Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5oC since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly. The UN and those who support the CO2 warming theory claim that the cooling is just a temporary glitch and earth's temperature will began to rise again in a year or two. However, as explained in Lesson 3, a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

Let us see how the AGE cult uses their religious scripture to deny actual science.

All these charts and graphs will be used on every thread that needs to defeat all the AGW cult talking points based on their religion.

Massive Government Report Says Climate Is Warming And Humans Are The Cause

Massive Government Report Says Climate Is Warming And Humans Are The Cause

Didn't you know? Now you know.
Global Warming Classroom


Earth's temperature has not risen significantly since 1998 and has cooled by 0.5oC since early 2007. Even the United Nations has quietly admitted this. This is completely contrary to the CO2 caused global warming theory, which states that the earth's temperature should be quickly rising because atmospheric CO2 is rising quickly. The UN and those who support the CO2 warming theory claim that the cooling is just a temporary glitch and earth's temperature will began to rise again in a year or two. However, as explained in Lesson 3, a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

Let us see how the AGE cult uses their religious scripture to deny actual science.

All these charts and graphs will be used on every thread that needs to defeat all the AGW cult talking points based on their religion.

Massive Government Report Says Climate Is Warming And Humans Are The Cause

Massive Government Report Says Climate Is Warming And Humans Are The Cause

Didn't you know? Now you know.


Yep the model must be right as the observations are wrong, right?
Yep the model must be right as the observations are wrong, right?

Kosh, it's been pointed out to you many times that your graph is fraudulent. You're faking all your data, we know it, and you know it. Fraud is all you're capable of.

The funnier part here is Kosh's OP.

a majority of scientists now believe that we are in for a 15 to 35 year cooling cycle that has nothing to do with CO2 and everything to do with solar activity and temperature oscillations of the oceans.

The OP is from 2014. (The thread was recently brought back from the dead.)

So, in 2014, Kosh heaps praise on the people predicting immediate strong cooling.

That was followed by ... immediate strong warming, three years of record-high-breaking global average temperatures.

So, Kosh's cult leaders were as wrong as it's possible for a person to be. No matter. No stupid liberal things like facts and data can lessen Kosh's faith. He BELIEVES in the teachings of his cult, even if they are the opposite of observed reality.

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