The global warming thread. Is it for real?

Glimpse of Troll wisdom to get me thru the day...

That's exactly there are no doers paying any attention to the likes of you. The investors and engineers and politicians are doing what our future demands instead of participating in your circle jerk.

So while your Dear Leader of Central Planning is lowering the height of the oceans by providing $BILLIONS to Billionaires making trophy-scale Battery Buggies for Millionaires, the overall and power tool using set with the help of science and engineering are making an economic dynamo out of the bleak Dakotas by finding and creating energy, jobs and growth. IN SPITE of all the impediments thrown in their way..

And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy.
((Duh, why did THAT take climatologists, 20 yrs to discover the diff between power and energy??))

So they are training WALRUSES to dive to the depths to discover the "lost warming".. That last part WAS NOT a joke. (OK, they are pinipeds, not walruses, but It's still funny.)

Yep -- we are safe.. The investors are bailing from the baloney speculations in wind and solar, there's nothing else green on the list to argue about and we can start letting the MARKET and SCIENCE discover the future again...

Glad you're covering our sorry asses... This is why you're still on "ignore"....

"And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy. "

Glad to see that some learning has actually taken place here.

The thermodynamics of earth leaves behind a great deal of evidence that we call weather. That's what makes dumping our fossil fuel waste into the atmosphere so expensive.

That GHGs require AGW in proportion to the concentration in our atmosphere is a given. The process by which systems earth makes that adjustment is called weather. The time constant for completing the adjustment is unknown because creating a comprehensive very long term weather forcast is probably beyond current computer technology much less climatology. And, every day, we up the concentration.

Anybody who pays attention to news knows that we, the tax payers, are already paying high costs for damages to our civilization by AGW enhanced extreme weather.

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

We are facing the largest project mankind has ever taken on. We created the urgency to do it, but have always recognized that the old technology, fossil fuels, was never sustainable. So we always knew that this reckoning was coming.

Now it's here.

No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms. That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.
Glimpse of Troll wisdom to get me thru the day...

That's exactly there are no doers paying any attention to the likes of you. The investors and engineers and politicians are doing what our future demands instead of participating in your circle jerk.

So while your Dear Leader of Central Planning is lowering the height of the oceans by providing $BILLIONS to Billionaires making trophy-scale Battery Buggies for Millionaires, the overall and power tool using set with the help of science and engineering are making an economic dynamo out of the bleak Dakotas by finding and creating energy, jobs and growth. IN SPITE of all the impediments thrown in their way..

And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy.
((Duh, why did THAT take climatologists, 20 yrs to discover the diff between power and energy??))

So they are training WALRUSES to dive to the depths to discover the "lost warming".. That last part WAS NOT a joke. (OK, they are pinipeds, not walruses, but It's still funny.)

Yep -- we are safe.. The investors are bailing from the baloney speculations in wind and solar, there's nothing else green on the list to argue about and we can start letting the MARKET and SCIENCE discover the future again...

Glad you're covering our sorry asses... This is why you're still on "ignore"....

Ah ha. A clue. The cult is so afraid of the "Dear Leader of Central Planning" that they want to avoid planning and progress altogether and just hide in the woods hunting and gathering.

Adequate for woodchucks perhaps but quite a bit short of humanity's capability and promise.

No, we've just witnessed the murder of over 100 million of our fellow citizens of this planet to ever believe that your Maximum Leader cares about anything other than power and wealth.

If you really cared about humankind then you would be spending the money being wasted on this fraud on the space program to develop a asteroid destruction/movement system that would prevent a asteroid from hitting this planet because as we have seen THEY DO have the ability to end life on this planet. Global warming NEVER could.
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....
Glimpse of Troll wisdom to get me thru the day...

So while your Dear Leader of Central Planning is lowering the height of the oceans by providing $BILLIONS to Billionaires making trophy-scale Battery Buggies for Millionaires, the overall and power tool using set with the help of science and engineering are making an economic dynamo out of the bleak Dakotas by finding and creating energy, jobs and growth. IN SPITE of all the impediments thrown in their way..

And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy.
((Duh, why did THAT take climatologists, 20 yrs to discover the diff between power and energy??))

So they are training WALRUSES to dive to the depths to discover the "lost warming".. That last part WAS NOT a joke. (OK, they are pinipeds, not walruses, but It's still funny.)

Yep -- we are safe.. The investors are bailing from the baloney speculations in wind and solar, there's nothing else green on the list to argue about and we can start letting the MARKET and SCIENCE discover the future again...

Glad you're covering our sorry asses... This is why you're still on "ignore"....

"And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy. "

Glad to see that some learning has actually taken place here.

The thermodynamics of earth leaves behind a great deal of evidence that we call weather. That's what makes dumping our fossil fuel waste into the atmosphere so expensive.

That GHGs require AGW in proportion to the concentration in our atmosphere is a given. The process by which systems earth makes that adjustment is called weather. The time constant for completing the adjustment is unknown because creating a comprehensive very long term weather forcast is probably beyond current computer technology much less climatology. And, every day, we up the concentration.

Anybody who pays attention to news knows that we, the tax payers, are already paying high costs for damages to our civilization by AGW enhanced extreme weather.

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

We are facing the largest project mankind has ever taken on. We created the urgency to do it, but have always recognized that the old technology, fossil fuels, was never sustainable. So we always knew that this reckoning was coming.

Now it's here.

No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms. That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.

Over the past century, sea level has risen. *CO2 has risen. *Temperature has risen. *Sea and land ice have decreased. *Sea surface temperature has risen. And "PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s"

We just can't infer a trend yet.


Yes, it is different.

So, it is incorrect to say, "today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. *There are no more frequent or more powerful storms."

Everyone has a brain. Monkeys have brains. Lizards have brains. It's not the brain that counts, it's how you use it.

The only thing that remains constant, is your ignorance. Unfortunately, you have destroyed your brain.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Global Warming and Hurricanes
Glimpse of Troll wisdom to get me thru the day...

So while your Dear Leader of Central Planning is lowering the height of the oceans by providing $BILLIONS to Billionaires making trophy-scale Battery Buggies for Millionaires, the overall and power tool using set with the help of science and engineering are making an economic dynamo out of the bleak Dakotas by finding and creating energy, jobs and growth. IN SPITE of all the impediments thrown in their way..

And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy.
((Duh, why did THAT take climatologists, 20 yrs to discover the diff between power and energy??))

So they are training WALRUSES to dive to the depths to discover the "lost warming".. That last part WAS NOT a joke. (OK, they are pinipeds, not walruses, but It's still funny.)

Yep -- we are safe.. The investors are bailing from the baloney speculations in wind and solar, there's nothing else green on the list to argue about and we can start letting the MARKET and SCIENCE discover the future again...

Glad you're covering our sorry asses... This is why you're still on "ignore"....

"And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy. "

Glad to see that some learning has actually taken place here.

The thermodynamics of earth leaves behind a great deal of evidence that we call weather. That's what makes dumping our fossil fuel waste into the atmosphere so expensive.

That GHGs require AGW in proportion to the concentration in our atmosphere is a given. The process by which systems earth makes that adjustment is called weather. The time constant for completing the adjustment is unknown because creating a comprehensive very long term weather forcast is probably beyond current computer technology much less climatology. And, every day, we up the concentration.

Anybody who pays attention to news knows that we, the tax payers, are already paying high costs for damages to our civilization by AGW enhanced extreme weather.

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

We are facing the largest project mankind has ever taken on. We created the urgency to do it, but have always recognized that the old technology, fossil fuels, was never sustainable. So we always knew that this reckoning was coming.

Now it's here.

No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms. That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.

Here's one of the great things about mankind. When we want to know about, or be more certain about, any topic, we search out and question those that are most likely to know reality rather than just guess at it. We call the traits of those who know, credibility.

You have none in the field of science. Demonstrably none. Zero. Nobody who has read your act here would even think about you as a source of reliable science.

Unless what they know about science is as little as you know.

So here's a credible source about the increase in extreme weather associated with the energy imbalance due to AGW.

New Study Links Current Events to Climate Change -

Now I'm sure that your reaction to this will be to yammer more nonsense that you wish was true.

Take my word for it that nobody outside of your cult is paying any attention at all.

Of course a better use of your time would be education.
OK, Mr. troll. Lay out what a sustainable society looks like. Present what and how the food is created and transported. The same for energy, water and hosing. We'll ignore the other things for now. Just start with these.

A sustainable society is one that survives for a long time numbnuts.

That doesn't answer the question nimrod. DEFINE in practical terms what it MEANS to YOU. The one constant that holds amongst all of you halfwits is you are long on rhetoric but when you are asked a specific question or are asked to present a measurable metric you flee and hide.

I'm not letting you do that this time. Tell us what a "sustainable society" means to YOU and how life looks like in your society. C'mon junior, now is your chance to shine!

For about the dozenth time today numbnuts it means what the English language defines it to mean.

"A sustainable society is one that survives for a long time."

Why are you trying so hard to redefine it? It's like science. It is what it is, not what you want it to be.

When this is all over you are going to be surprised to have learned that you're not king of any mountain. You're pretty ordinary and pretty short on science and English apparently.
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....

There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....

There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!

REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?

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"And your group of serial science abusers are discovering that warming is NOT expected to be instantaneous and be constantly tracking of CO2 -- but that the earth actually STORES thermal energy. "

Glad to see that some learning has actually taken place here.

The thermodynamics of earth leaves behind a great deal of evidence that we call weather. That's what makes dumping our fossil fuel waste into the atmosphere so expensive.

That GHGs require AGW in proportion to the concentration in our atmosphere is a given. The process by which systems earth makes that adjustment is called weather. The time constant for completing the adjustment is unknown because creating a comprehensive very long term weather forcast is probably beyond current computer technology much less climatology. And, every day, we up the concentration.

Anybody who pays attention to news knows that we, the tax payers, are already paying high costs for damages to our civilization by AGW enhanced extreme weather.

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

We are facing the largest project mankind has ever taken on. We created the urgency to do it, but have always recognized that the old technology, fossil fuels, was never sustainable. So we always knew that this reckoning was coming.

Now it's here.

No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms. That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.

Over the past century, sea level has risen. *CO2 has risen. *Temperature has risen. *Sea and land ice have decreased. *Sea surface temperature has risen. And "PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s"

We just can't infer a trend yet.


Yes, it is different.

So, it is incorrect to say, "today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. *There are no more frequent or more powerful storms."

Everyone has a brain. Monkeys have brains. Lizards have brains. It's not the brain that counts, it's how you use it.

The only thing that remains constant, is your ignorance. Unfortunately, you have destroyed your brain.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Global Warming and Hurricanes

Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....

I Googled "Enlightened" for you.

Here it is;

The Enlightened Ones

"Who are the Illuminati? Do they really control the world? And how do you join?"

"Once, the Illuminati were barely a rumour. An ancient conspiracy manipulating humankind for their own dark purposes, they were the hidden hand behind history. They infiltrated the corridors of power via groups like the Freemasons, starting revolutions and toppling kingdoms. They gained control of the international banking system, allowing them to covertly rule the world"

LINK →The Enlightened Ones

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lectus mauris, tincidunt eget porttitor id, aliquam id elit. "

LINK → The Enlightened

See, once you have your term, you google it.

Perhaps this is the problem, you make up the wrong terms. They don't reflect reality. Try starting with "reality".


Or try "UN sustainable agenda"

Google:UN sustainable agenda
No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms. That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.

Over the past century, sea level has risen. *CO2 has risen. *Temperature has risen. *Sea and land ice have decreased. *Sea surface temperature has risen. And "PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s"

We just can't infer a trend yet.


Yes, it is different.

So, it is incorrect to say, "today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. *There are no more frequent or more powerful storms."

Everyone has a brain. Monkeys have brains. Lizards have brains. It's not the brain that counts, it's how you use it.

The only thing that remains constant, is your ignorance. Unfortunately, you have destroyed your brain.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Global Warming and Hurricanes

Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...

So the concepts of "the same" and "different" are difficult for you.
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....

There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!

REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


What is your point? That we should get rid of automobiles because the alternator won't start the car?
There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!

REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


What is your point? That we should get rid of automobiles because the alternator won't start the car?

MAYBE --- you would have GOTTEN the point if you didn't edit it out of the quotes..

It was right there in front of your nose.. I was tired of pages of VAGUE crapping from PMZ -- so I asked the deluded one to expound on this gem...

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Both of you knumbknuts believe this is all a WE/THEY problem and that Nirvana awaits if you trolls could just organize and esponged the planet of me and the other "undeservings"..

PAGES AND PAGES about the voices in his head. I thought I might learn something about the Promised land --- but instead found that PMZ just IMAGINES there are millions of folks working to solve the problems of installing solar to power NYCity thru SNOWSTORMS and in the DEAD OF NIGHT....

It was worth a shot --- and EXTREMELY informative about the level of understanding of your basic trolling eco-whack egomaniac.
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REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


What is your point? That we should get rid of automobiles because the alternator won't start the car?

MAYBE --- you would have GOTTEN the point if you didn't edit it out of the quotes..

It was right there in front of your nose.. I was tired of pages of VAGUE crapping from PMZ -- so I asked the deluded one to expound on this gem...

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Both of you knumbknuts believe this is all a WE/THEY problem and that Nirvana awaits if you trolls could just organize and esponged the planet of me and the other "undeservings"..

PAGES AND PAGES about the voices in his head. I thought I might learn something about the Promised land --- but instead found that PMZ just IMAGINES there are millions of folks working to solve the problems of installing solar to power NYCity thru SNOWSTORMS and in the DEAD OF NIGHT....

It was worth a shot --- and EXTREMELY informative about the level of understanding of your basic trolling eco-whack egomaniac.

Nope, the graph doesn't say that.
Over the past century, sea level has risen. *CO2 has risen. *Temperature has risen. *Sea and land ice have decreased. *Sea surface temperature has risen. And "PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s"

We just can't infer a trend yet.


Yes, it is different.

So, it is incorrect to say, "today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. *There are no more frequent or more powerful storms."

Everyone has a brain. Monkeys have brains. Lizards have brains. It's not the brain that counts, it's how you use it.

The only thing that remains constant, is your ignorance. Unfortunately, you have destroyed your brain.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Global Warming and Hurricanes

Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...

So the concepts of "the same" and "different" are difficult for you.

Present your case chicken. I have given you very simple parameters. You made the claim NOW YOU HAVE TO PROOVE IT. That's the way science works.
Over the past century, sea level has risen. *CO2 has risen. *Temperature has risen. *Sea and land ice have decreased. *Sea surface temperature has risen. And "PDI is an aggregate measure of Atlantic hurricane activity, combining frequency, intensity, and duration of hurricanes in a single index. Both Atlantic SSTs and PDI have risen sharply since the 1970s, and there is some evidence that PDI levels in recent years are higher than in the previous active Atlantic hurricane era in the 1950s and 60s"

We just can't infer a trend yet.


Yes, it is different.

So, it is incorrect to say, "today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. *There are no more frequent or more powerful storms."

Everyone has a brain. Monkeys have brains. Lizards have brains. It's not the brain that counts, it's how you use it.

The only thing that remains constant, is your ignorance. Unfortunately, you have destroyed your brain.

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory - Global Warming and Hurricanes

Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...

So the concepts of "the same" and "different" are difficult for you.

I pretty sure you're gonna lose this one pal.. If you believe that Global change of 0.9degF in your entire lifespan (or less) has made the weather more dangerous ----

You really shouldn't move south of Peoria.. The extra energy in the system might just kill you after a week in Huntsville...
Another WE / THEY statement from the Troll / Miss America candidate..

Are you making the case that current commercial PV is substantially different from 20 yr old PV in ANYTHING except maybe price and durability and a slight increase in efficiency?

1) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet ABOVE +40 lat and BELOW -40lat??

2) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet the other 17 hours a day beyond solar peak?

3) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet on rainy days?

4) What is the enlightened plan for solar powering the planet when tax dollars are not MASSIVELY supporting the economics of solar?

5) When the enlightened subvert engineering and force 100Mill US battery wagon vehicles onto the electric grid, what is the enlightened plan for building out a 25% in capacity with a technology currently supplying less than 2%?

6) What is the enlightened plan for IMPORTING all of this technology from overseas and STILL being able to maintain our balance of trade?

7) How much of the energy budget for NYCity or Chicago do the enlightened believe can come from solar in 2020?

8) How much of a reduction in the Global Mean Surface Temperature do the enlightened forecast in 2050 due to solar installation?

Gotta tell ya man.. You are one deluded Princess. You deserve the Miss South Carolina sash for the garbage generalizations you are swinging here. Good thing you're on ignore.

Can I ask a favor of you? While you're filling USMB with the pages of beauty queen declarations that I get glimpses of here --- could you kick in a buck or two to pay for your server space?

It would help make your massive repetitive DUMPS here more "sustainable"....

There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!

REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve
What is your point? That we should get rid of automobiles because the alternator won't start the car?

MAYBE --- you would have GOTTEN the point if you didn't edit it out of the quotes..

It was right there in front of your nose.. I was tired of pages of VAGUE crapping from PMZ -- so I asked the deluded one to expound on this gem...

They also know that we are making giant strides of progress in converting the sun's energy to usable power directly without going through the unsustainable process of burning ancient life material. And paying for the consequential extreme weather damages to civilization.

Both of you knumbknuts believe this is all a WE/THEY problem and that Nirvana awaits if you trolls could just organize and esponged the planet of me and the other "undeservings"..

PAGES AND PAGES about the voices in his head. I thought I might learn something about the Promised land --- but instead found that PMZ just IMAGINES there are millions of folks working to solve the problems of installing solar to power NYCity thru SNOWSTORMS and in the DEAD OF NIGHT....

It was worth a shot --- and EXTREMELY informative about the level of understanding of your basic trolling eco-whack egomaniac.

Nope, the graph doesn't say that.

The graph says that wind + solar COMBINED is NOT an alternative to reliably powering our civilization.. It's ME that says that PMZ has a serious problem with voices in his head..
Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...

So the concepts of "the same" and "different" are difficult for you.

I pretty sure you're gonna lose this one pal.. If you believe that Global change of 0.9degF in your entire lifespan (or less) has made the weather more dangerous ----

You really shouldn't move south of Peoria.. The extra energy in the system might just kill you after a week in Huntsville...

I've never been exposed to a group so committed to exposing their ignorance!

Although I imagine that every significant invention in our history had them.

Imagine what the numbnuts said about the Wright Bros or the early auto people.
There are literally millions of smart people making progress right now on every one of those questions.

There are a handful in your cult trying to impede that progress because you are incapable of understanding it.

That's been demonstrated here over and over and over again but you keep hoping for a different answer.

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Some are leading, most are following, and a few of us are keeping the cult out of the way!

That's the entire story. If you want to learn more get educated!

REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

There is no different reality numbnuts! There never will be!

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

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