The global warming thread. Is it for real?

MAYBE --- you would have GOTTEN the point if you didn't edit it out of the quotes..

It was right there in front of your nose.. I was tired of pages of VAGUE crapping from PMZ -- so I asked the deluded one to expound on this gem...

Both of you knumbknuts believe this is all a WE/THEY problem and that Nirvana awaits if you trolls could just organize and esponged the planet of me and the other "undeservings"..

PAGES AND PAGES about the voices in his head. I thought I might learn something about the Promised land --- but instead found that PMZ just IMAGINES there are millions of folks working to solve the problems of installing solar to power NYCity thru SNOWSTORMS and in the DEAD OF NIGHT....

It was worth a shot --- and EXTREMELY informative about the level of understanding of your basic trolling eco-whack egomaniac.

Nope, the graph doesn't say that.

The graph says that wind + solar COMBINED is NOT an alternative to reliably powering our civilization.. It's ME that says that PMZ has a serious problem with voices in his head..

I think that if mankind had not historically ignored people like you we'd still be hunting and gathering. That would have been the safe path. No risk. Daily pain, of course, but we'd get used to that. And we wouldn't have all of these problems that require education and thinking to solve.

Don't worry though. Despite your ignorance we'll carry you across the finish line like always. The strong carry the weak. The educated, the ignorant. The doers, the naysayers. The imaginative, the dull.
Nope. It hasn't changed. You present me with ANYTHING that you thinks supports your cause and I will present a worse example of that same thing that has happened long ago...before evil CO2 ever got to "dangerous" levels.

Go ahead....I dare you...

So the concepts of "the same" and "different" are difficult for you.

Present your case chicken. I have given you very simple parameters. You made the claim NOW YOU HAVE TO PROOVE IT. That's the way science works.

Your memory just goes to crap when you get upset. That works for you. *If you can't remember being an idiot, then you must not be an idiot.

You made the claim.

Walleyed said:
No, anyone with a brain KNOWS that today is the same as yesterday is the same as the decade before that, is the same as the century before that. There are no more frequent or more powerful storms.*That is a fiction created by idiots like you who wish to steal money from the middle class and poor because you're too fucking lazy to do real work.

You are full of unsupported claims. I don't have to do any more than meet or exceed your standards of proof. You make unqualified, over generalized and unsupported statements. I exceed this standard repeatedly.

That you are scientifically illiterate is your personal problem.

Your inability to remember anything is your personal problem.
REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.

I hope for the sake of humanity that the loser cult here consists of one sub-standard human and the rest are socks. To accept the idea of they each represent a full sub-standard human would require me to substantially lower my regard for the human race.
REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

"That's not solar PV"

A spark of thought in an otherwise spectrum of only dullness.

It's concentrated solar with energy storage. Other perple are working on concentrated PV. There are many varieties of each. Some are working on amorphous thin film PV. Some on crystalline.

Here's some stuff completely beyond your flaccid imagination.
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Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.


THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?
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REALLY?? So where are the million working on making solar work at NIGHT? Or when it's raining? Or above the 40 lat line?

Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover? Automatically cleaning bird shit and snow off the panels? Millions huh?

How long have you been "seeing" these millions of "leaders"? Does it hurt?

Yes there is.. There is your deluded kingdom of individual hallucinary visions --- and REALITY.. REALITY IS --- Solar (or wind) is NOT AN ALTERNATIVE to what we got now..

So what else you got in your enlightened hallucination you think is leading?


Don't you ever leave the basement?

Crescent Dunes | SolarReserve

That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

"It's a lot more expensive and complex."

It's simpler than a coal plant. Much simpler than a nuke.
That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.


THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert. "

That was the demand that they were asked to satisfy. If they had been asked to satisfy 24 hour demand they would choose more salt storage.

Were you thinking of solar in Seattle or something? All power plants are built in the most cost effective place for them.

I don't know if you've ever noticed tall towers with wires on them. That's how we move electrical energy from where it's made to where it's used. We call it the grid. Much cheaper than moving coal.
Flatulance said:
Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover?

Yeah, because that is how we measure progress, by absurd and unrealistic goals.

You should look into a concept called "SMART".

Simple, Meaaurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, "keeping the sun up longer" is not a very SMART goal.

Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think S.M.A.R.T. and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....
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That's not solar PV --- It's a lot more expensive and complex. It's solar thermal heating. And subject to the same siting and usage limitations that I questioned above. At night, the production efficiency is VERY LOW and probably needs a fossil fuel PEAKER to keep the turbines going. LESS efficient at night than using that nat gas fossil fuel DIRECTLY to power the grid.

You got a daily production chart for a SIMILIAR PLANT? I'd love to see it and the supplemental energy it takes to make it thru the night and a day or two of cloud cover.

If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.


THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago.. "

Why would you want to?

Of course, when AGW peaks, Chicago and Cleveland may well be deserts.
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If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.


THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert. "

That was the demand that they were asked to satisfy. If they had been asked to satisfy 24 hour demand they would choose more salt storage.

Were you thinking of solar in Seattle or something? All power plants are built in the most cost effective place for them.

I don't know if you've ever noticed tall towers with wires on them. That's how we move electrical energy from where it's made to where it's used. We call it the grid. Much cheaper than moving coal.

It's a fucking DEATH RAY and you love it.. Sitting on a massive store of MOLTEN HOT FERTILIZER.. In the desert --- consuming water....

If you were competent, you'd be aware of how much energy you would lose off the generation -- by trying to stretch the salt storage out to 24 hours.. Ain't gonna be a selling point junior.. I'm certain of that.

You got nothing.. I still got those 8 or 9 questions about your "vision" of a of solar future that you're not answering.
Flatulance said:
Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover?

Yeah, because that is how we measure progress, by absurd and unrealistic goals.

You should look into a concept called "SMART".

Simple, Meaaurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, "keeping the sun up longer" is not a very SMART goal.

Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....

"Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept..."

Much better to do nothing until the planet is uninhabitable and the fossil fuels are gone. Then move on to another planet.
If you had had your adult supervisor research the plant for you, you'd know that it can be configured for any demand cycle. For Las Vegas the shortfall was noon to midnight. So that's what it does.

Part of your disability is that you can't distinguish between progress and solution. When mankind makes progress over enough time, we arrive at solution. That's what separates those who accomplish from those who fail.


THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago.. "

Why would you want to?

Of course, when AGW peaks, Chicago and Cleveland may well be deserts.

Why would I want to?? I don't... YOU think the enlightened have this solar solution NAILED and I'm your biggest problem.. That's a mental deal pal... Certified denial.. You are what you hate...

Answer the original QUESTIONS.. Or you're back on ignore.
Yeah, because that is how we measure progress, by absurd and unrealistic goals.

You should look into a concept called "SMART".

Simple, Meaaurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, "keeping the sun up longer" is not a very SMART goal.

Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....

"Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept..."

Much better to do nothing until the planet is uninhabitable and the fossil fuels are gone. Then move on to another planet.

No --- the brainless rabble voices in MY HEAD say ---

BUild 100 new nuclear plants TODAY and convert the transport sector from gas to Hydrogen produced with sketchy, unreliable wind and solar OFF GRID... Solves a DOZEN of the problems your imaginary "millions" are struggling with...

Maybe ever consider that YOU'RE the one standing in the way of the do'ers???????
THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert. "

That was the demand that they were asked to satisfy. If they had been asked to satisfy 24 hour demand they would choose more salt storage.

Were you thinking of solar in Seattle or something? All power plants are built in the most cost effective place for them.

I don't know if you've ever noticed tall towers with wires on them. That's how we move electrical energy from where it's made to where it's used. We call it the grid. Much cheaper than moving coal.

It's a fucking DEATH RAY and you love it.. Sitting on a massive store of MOLTEN HOT FERTILIZER.. In the desert --- consuming water....

If you were competent, you'd be aware of how much energy you would lose off the generation -- by trying to stretch the salt storage out to 24 hours.. Ain't gonna be a selling point junior.. I'm certain of that.

You got nothing.. I still got those 8 or 9 questions about your "vision" of a of solar future that you're not answering.

The thing that you're missing is that nobody cares about what you want. You have nothing to offer in return. The only people who care in the least about your delusions are the other cult members.

Do you think that there were people outside of Jonestown paying rapt attention to the Rev's Kool Aid recipe? I think not.

Mankind has dealt with the dull since there's been mankind. It is a complete waste of time to people who accomplish stuff. We all know it.

Take your whining to the next cult meeting and whine to them. They might nod off waiting for their turn to whine to you, but that's the best that you're going to do.
Flatulance said:
Got company names working on keeping the sun up longer? Obliterating cloud cover?

Yeah, because that is how we measure progress, by absurd and unrealistic goals.

You should look into a concept called "SMART".

Simple, Meaaurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, "keeping the sun up longer" is not a very SMART goal.

Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think S.M.A.R.T. and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....

You are the one imagining keeping the sun up longer and obliterating clouds, Grover. Try to focus on realistic things. Demonstrates you to be "intellectually impaired".
Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....

"Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept..."

Much better to do nothing until the planet is uninhabitable and the fossil fuels are gone. Then move on to another planet.

No --- the brainless rabble voices in MY HEAD say ---

BUild 100 new nuclear plants TODAY and convert the transport sector from gas to Hydrogen produced with sketchy, unreliable wind and solar OFF GRID... Solves a DOZEN of the problems your imaginary "millions" are struggling with...

Maybe ever consider that YOU'RE the one standing in the way of the do'ers???????

I think there are some good test beds for your ideas. Japan for the nukes and the builders of the Hindenburg for the H2.

Call us when you've made the sales.
Yeah, because that is how we measure progress, by absurd and unrealistic goals.

You should look into a concept called "SMART".

Simple, Meaaurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely

SMART criteria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See, "keeping the sun up longer" is not a very SMART goal.

Programs like that with nifty anacronyms like SMART are usually designed for the intellectually impaired.. Must explain why you think S.M.A.R.T. and Grover from Sesame Street are sheer genius...

Absurd and unrealistic goals.. Pretty much covers the "alternative energy" concept....

You are the one imagining keeping the sun up longer and obliterating clouds, Grover. Try to focus on realistic things. Demonstrates you to be "intellectually impaired".

Stop being charitable. Not "impaired" but "vacant".
THat's not true.. It's storage component stretches an 8 or 10 hour day of solar production into a 12 or 14 hour day ---- MAX at lower power output.. Try that trick anywhere but in the Las Vegas desert.

It HAS to be in the middle of freaking nowhere, because there's a 1/4 MILE diameter beam of concentrated sunlight that would ROAST A PIGEON at 1000 degF right out of the fricking sky !!! Is THAT the environmental bar that the ENLIGHTENED HAVE??? That it's OK for you "grown-ups" to build DEATH RAY TOYS, but fracking for Nat gas is just too dangerous?

It also depletes a couple 100 acre-feet of water in a f-ing desert per year.. And the molten salt storage DOES has SERIOUS enviro and safety concerns..

This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago..

You really still haven't answered even ONE of the questions I posed to you.. I've just discovered you have very little concern for the environment.. You just want to DICTATE how we misuse it --- dontcha?

"This would be the HEIGHT of enviro hypocrisy right here on display.
Go ahead --- try to get a permit for one of those in Cleveland.. Or even better Chicago.. "

Why would you want to?

Of course, when AGW peaks, Chicago and Cleveland may well be deserts.

Why would I want to?? I don't... YOU think the enlightened have this solar solution NAILED and I'm your biggest problem.. That's a mental deal pal... Certified denial.. You are what you hate...

Answer the original QUESTIONS.. Or you're back on ignore.

Don't even think that I'm wasting my time on you. If there was no danger that others could be misled by the cult, you'd be on everyone's ignore list except for the cult's.

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