The global warming thread. Is it for real?

My OPINION is we are experiencing a major problem with global warming but most are too afraid to admit it and want to keep their heads in the sand. If they don't acknowledge it, it might go away syndrome. Yeah yeah yeah...the earth has gone thru phases like this before. But "before" there were not billions of people ON the earth raping it.

Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

More tornados. More urban coastal flooding.
My OPINION is we are experiencing a major problem with global warming but most are too afraid to admit it and want to keep their heads in the sand. If they don't acknowledge it, it might go away syndrome. Yeah yeah yeah...the earth has gone thru phases like this before. But "before" there were not billions of people ON the earth raping it.

Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

2) Sandy and a Big drought in central US during 2012. = 100 billion

Hurricane Sandy, drought cost U.S. $100 billion

That's about the whole government spending in education
Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2013 - Charts

As I said before : if we can't controll it we better get prepeared for what's comming. Closing our eyes and denying warming won't help.
My OPINION is we are experiencing a major problem with global warming but most are too afraid to admit it and want to keep their heads in the sand. If they don't acknowledge it, it might go away syndrome. Yeah yeah yeah...the earth has gone thru phases like this before. But "before" there were not billions of people ON the earth raping it.

Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

More tornados. More urban coastal flooding.

But, in actual fact there are FEWER tornado's and no coastal flooding that can be attributed to climate change at all....In fact the people who research these things are calling it the "tornado doldrums".

Die große Tornadoflaute: Kein Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Tornadohäufigkeit | Die kalte Sonne
My OPINION is we are experiencing a major problem with global warming but most are too afraid to admit it and want to keep their heads in the sand. If they don't acknowledge it, it might go away syndrome. Yeah yeah yeah...the earth has gone thru phases like this before. But "before" there were not billions of people ON the earth raping it.

Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

2) Sandy and a Big drought in central US during 2012. = 100 billion

Hurricane Sandy, drought cost U.S. $100 billion

That's about the whole government spending in education
Government Spending Details: Federal State Local for 2013 - Charts

As I said before : if we can't controll it we better get prepeared for what's comming. Closing our eyes and denying warming won't help.

Yes preparedness is essential. Of course there were many other storms in the recent past that were worse than Sandy so that just reinforces the need to be better prepared all the way around.
Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

More tornados. More urban coastal flooding.

But, in actual fact there are FEWER tornado's and no coastal flooding that can be attributed to climate change at all....In fact the people who research these things are calling it the "tornado doldrums".

Die große Tornadoflaute: Kein Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Tornadohäufigkeit | Die kalte Sonne

Most people believe the evidence of their senses and the news. You only the denial of your ego. That's why you've been left behind.

Don't worry. As I said yesterday, the strong always carry the weak. The informed, the ignorant. The doers, the risk avoiders.

We aren't going to put our home at risk because people have monsters in their closets.
Some people have been told, and do not choose to invest in research to know any differently, that we are entitled to live the life that we want, with no consequences. That God or Ma Nature or Providence, favors humans.

Of course that is wrong. The universe in no way accommodates us. The laws of physics give humans specifically, and life in general, no quarter. Everybody follows the laws that have been discovered by science or pays the consequences.

There are now enough of us to impact our world. Enough to matter.

We have now reached critical mass where we must consider our impact or those who follow us will pay the price.

Can we? Will we?

Some have already decided no. They will live their life and if there's a price to pay, someone following will.

Some have already decided that future generations are as deserving as we are. It is our obligation to consider our impact on them.

Which are you?

The challenge was to name something that is happening due to the fraction of a degree of warming that has happened. You spew platitudes. Can you name any actual things that are happening that can be directly attributed to the minute amount of warming that has happened or not....My bet is not.
My OPINION is we are experiencing a major problem with global warming but most are too afraid to admit it and want to keep their heads in the sand. If they don't acknowledge it, it might go away syndrome. Yeah yeah yeah...the earth has gone thru phases like this before. But "before" there were not billions of people ON the earth raping it.

Are experiencing? Name some major problem that we are experiencing that is the direct result of a fraction of a degree of warming over the past 100 years.

More tornados. More urban coastal flooding.

The fact is that there are fewer tornados and who is experiencing more coastal flooding and precisely why?
I think it is not just the source of energy which matters but also how efficiently we use that energy. I waste very little energy at home : about 80 kwh per month. But the energy hog in my household is my car : I need 20 gallons of gasoline every month. I think my next car will be a hybrid which will help me cut that amount almost by half. If wikispeed's price goes down a 20% more in the next two years ( and there's a model with a ceiling), I am planning buying one , then the amount of gasoline I use will go down to 1/3 and I will only use 7 gallons of gasoline per month. So there's more than one way of going green.


Those are the kinds of market driven actions that will decide the outcome here. But for your economic votes to matter, they have to be INFORMED votes. Those informed economic votes drive the progress of the market directly to satifaction.. Uniformed votes?? We wander in the desert for 40 yrs living on Manna from Washington D.C.

Which is pretty descriptive of our energy policies over the past 20 years. We're circling in the desert, because there's this "sustainable" movement that flaunts a long list of flawed "alternatives" where NONE of them is a 24/7/365 source of environmentally sound electricity. And now there is "Big Solar" and "Big Wind" and $BILLS a year in subsidies and grants and tax breaks driving a markets that will not SUSTAIN without massive aid. And when Big Wind/Solar fall short --- The "LIST" is pulled out again to show how many false choices are still available..

And the costs to the ratepayers for funding both THESE and real RELIABLE back-ups or inefficient storage fixes will POISON future corrected uses of these technologies.. All because of hype and misrepresentation..

And that's why, as an environmentalist, I've got a motivation to speak out..

"where NONE of them is a 24/7/365 source of environmentally sound electricity"

True. So what.

Was katrina a uniquely large and powerful hurricane, or did it happen to land on an area that was uniquely unprepared for such a storm?

2) Sandy and a Big drought in central US during 2012. = 100 billion

Sandy was a tropical storm within minutes of hitting the certainly wasn't the most powerful hurricaine to ever hit that area...the challenge is to name something that can be attributed directly to the fraction of a degree of warming in the past century. You are naming things that have always happened and to a greater degree back when CO2 was at "safe" levels.

And the drought? Do you think it is worse than earlier droughts? The research says that droughts are becoming less intense and lasting a shorter time than they did back when the world was cooler.
Most people believe the evidence of their senses and the news. You only the denial of your ego. That's why you've been left behind.

You clearly haven't been looking at the news. Try it some time. Get out of your model induced fantasy and take a look around. The actual world is quite different from that depected by failing climate models.

Weather Trends Show Fewer Tornadoes - abc27 WHTM
The upside of the recent drought? Fewer tornadoes | Chasing the Drought Extra |
Fewer Tornadoes in Illinois so far for 2013 | WSIU
Weather Trends Show Fewer Tornadoes - - Tulsa, Oklahoma - News, Weather & Sports
2012 could break record for fewest tornadoes | Fox News
Fewer Than Normal Tornadoes So Far in 2013 - - No One Gets You Closer
Iowa on Pace for Slowest Tornado Year in 5 Decades -

I know that your main contribution here is to find statistics that are meant to deny the obvious, but all of the big picture data still says that you continue to be denied what you wish was true.

Tornadoes of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I know that your main contribution here is to find statistics that are meant to deny the obvious, but all of the big picture data still says that you continue to be denied what you wish was true.

Tornadoes of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you didn't notice the graph from NOAA that clearly shows that the number of tornadoes here is considerably less than normal...not even in the 25th percentile. Maybe you just don't know how to read a graph.

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I know that your main contribution here is to find statistics that are meant to deny the obvious, but all of the big picture data still says that you continue to be denied what you wish was true.

Tornadoes of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki? Really? Wiki? I am laughing in your sock puppet face. As evidence to support your claim, you reference one of the few places more corrupt than GISS. The conversation is over sock...You lose.

I told you he's a troll. There are a bunch of them so I am monitoring but otherwise ignoring their collective posts, I think it's just one ididot but who knows. They are as unethical as they come so attempting to debate them is useless. Best to concentrate on those who are at least authentic people.
I told you he's a troll. There are a bunch of them so I am monitoring but otherwise ignoring their collective posts, I think it's just one ididot but who knows. They are as unethical as they come so attempting to debate them is useless. Best to concentrate on those who are at least authentic people.

Are any of them authentic people? I know lots of people of all political stripes, but in all my life I haven't met any that are actually "like" these warmer muppets we have around here. These are the least authentic people I have ever run across in my life. I know you can only be so authentic when you are just words on a page, but even words on a page project a personality of sorts and these warmer sorts on this board don't project anything but tight assed frustration and hate. Hardly the attributes of authentic people.
I think it is not just the source of energy which matters but also how efficiently we use that energy. I waste very little energy at home : about 80 kwh per month. But the energy hog in my household is my car : I need 20 gallons of gasoline every month. I think my next car will be a hybrid which will help me cut that amount almost by half. If wikispeed's price goes down a 20% more in the next two years ( and there's a model with a ceiling), I am planning buying one , then the amount of gasoline I use will go down to 1/3 and I will only use 7 gallons of gasoline per month. So there's more than one way of going green.


Those are the kinds of market driven actions that will decide the outcome here. But for your economic votes to matter, they have to be INFORMED votes. Those informed economic votes drive the progress of the market directly to satifaction.. Uniformed votes?? We wander in the desert for 40 yrs living on Manna from Washington D.C.

Which is pretty descriptive of our energy policies over the past 20 years. We're circling in the desert, because there's this "sustainable" movement that flaunts a long list of flawed "alternatives" where NONE of them is a 24/7/365 source of environmentally sound electricity. And now there is "Big Solar" and "Big Wind" and $BILLS a year in subsidies and grants and tax breaks driving a markets that will not SUSTAIN without massive aid. And when Big Wind/Solar fall short --- The "LIST" is pulled out again to show how many false choices are still available..

And the costs to the ratepayers for funding both THESE and real RELIABLE back-ups or inefficient storage fixes will POISON future corrected uses of these technologies.. All because of hype and misrepresentation..

And that's why, as an environmentalist, I've got a motivation to speak out..

These are your political/ideological beliefs to compellingly support. Attacking others and using pseudoscience argument do not amount to compelling support for anything you state above.

That all ya got?? No pseudoscience needed to impeach the downright fraud of the "alternative list".. THere's stuff on it that even the Sierra Club is against. And only 2 entries on that list even capable of providing SUPPLEMENTARY electrical power..

(Not counting hydro -- which is an example of crap that makes the list that even the Enviros aren't fond of.. Cali for instance BRAGS about it renewable portfolio. But last time I checked over 60% of that was hydro older than John McCain)

Global warming is a global scam, perpetrated by the so-called global elite which is then packaged and delivered by their poster boy Al Gore, and sold to all the gullible people around the world.

Any link to support your claim? so far, at least by the evidence provided in this thread global warming seems very real.

That such global waring is produced by man or that it can be controlled by changing our way of producing energy is still VERY debatable. The warming itself ... not really. But then again , feel free to post your links . I'm sure they will be very interesting.

You want to see a link to support my claim? How about three links?

Blog: Global warming 'scientific consensus' debunked

Global Warming Hoax Finally Falling Apart

Don’t believe the natural global warming stuff; it’s global elitesDon’t believe the natural global warming stuff; it’s global elites

The two main points of what Global Warming / Climate Change is really about is money and to de-industrialize the world. Like I said before, Global Warming is a Global Scam.
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I am all for getting away from having to buy all our oil from the Mid east.
So why are Democrats against us drilling for as much oil as we can here?...

They are shoving this green energy down our throats like Obama Care?
Why is that?....
It would not shock me to find out that Democrats are heavily invested in Green energy.
Al Gore seems to be getting stinking rich off this.
And remember making money is considered evil by the Libs.
I am all for getting away from having to buy all our oil from the Mid east.
So why are Democrats against us drilling for as much oil as we can here?...

They are shoving this green energy down our throats like Obama Care?
Why is that?....

Democrats will claim they are against us drilling anywhere in America because they believe that it upsets the ecological balance of the environment. That's just bullshit.

A reason to consider is if we drilled for oil in America, than that would make us more independant as a nation. We wouldn't have to go overseas anymore. The so-called global elite does not want America or any nation for that matter to be independant, because when a nation is independant, it is also self-preserving, and that is something the so-called global elite is trying to take away. The global plan once it is locked into place is for all nations to be dependant on one another, and not just oil.

Why are they shoving this green energy down our throats like Obama Care? One word. MONEY.
I know that your main contribution here is to find statistics that are meant to deny the obvious, but all of the big picture data still says that you continue to be denied what you wish was true.

Tornadoes of 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you didn't notice the graph from NOAA that clearly shows that the number of tornadoes here is considerably less than normal...not even in the 25th percentile. Maybe you just don't know how to read a graph.


Are you going to tell the people of Oklahoma City that they're having a great year?

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