The goal of the democrat party is to end the middle class, and create a two tiered society.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

And they are winning BIGLY.
Maybe The American people are going to get exactly what they deserve.

Here's a winning strategy idea.
Let's continue to.......


(Other than feed them tears)
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I don't think the OP was ever middle-class...I have yet to leave the middle class that I have been a part of for forty years.
The war on the middle class started when Reagan was elected.
Teabaggers have been trying to kill them off ever since.
They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.
This looks at the on going plan of the democrats to destroy the middle class...the last defense against their totalitarian state......

For them, 1984 was a how to guide, not a warning.....

The left is also using its Green New Deal to impoverish us — severe restrictions on domestic energy production, forcing us into electric cars (the horse and buggy would be more practical), coming “energy-efficiency” mandates on appliances, banning gas stoves and other measures driven by the cult of climate change.

This will raise the price of everything, including food, gas and utilities. Under Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, the cost of electricity is up 24%, fuel oil up 69% and gas up 53%.

Soon we’ll be sitting in our homes, sweltering in the summer and shivering in the winter, riding bicycles to work, and eating Hamburger Helper or dog food – when we’re not chowing down on creepy, crawly things.

As vegan frosting on the cake, our children are being brainwashed in gender ideology and critical race theory in state schools. If you object, you’ll be branded an insurrectionist and “the government will crush you,” according to an FBI whistleblower.

If Mr. Biden serves a second term, by the time he leaves office, the middle class will be a bombed-out shell of its former self.

That's absurd. The middle class has been shrinking since Dubya. Even Trump said he was going to turn the GOP into the Worker's Party... right before he cut taxes for the rich.
They kill unions, gut the middle class, the money rises to the top, THEN they bitch like this.

They are living, breathing examples of the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Abject Arrogant ignorance.
For clarification, for the above mentioned.

The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.

Some researchers also include the opposite effect for high performers: their tendency to underestimate their skills. In popular culture, the Dunning–Kruger effect is often misunderstood as a claim about general overconfidence of people with low intelligence instead of specific overconfidence of people unskilled at a particular task.
Ignorance is not a "quality"
It started LONG before Reagan.
Your indoctrination is obvious.

Hitler did not take guns from NAZI party members.

Fascists gun grabbers in America aren't taking yours because you love election fraud and fascism too...
No, the reason is I never let them know I have the firearms since I have lived under the radar for almost fifty years doing those things you are to scared to do.
These people are mindless bots programmed by Trump.

Since I don't like or support Trump...I can agree with this.

I wonder why morons ALWAYS assume that everyone not in line with the destructive Left agenda automatically loves Trump ?
Hardly, Reagan was proud of busting unions, unless they were the unions of pigs. Ever hear of Right to Work states?

Yeah, I once worked in a factory and their thugs kept pressuring me into which I said "Fuck off"

I have no desire to donate my hard earned pay to legalized mob bosses.
You see, as a hardworking, thinking human being.....
If I didn't like how a company treated me I knew where to find the exit.
I started MY OWN business and became very successful.

Funny how you people act like programmed helpless little robots then bitch when you are treated like one.
The union bosses laugh all the way to the bank living in luxury on your dime.

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