The GOP and Taxes


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As a business owner, I really don't like taxes. I don't know anyone who does. But I've been listening to a lot of bitching by Republicans for 30 years about the need to lower taxes. Before you folks spend any more hot air on the subject, consider this:

*Where do the wages and equipment come from for our soldiers and sailors that defend our nation? FROM OUR TAX MONEY

* Where do the wages and resources come from for the police and fire fighters that protect us? FROM OUR TAX MONEY

* Where do the wages and resources come from for the prosecutors and judges that administer justice? FROM OUR TAX MONEY

* Where does the money come from that guarantees our bank deposits, provides emergency disaster relief, inspects our food, and countless other services that we all take for granted: FROM OUR TAX MONEY

This is not a LIBERAL rant folks. It's basic bookkeeping. If you want to lower taxes, that's fine by me, but you'd better be prepared to live with less of those things I listed above (and many more) than you had. Republicans love to whine and wail about taxes, but they always seem to turn a blind eye to the other side of the ledger.
Oh...and by the way: Conservatives depend on all those things I listed above, just as much as Liberals, including welfare, food stamps, and housing assistance!
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It's a liberal rant, forgetting there is Much that can be cut from the budget, other than military.

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