The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

"The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare"

It's this sort of partisan delusional nonsense that will lose the GOP the presidency.


What probability do you assign to the GOP not winning the Presidency?

You didn't ask me, but if you had, I'd say the GOP has an 80% chance of winning this next election. The old gray mare has no positive experiences to bring to the election. She can't even answer press questions let alone difficult questions in a debate.

She nor her "husband" will be indicted before the election but that is not to say that they shouldn't have. It just goes to demonstrate that the Clintons are indeed above the law.

I think you are substantially underestimating her experience as both Senator and as Sec State. She hasn't been going directly much to reporters at this point, more because she doesn't have to than because she can't.

I'm curious, if someone offered to make a bet with you where you got paid $15 if the next President elected was a Republican and you paid $30 if they weren't, would you take it?

every day, put up your money.
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

Are Alan West and Ben Carson white? How about Mia Love? Did I miss something or don't conservative blacks count as blacks?

Sorry bro, your racism is showing.
We'll see, if the South votes them in.
Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

Are Alan West and Ben Carson white? How about Mia Love? Did I miss something or don't conservative blacks count as blacks?

Sorry bro, your racism is showing.
We'll see, if the South votes them in.

I know and work with a lot of blacks here in NOLA. the vast majority of them are fed up with obama and his lies. Sure, some will vote for him if he shits in their gumbo, but the thinking ones are turning away from the dem party. Remember, we had a dem governor in jail, a dem congressman and a dem mayor are in jail now. We also kicked the dem Mary Landrieu to the curb in 2014.

yes, the demographics are changing and they are changing away from the dem/lib party.
The problem with diversity is that it's hard to herd.

The democrats have made this mistake and spooked a great quantity of their middle-leaning (the majority of that party) demographic away. Which is why elections are often a crap-shoot for them. The same goes for the very far right as well. The most extreme presonalities will always sieze the reins of any party and then steer it off a cliff. And that's because insane people never see compromise and believe they are grandiose enough to influence people as deeply down in privacy as behind the voting curtain. Most people, the overwhelming majority, will use their head when they vote. It isn't always the case in good times. Then they vote herd-think. But in rocky times you will get wide wide unpredictable swings and you'd best note what priorities your voters are holding dear at that time. Hint: banning abortion and forcing gay marriage ain't it.

Since people spend little time reading words and like to see pictures instead. Here's a picture that describes perfectly what's going on with Hillary's challenges and what's destroying the democratic party: In a word, it's trying to force society to normalize insanity. People are D-O-N-E with it.

That sounds like you assign a very low chance to the Democrats winning the presidency. How low?
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:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how

If someone offered to bet $25, with you that conditional on Hillary being the Democratic nominee, at least 75% of blacks will vote for her according to exit polls, would you take that bet?
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

You seem to have missed my point that Obama pulled a record number of blacks to the polls.

Something no WHITE candidate is going to do.

Even the AP did a study and if the blacks hadn't turned o
They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how

If someone offered to bet $25, with you that conditional on Hillary being the Democratic nominee, at least 75% of blacks will vote for her according to exit polls, would you take that bet?

I'm sure they would vote Dem, my point is she won't get the turnout Obama did
"The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare"

It's this sort of partisan delusional nonsense that will lose the GOP the presidency.


What probability do you assign to the GOP not winning the Presidency?

You didn't ask me, but if you had, I'd say the GOP has an 80% chance of winning this next election. The old gray mare has no positive experiences to bring to the election. She can't even answer press questions let alone difficult questions in a debate.

She nor her "husband" will be indicted before the election but that is not to say that they shouldn't have. It just goes to demonstrate that the Clintons are indeed above the law.

I think you are substantially underestimating her experience as both Senator and as Sec State. She hasn't been going directly much to reporters at this point, more because she doesn't have to than because she can't.

I'm curious, if someone offered to make a bet with you where you got paid $15 if the next President elected was a Republican and you paid $30 if they weren't, would you take it?

every day, put up your money.

Yep. It is very interesting to see how incredibly certain people (all over the political spectrum) claim to be about what is going to happen until one then sees if they are willing to actually risk fairly tiny sums.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?
Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

You seem to have missed my point that Obama pulled a record number of blacks to the polls.

Something no WHITE candidate is going to do.

Even the AP did a study and if the blacks hadn't turned o
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how

If someone offered to bet $25, with you that conditional on Hillary being the Democratic nominee, at least 75% of blacks will vote for her according to exit polls, would you take that bet?

I'm sure they would vote Dem, my point is she won't get the turnout Obama did

Ah, I see. That makes a lot of sense. High percentage yield but lower overall turnout. That does seem like a reasonable model of the situation.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?

Have....have you checked those numbers lately? Clinton beats Bush by 6 to 11 points. Over and over. Virtually single poll for the last month has the same one.

Fox News has Bush by 1. I can seen why you referred to it as 'one major poll', but didn't describe it.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?

Have....have you checked those numbers lately? Clinton beats Bush by 6 to 11 points. Over and over. Virtually single poll for the last month has the same one.

Fox News has Bush by 1. I can seen why you referred to it as 'one major poll', but didn't describe it.

I'm not sure what your point is. Fox News is a reliable pollster with only a slight right-ward bias. Their polling is much more respected than their news is. Frankly, if the race occurred tomorrow, Hillary would win. But it doesn't. You can if you want answer the question though: what probability do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency? (If it helps my own estimate is 55%).
You forgot to mention, brain damaged.
Well, the Right had Reagan with Alzheimer's for 8 years.

There is no substantial evidence that Reagan had Alzheimer's while he was in the office. Note also that people can have Alzheimer's and still be bright and productive. Terry Pratchett is one excellent and sad example.

Even if he did have Alzheimers he was still head and shoulder above anything the left ever has had to offer.
. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

Well in all honesty they do have that idiot commie clown Sanders.

All of these Moon Bats are denying The Hildabeast nowadays because they know the bitch is toxic and they claim they are going to vote for Sanders.

2016 is going to be a very bad year for the Moon Bats. The tremendous increase in health care insurance caused by Obamacare is going to hit next year. That by itself is going to piss off many swing voters.

The Democrats got their asses beat real bad in 2014. The way things are looking now 2016 is going to be a repeat of 2014.

Serves the right for being stupid Moon Bats.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

Data suggests that the Republicans have a substantially better chance than you seem to be estimating. Note for example that if you look at the actual national poll numbers you'll see that one major poll has put Clinton a point behind Jeb in a general election, and others have put her only a hair ahead of Rubio in multiple swing-state polls. But it sounds like from this comment and others you've made that you assign a very high probability to the Democrats winning the Presidency. What chance do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency?

Have....have you checked those numbers lately? Clinton beats Bush by 6 to 11 points. Over and over. Virtually single poll for the last month has the same one.

Fox News has Bush by 1. I can seen why you referred to it as 'one major poll', but didn't describe it.

I'm not sure what your point is. Fox News is a reliable pollster with only a slight right-ward bias. Their polling is much more respected than their news is. Frankly, if the race occurred tomorrow, Hillary would win. But it doesn't. You can if you want answer the question though: what probability do you assign to the Democrats winning the Presidency? (If it helps my own estimate is 55%).

I think you know exactly what my point is. You didn't accidentally refer to it as 'one major poll'. Your omission of the source of the poll was quite intentional. Fox Polls skew to the right. marriage. Everyone from Gallup to PPP to ABC and CNN puts gay marriage support in a clear majority. Only Fox shows it opposition leading. Take the 2012 election. Most polls had Obama leading. Fox consistently showed a Romney victory or a tie.

It wasn't a Romney Victory. It wasn't a tie. It wasn't even close, with Romney losing by 5 million popular votes and 125 electoral votes. Fox skews to the right. For crying out loud, Fox polling still refuses to call cell phones when polling.

And with poll after poll putting Hillary as high as 20 points above Bush (most showing 6 to 10 points), do you honestly expect us to believe that its random coincidence that you picked the ONE poll that gave Bush a 1% edge as the poll you'll cite?

You're cherry picking. That's also my point.
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. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.

Well in all honesty they do have that idiot commie clown Sanders.

All of these Moon Bats are denying The Hildabeast nowadays because they know the bitch is toxic and they claim they are going to vote for Sanders.

2016 is going to be a very bad year for the Moon Bats. The tremendous increase in health care insurance caused by Obamacare is going to hit next year. That by itself is going to piss off many swing voters.

The Democrats got their asses beat real bad in 2014. The way things are looking now 2016 is going to be a repeat of 2014.

Serves the right for being stupid Moon Bats.

You're simply projecting your personal beliefs onto 'moon bats'. And Hillary leads in virtually every poll. With Republicans having failed to convince the electorate to back them in 5 of the last 6 elections.

Remember, just because everyone in the right wing echo chamber agrees with you doesn't mean that your claims have the slightest connection to reality.
When we decide on one candidate that will be done and presented to the entire nation.

You have one candidate, you support her. I asked you why you support her and what she has done to earn that support.

If the answer is "nothing, I just vote dem" then fine, say that and move on.

We don't have one candidate, and I don't support her.

So why are you trying to hold Hillary Clinton you won't hold the GOP candidates to?

So who is your dem candidate?

Every candidate should be fully vetted by the media and his/her opposition regardless of party. If this had been done on obama, he would never have been elected.

question for you, why was obama given a pass on the vetting process by the media?

Seems Obama was fully vetted

What relevant questions about him were not answered?

What relevance is it given that NONE of these RWnuts were going to vote Democrat anyway, no matter what the resume, no matter what the qualifications, no matter what the experience.

Just like you will not vote for one of the 15-20 pubs running.

Despite some of them being more qualified than Hillary by actually having GOVERNING experience.

Why would I vote for someone that wants to take the country in the wrong direction.?
Hmmm, was foreign policy experience a requirement when you elected obozo?

But Jeb will not be the GOP nominee, so ---------------------------------

So now you're withdrawing your insistence on certain qualifications.

John McCain had no executive experience.

Neither did Obama in 2008. and McCain had a ton more experience as a senator.

So in 2012 when Obama had 4 years experience as PRESIDENT, vs. Romneys ZERO experience as President,

Obama won the experience contest hands down?


Forget about his time governing Mass.?

The years he had running a successful company?

Bet the hell out of Obamas experience entering the WH, and considering Obamas first 4 years, Romney still had him beat on experience.

Too funny
They just can't admit their shortcomings

Romney was more experienced than Obama...seriously

Well, he knew how to strap a dog to the top of a car. I don't think Obama ever did that!

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