The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare

Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.
well no she's an adult an extremely ignorant adult!
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
How many lies and scandals will the Dems justify between now and November of next year?
Therein lies your problem

Conservatives have screamed about so many bogus lies and scandals that the public no longer pays attention

So how many of Hillary's lie do you believe? Bosnia? She was broke leaving the WH? She only knows how to put one e-mail on a phone or she only had one phone. Wait is Bosnia a lie? Was she named after Sir Hillary? How about the vast Right Wing conspiracy? Or how about Bill not having sex with Monica?

We can keep going on, but I have a tough time believing she can tell the truth.
Therein lies your problem

These things get big AirPlay in the conservative media and you think the rest of the country gives a shit

So which ones do you believe, she is you potential candidate and you trust her, so do you believe all her lies or don't believe she lied or you just pick and choose when to believe her?

I'm not sure how you guys have it figured.
For me, it is enough that she voted for the Iraq debacle and Patriot act for me to not vote for her. All this manufactured right wing hogwash is meaningless to me.
Democrats are interchangeable, so from a policy standpoint it makes no difference who runs. But from a strategy standpoint, isn't it a bit risky to put all your eggs in one basket this far from the election? Particularly someone with the arrogance and trail of corruption as a Clinton?
Considering that Democrats are black, brown, white, rich, poor, gay, straight, religious, atheists, educated and uneducated, to say they are all the same is retarded beyond belief.

Republicans are 90% white and those whites come in two flavors, middle class to poor who vote white no matter what and rich and greedy rich who vote money first and white second no matter what.

Who has diversity is clear.

Currently, your field has 2 white senior citizens, one male, one female, and a younger white male.

The pub field has 2 Hispanics, one woman, and a variety of white males, none of whom are near the age of applying for Social Security.

Yes, "who has diversity" is VERY clear.
The Democrats will run the first female for President in history. Republicans will run another white male

There is your diversity

Do you honestly think that HRC is a good candidate who would be a good president? No one who knows anything about her could not possibly think that.

Hillary is by far the most qualified and is respected around the world. Most of the world fears Americas Republicans because they are so impulsive and short sighted

And they don't pay in cash....

:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
like I SAID ignorant ...
Its very amusing to watch the dims twist and turn trying to justify running the old, tired, lying, corrupt, failed bitch HRC. But she is all they have, they have no one else. Its hilarious.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
we'll know election night won't we?
If Bill had not been elected President in 1992, I am pretty sure Hillary would have made the Board of Directors at Enron.

Enron was one of their most faithful campaign contributors.

Y'all young'uns probably don't remember this stuff.

:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ
They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

GFY you wet behind the ears jackass. Posting some commentary does not mean you're a political guru
:0) Talk about amusing .. there isn't one single republican who can win an national office .. not ONE.

In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

How sad. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

GFY you wet behind the ears jackass. Posting some commentary does not mean you're a political guru
I've never claimed to be a genius .. but quite obviously I'm smarter than you are. :0) Doesn't make me a genius.

How Republicans can t win in 2016

.. even republicans know this and openly talk about it.
Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

GFY you wet behind the ears jackass. Posting some commentary does not mean you're a political guru
I've never claimed to be a genius .. but quite obviously I'm smarter than you are. :0) Doesn't make me a genius.

How Republicans can t win in 2016

.. even republicans know this and openly talk about it.

Yeah keep believing you're the smartest one in the room as you post opinion pieces <eyeroll>
They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

yes, they bring 90% of black votes to democrats.

what they don't do, is bring 90% of blacks to the polls.

Record turnout of black voters for Obama doesn't mean the same number will turn out for Hillary, or any other dem candidate.
NOBODY brings 90% of blacks to the polls, including Obama .. and by the way, I didn't vote for Obama either time.

SEE: DEMOGRAPHICS. :0) They are a'changing in America. :0)

You seem to have missed my point that Obama pulled a record number of blacks to the polls.

Something no WHITE candidate is going to do.
Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

GFY you wet behind the ears jackass. Posting some commentary does not mean you're a political guru
I've never claimed to be a genius .. but quite obviously I'm smarter than you are. :0) Doesn't make me a genius.

How Republicans can t win in 2016

.. even republicans know this and openly talk about it.
You hang out with Republicans? Do your liberal friends know about this?

"The GOP has a stable of potential winners, the Dems have one old mare"

It's this sort of partisan delusional nonsense that will lose the GOP the presidency.


What probability do you assign to the GOP not winning the Presidency?

You didn't ask me, but if you had, I'd say the GOP has an 80% chance of winning this next election. The old gray mare has no positive experiences to bring to the election. She can't even answer press questions let alone difficult questions in a debate.

She nor her "husband" will be indicted before the election but that is not to say that they shouldn't have. It just goes to demonstrate that the Clintons are indeed above the law.

I think you are substantially underestimating her experience as both Senator and as Sec State. She hasn't been going directly much to reporters at this point, more because she doesn't have to than because she can't.

I'm curious, if someone offered to make a bet with you where you got paid $15 if the next President elected was a Republican and you paid $30 if they weren't, would you take it?
They seemed to have enough in Nov 2014 :)
In case you haven't noticed, republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency

Sure they do, some dumb ass half black dude won't be bringing the blacks to the polls for the dems
Obviously a post by a political teenager.

ALL democratic presidential candidates bring close to 90% of the black vote to presidential campaigns.

So is the course for an all-white political party.

Listen up schmuck, I've been posting on boards for ten years so take your childish little attempts at insults and try and sell them elsewhere. The ONLY reason the boy king was elected was because he's black, that's it. Live with it. Blacks won't come out in the same numbers for some 70 yer old white hag. No way no how
:0) Pay attention BoZo .. I wouldn't give a rats ass if you were born on a message board. Republicans don't have enough white voters to win the presidency.

Maybe instead of posting stupid shit on a message board, you should have spent more time learning politics.

A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016
A Republican nominee who matches George W. Bush’s winning hand from 2004 would lose this time around.
Whit Ayres A Daunting Demographic Challenge for the GOP in 2016 - WSJ

Are Alan West and Ben Carson white? How about Mia Love? Did I miss something or don't conservative blacks count as blacks?

Sorry bro, your racism is showing.

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