The GOP has blown it on Health Care


The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years.

Where was their plan ?

I mean honestly.....this is hysterical.

No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........

Here's the problem you wingnuts don't get.

ObamaCare was the GOP's better idea.

They had no problem with it when it was called "RomneyCare" or the Heritage's alternative to HillaryCare.

It was only when 'The Black Guy Did It" that it became a problem.

Now, there were a bunch of things the Democrats wanted to do that would have made this a better system. They could have set up a public option for those who can't get insurance through their work or allow a Medicare buy in for those of us over 55 that would have relieved a lot of the pressure on private plans.

But Republicans and some Democrats rejected those, so what we got was essentially national RomneyCare.

We can't go back to what we had before without either throwing millions out of health insurance or allowing the insurance companies to go back to cheating people after they paid premiums. Neither one is acceptable.
"Blown it" is nowhere near a strong enough description of this.

They never had a plan outside of a few random "ideas", and they claimed they did. For eight years. Then they get Trump to fool people into believing it too.

That's incompetence and dishonesty of historical proportions right there.

GUy, Trump didn't fool anyone. People didn't vote for Trump because he was going to get rid of Romney errrr ObamaCare.

They voted for him because he played on their racial and religious fears. And even though a majority of the country saw through him, thanks to the wonders of the Electoral College and Russian Hackers, we are stuck with this guy, even though 10 million more people voted for someone else.

The reason why Trumpcare is going nowhere is that the dumb-ass rednecks who voted for Trump realized that they'd lose their insurance if they did repeal ObamaCare.
Wanna get rid of the clusterfuck Obamacare?

Simply do nothing and Obamacare collapses in 1- 2 years.

The voters will blame the Democrats for creating a shitty, unsustainable program.


You keep telling yourself that. We've been waiting for ObamaCare to collapse for 7 years now.

Still hasn't happened. BUt you keep the dream alive.

I agree but they are falling into the trap of "we can come up with a better plan". Uh no. The Federal government has no business in making any decisions about health care for private citizens. They should be just repealing it and easing up regulations on the health insurance industry, and let the market freely sell to those who want it.

Great idea. Then we can put the foxes in charge of the Hen House, because I'm sure that will work well.

Sorry, I think a regulation that says, "you can't cheat your policy holders after you've taken their money" is actually a pretty good one.

The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years.

Where was their plan ?

I mean honestly.....this is hysterical.

No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........
Proving themselves to be a do nothing Congress.
No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........
That is a 'misrepresentation of the facts'. (Trying NOT to say, 'That is a lie')

The problem the GOP is having is with agreeing on the SPECIFICS of their plan. There are several versions of plans, all with good and 'bad' aspects. Trying to mediate and cobble together one bill that incorporates some of the best of all of them is difficult. If you have ever heard the old adage about having 'too many cooks' you know when you have too many people trying to write a bill you are not going to come up with one that appeases everyone.

Appointing a few hard-core liberals who isolate themselves in chambers to write their Socialist Agenda, minority-supported crap while lying to the people then all the rest of the Democrats voting for it without having read it as they were told to do - and them obeying like good little Lemmings - was easy. 'Un-F*ing' their mess is proving to be more difficult.

The GOP has whined about Obamacare (which I didn't want and I think it sucks) for six years.

Where was their plan ?

I mean honestly.....this is hysterical.

No plan, no concept of a plan, nothing........

Yea buddy, that's what happens when you have a political movement built around talk-shows.

A lot of talk, don't know much of anything about the walk.
The GOP has had since 1994 to put together a national health care plan.
Rustic, many more want single payer than don't.

Your "collective" argument is silly. Grow up.
And in many cases there's a private sector choice for people that can pay...So it isn't forced unlike the aca.
Single payer is very inefficient and costly… Fact
Medicare and Medicaid prove you wrong.
Na, they have not paid for the cost of those yet paying for that shit is decades down the road if ever, where our grandkids and kids are going to be paying for that shit.
That's the problem with socialism/socialist entitlement programs they're always kicking the can down the road…
And in many cases there's a private sector choice for people that can pay...So it isn't forced unlike the aca.
Single payer is very inefficient and costly… Fact
Medicare and Medicaid prove you wrong.
Na, they have not paid for the cost of those yet paying for that shit is decades down the road if ever, where our grandkids and kids are going to be paying for that shit.
That's the problem with socialism/socialist entitlement programs they're always kicking the can down the road…
Nope, it is much cheaper, and you can't show that you are right.
Rustic, many more want single payer than don't.

Your "collective" argument is silly. Grow up.
Well, whatever the number is those that want it Form it for themselves, leave the millions of us that want nothing to do with out of it - although I think far less really want something like that than what you think…
It does not take the participation of everybody for something like that… LOL
And in many cases there's a private sector choice for people that can pay...So it isn't forced unlike the aca.
Single payer is very inefficient and costly… Fact
Medicare and Medicaid prove you wrong.
Na, they have not paid for the cost of those yet paying for that shit is decades down the road if ever, where our grandkids and kids are going to be paying for that shit.
That's the problem with socialism/socialist entitlement programs they're always kicking the can down the road…
Nope, it is much cheaper, and you can't show that you are right.
Many more are taking more out than the small numbers that are putting in… Fact
And in many cases there's a private sector choice for people that can pay...So it isn't forced unlike the aca.
Single payer is very inefficient and costly… Fact
Medicare and Medicaid prove you wrong.
Na, they have not paid for the cost of those yet paying for that shit is decades down the road if ever, where our grandkids and kids are going to be paying for that shit.
That's the problem with socialism/socialist entitlement programs they're always kicking the can down the road…
Your grandkids would not be paying for your single payor if we had the same legislation that Britain and Canada have.

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