The GOP is blowing it on the border issue

Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.

Condemn born and bred Americans, praise foreign invaders.
Why won't these guys admit the countries are corrupt shit holes, and that American employers are breaking the law, and attracting illegals?

What are they afraid of?

Is it just that attacking individuals is just easier for the cowards?

Or hasn't talk radio told them how to think about this obvious part of the story?
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.
Of course it does. You are arguing it's ok for them to violate our laws because they are doing what's best for them, but it's not ok for us to enforce our laws because it's best for us. You've made up this fairy tale about who the illegals are, but we don't know who they are because they have never been vetted. You claim they all come from countries that are horror shows, but we don't know that's true of all of them or even of most of them. We know a fairly high number of the women who come to our border in groups are raped by the men they come with, so we know some of them are rapists. We know some of them are gang members. We know some of them are human traffickers. We really don't know the percentages since those who come here illegally have not been vetted.

What we do know is that we don't want the gang members or other criminals here, and since the US has no use for more low skilled or unskilled laborers, those who are not criminals are competing for jobs with low skilled or unskilled Americans, creating a hardship for some of the most vulnerable Americans. We don't know who the illegals are, but we do know that whether they are criminals or just poor families, it is bad for us when they come here illegally.
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.

Mac, I'm not like you bleeding heart fools who expect others to be suckers like you. I'm a problem solver, I simplify shit and attack issues at their root.
There's many components to the issue...anybody sane knows that. BUT finger pointing is passing the buck...lets start at the root, the point of origination. It's the desperate Beaner who makes the decision to have more babies he can't afford to feed which prompts him to look to commit criminal activity to survive. This is simple shit Mac...use logic, fuck emotion.
Trump could say something like this:

"I condemn anyone, including those in my party, who attack the people who are desperate to come to America from South and Central America. The problem is not with them; it's with the so-called leaders of those countries who have allowed their countries to rot from corruption; it's with the American legislators who refuse to hold American companies legally accountable for hiring illegals; and it's with all of us for refusing to work together to solve this problem like reasonable adults.

"A family desperate to come to America should not be mocked or insulted. They just want to live in decency, they want to be able to take care of themselves and their families. They are truly victims of their home countries. Anyone who attacks them is part of the problem, not the solution."

Yeah. Something like that. Instead the party's loudest voices are the types of people we see here on USMB.

And of course, saying such a thing would get him sideways with Talk Radio, so don't hold your breath.
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.
Of course it does. You are arguing it's ok for them to violate our laws because they are doing what's best for them, but it's not ok for us to enforce our laws because it's best for us. You've made up this fairy tale about who the illegals are, but we don't know who they are because they have never been vetted. You claim they all come from countries that are horror shows, but we don't know that's true of all of them or even of most of them. We know a fairly high number of the women who come to our border in groups are raped by the men they come with, so we know some of them are rapists. We know some of them are gang members. We know some of them are human traffickers. We really don't know the percentages since those who come here illegally have not been vetted.

What we do know is that we don't want the gang members or other criminals here, and since the US has no use for more low skilled or unskilled laborers, those who are not criminals are competing for jobs with low skilled or unskilled Americans, creating a hardship for some of the most vulnerable Americans. We don't know who the illegals are, but we do know that whether they are criminals or just poor families, it is bad for us when they come here illegally.
I've never said it's okay for them to break our laws. That's just a simplistic assumption being made.

I'm just pointing out two incredibly obvious parts to this story that no one wants to admit.

And I wonder why that is.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.

Mac, I'm not like you bleeding heart fools who expect others to be suckers like you. I'm a problem solver, I simplify shit and attack issues at their root.
There's many components to the issue...anybody sane knows that. BUT finger pointing is passing the buck...lets start at the root, the point of origination. It's the desperate Beaner who makes the decision to have more babies he can't afford to feed which prompts him to look to commit criminal activity to survive. This is simple shit Mac...use logic, fuck emotion.
And why are they desperate?

Never mind. Talk radio doesn't cover that.
Why won't these guys admit the countries are corrupt shit holes, and that American employers are breaking the law, and attracting illegals?

What are they afraid of?

Is it just that attacking individuals is just easier for the cowards?

Or hasn't talk radio told them how to think about this obvious part of the story?

LefTard Logic:
"If you leave your keys in your ignition and your car is stolen it is not the fault of the thief because you "attracted" him."
Last edited:
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
That's because you think he was elected President of the illegals and not President of the US.
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.
Of course it does. You are arguing it's ok for them to violate our laws because they are doing what's best for them, but it's not ok for us to enforce our laws because it's best for us. You've made up this fairy tale about who the illegals are, but we don't know who they are because they have never been vetted. You claim they all come from countries that are horror shows, but we don't know that's true of all of them or even of most of them. We know a fairly high number of the women who come to our border in groups are raped by the men they come with, so we know some of them are rapists. We know some of them are gang members. We know some of them are human traffickers. We really don't know the percentages since those who come here illegally have not been vetted.

What we do know is that we don't want the gang members or other criminals here, and since the US has no use for more low skilled or unskilled laborers, those who are not criminals are competing for jobs with low skilled or unskilled Americans, creating a hardship for some of the most vulnerable Americans. We don't know who the illegals are, but we do know that whether they are criminals or just poor families, it is bad for us when they come here illegally.
I've never said it's okay for them to break our laws. That's just a simplistic assumption being made.

I'm just pointing out two incredibly obvious parts to this story that no one wants to admit.

And I wonder why that is.
You pointed out nothing. ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals and blaming the countries they come from does nothing.
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.

Mac, I'm not like you bleeding heart fools who expect others to be suckers like you. I'm a problem solver, I simplify shit and attack issues at their root.
There's many components to the issue...anybody sane knows that. BUT finger pointing is passing the buck...lets start at the root, the point of origination. It's the desperate Beaner who makes the decision to have more babies he can't afford to feed which prompts him to look to commit criminal activity to survive. This is simple shit Mac...use logic, fuck emotion.
And why are they desperate?

Never mind. Talk radio doesn't cover that.

You want me to say Whitey...right?
That's not our problem to be concerned with bud. We can't foster and educate the worlds desperate trash. We have plenty of our own trash to foster.
FUCK, why do Zulus in jungles commit's who/what they are, its their culture...let them die and eat one another...FUCK IT!
I do?

Wow, that's terrible!
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.

It's more PC to hate the people who were born here, who's ancestors contributed so much to the traditions and values of this country. We're sick of being "condemned" by the people who are put in office to represent our interests.
Apparently you do. There are 600,000,000 people south of our border, many of whom want to come to the US and there are hundreds of millions more in Africa, Asia and eastern Europe who want to come here, and obviously we must have standards, immigration laws to decide who may come here and who may not. According to those laws, those who will contribute something we need are allowed in and others, for the most part, are not. These laws protect the interests of Americans, and when some one violates these laws they are acting against the interests of Americans. From your post it would seem you put the interests of those who would break our immigrations laws above the interests of the American people whose interests these laws are designed to protect, and that is the source of your confusion about what President Trump's job is.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.
Read your own posts; you're the one who is filled with hate. The fence will work. There is substantial evidence to support that belief and there is no evidence supporting the belief it won't work. You need to look at yourself. You're the hater here. You use the illegals as a platform to express your own hate.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.

It's more PC to hate the people who were born here, who's ancestors contributed so much to the traditions and values of this country. We're sick of being "condemned" by the people who are put in office to represent our interests.
Have I done that? Nope.

I just pointed out two other important parts of the story.

Looks like people here would rather just ignore them.

Okay. Fine with me.
I'll say it again:

These are desperate people. They are breaking our laws because their countries are horror shows and American companies hire them when they get here.

I'm not sure why this needs to be so difficult to understand.

I'm not sure why you can't just admit the obvious. It doesn't contradict your point.

Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.
Read your own posts; you're the one who is filled with hate. The fence will work. There is substantial evidence to support that belief and there is no evidence supporting the belief it won't work. You need to look at yourself. You're the hater here. You use the illegals as a platform to express your own hate.
Okie dokie.
Yep, and bank robbers / most criminals are "desperate people" just trying to better provide for their families.
And it's the fault of Whitey....these people are FORCED to break laws to survive...It can't be that they are subhuman savages that can't stop themselves from procreating more of their filthy same.... Makes no sense does it Mac? You hate accountability and cause and effect don't you SUCKER?
Wow, look at all that impotent rage.

I wonder why you're afraid to give any blame to the countries and the employers.

Oh, that's right: Talk radio doesn't discuss that part.

Plus, you're a hateful bigot.
In fact, ICE has been cracking down on employers who hire illegals, and every step of the way they are opposed by Democrats and others. How would blaming the countries they come from change anything?
Just build a wall. Or try to.

Hate those who are trying to get here.

That's what you know. Fine with me.
Read your own posts; you're the one who is filled with hate. The fence will work. There is substantial evidence to support that belief and there is no evidence supporting the belief it won't work. You need to look at yourself. You're the hater here. You use the illegals as a platform to express your own hate.
Okie dokie.
I was just trying to point out an important aspect of this situation.

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