The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy.....What happened?

If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
Huh? The obvious doesn't need to be noticed. I mean that's why it's obvious, right?

Gawd we've dumbed down!
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history


What happened? The American people woke up and elected a bunch of Republicans into office to stop him.

It's only thanks to them he wasn't able to carry out his full agenda, although the damage done between 2009-2011 will take us a long time to undo.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.

History will show that $26 Trillion was added to household wealth since Obama took office

U.S. Household Wealth Hits Fresh Record - WSJ
I am not doubting your claim. But, can you please direct me to that data so that I can read it for myself, if you don't mind. Also, does that figure include lost home equity? Does it include lost savings due to extremely low interest rates? Does it include lost income due to unemployment? Exactly how did the people that came up with that figure arrive at it? Did they input all related data? Or, is that figure showing what people recovered of the money and wealth they originally lost during the recession/depression?
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
And prevented the seas from rising.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
I think it's pretty stupid to blame a President for everything. I don't blame Obama for everything, the rest of the left wing base shoulders just as much if not more of the blame for their failed policies.
Bush was a lame duck in his last few years so he shouldn't be held accountable for all bad things that happened. Obama is now in the same boat and he shouldn't be held accountable for all things, good or bad.
Reagan had a Dem congress for many years but back then they worked it out. Remember the "Reagan Democrats"? That hasn't happened though in the last 14 years though. Obama will not compromise on anything, although I do give him credit for extending the Bush tax cuts. It's about the only good policy move he has ever done.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
Being largely successful in checking Obama's excesses, who can blame them. I can only imagine what the economy would be like today if the Republicans hadn't taken the House in 2010.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
Hyperbole does not an argument make, GERTRUDE.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
Hyperbole does not an argument make, GERTRUDE.

I agree that Republicans have resorted to hyperbole in their predictions of impending doom

Looks like they have been caught with their pants down doesn't it?
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.

History will show that $26 Trillion was added to household wealth since Obama took office

U.S. Household Wealth Hits Fresh Record - WSJ
I am not doubting your claim. But, can you please direct me to that data so that I can read it for myself, if you don't mind. Also, does that figure include lost home equity? Does it include lost savings due to extremely low interest rates? Does it include lost income due to unemployment? Exactly how did the people that came up with that figure arrive at it? Did they input all related data? Or, is that figure showing what people recovered of the money and wealth they originally lost during the recession/depression?

Household wealth is the value of your home and of your savings. It is not a measure of income
History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.

History will show that $26 Trillion was added to household wealth since Obama took office

U.S. Household Wealth Hits Fresh Record - WSJ
I am not doubting your claim. But, can you please direct me to that data so that I can read it for myself, if you don't mind. Also, does that figure include lost home equity? Does it include lost savings due to extremely low interest rates? Does it include lost income due to unemployment? Exactly how did the people that came up with that figure arrive at it? Did they input all related data? Or, is that figure showing what people recovered of the money and wealth they originally lost during the recession/depression?

Household wealth is the value of your home and of your savings. It is not a measure of income
That doesn't answer my questions.
Republicans claimed every economic disaster imaginable if Obama were elected. They then doubled down and predicted even worse if he were reelected

To a man...they all chanted .......Trainwreck!

Yet the economy is surging and all Republicans can do now is struggle to somehow claim credit for it
Hyperbole does not an argument make, GERTRUDE.

I agree that Republicans have resorted to hyperbole in their predictions of impending doom

Looks like they have been caught with their pants down doesn't it?
And you are awarded three Katyushas.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history


Leave it to the far left to go overseas and use commentary from other far left sources..

Then again when close to 40% of the work force is out of work, the far left is doing what they set out to do.
They are very predictable. Obama was on the TV this morning taking credit and now there is a thread doing the same. Big shock.
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
They have noticed, and have been noticing for a long time now.
An economy that's been in that's been in the dumps for several year which finally shows an slight uptick is apparently proof of success. The American public dumbed down, but how long can you run on that? November of 2014 was when people who weren't on food stamps finally made that realization.
History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.

History will show that $26 Trillion was added to household wealth since Obama took office

U.S. Household Wealth Hits Fresh Record - WSJ
I am not doubting your claim. But, can you please direct me to that data so that I can read it for myself, if you don't mind. Also, does that figure include lost home equity? Does it include lost savings due to extremely low interest rates? Does it include lost income due to unemployment? Exactly how did the people that came up with that figure arrive at it? Did they input all related data? Or, is that figure showing what people recovered of the money and wealth they originally lost during the recession/depression?

Household wealth is the value of your home and of your savings. It is not a measure of income
That doesn't answer my questions.
They are the masters at talking from both sides of their mouths.

Now the nemesis is the low cost of oil.

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

They want to ENSURE that history gives them credit for being the BIGGEST liars of all time.

They're doing a bang-up job of that.

At the very least, these people have been wrong about everything, if not out right lying about everything.

So much so that these demented radicals have now stooped to saying how bad low gas prices are for the economy and for the American people. Although they were JUST spewing how, if they were elected, they wold be dropping it to what it currently is, if not below where it currently is.
Can you look into your statement a little more objectively. Report to us which administration helped out the banks.

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history


Leave it to the far left to go overseas and use commentary from other far left sources..

Then again when close to 40% of the work force is out of work, the far left is doing what they set out to do.
They are very predictable. Obama was on the TV this morning taking credit and now there is a thread doing the same. Big shock.
if the economic news was bad he'd get the blame

nuf said
FoxNews has spent six years trotting out one "expert " after another declaring that the Obama economy was a failure and what horrible tragedy would befall us if he continues in office

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