The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy.....What happened?

In spite of Republicans dragging their feet and constant rants about a failed economy and pending economic didn't happen

We have one of the strongest economic recoveries in the world, a strong dollar, surging stock market, low gas prices, low inflation and solid GDP

What happened to the gloom and doom Republicans?
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

Just like they said. Imagine what would have happened if people could find jobs.
Obviously, Republicans taking over the House in 2010 saved us from ruin.
What was the official talking point that all Republicans were required to use?

Oh yes, the term was.......Trainwreck

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

The health and stability of the economy is on very shaky ground. And, it has nothing to do with one party or the other. No matter how we dissect and examine the pieces, it always comes up "Washington Politics". It would be misleading and inaccurate to blame either the Republicans or the Democrats, since most of our economic problems have roots that go back decades, spanning several administrations, both Republican and Democrat. In addition, it's presently government debt that's keeping our economy afloat. Even though budget deficits are showing promise, we are still borrowing money each and every day, and the national debt continues to soar into astronomical figures. We still have serious issues with poverty, unemployment, homelessness, troubled pension funds, infrastructure, illegal immigration, off-shore out-sourcing of jobs, importing labor, housing and construction, affordable health care, taxes, lost home equity, major cities in deep financial trouble, excessive defense spending, cuts in the food stamp program, cuts in some services for our Vets, and the overall cost of living as a percentage of real wages.

As our population grows, the number of living wage jobs decrease. Businesses are now able to produce more with less employees. We now have technology, innovation, and automation intergraded into the work place, which enables businesses to replace workers with machines. And, we're still importing most of what we use and consume. We've become consumers and not producers. So, the jobs market doesn't look good for the foreseeable future, especially since we're facing an influx of immigrants in the very near future.

At present, we do have a bright spot working for us. The price of gasoline at the pump is allowing us to put an extra $100.00 or so in our pockets each month. This will help tremendously. Also, several states have agreed to raise the minimum wage, which will also help many workers. Lets hope employers don't cut employees' hours as a result. Employers are already offering less company paid benefits, which added extra cost to employees.

On the negative side of the equation, employers are hiring more part-time workers and temporary workers. And we still have many college grads underemployed, and some are still living with parents in order to survive. The cost of proper health care is still being debated, and many are reporting actual increases in cost, decreases in coverage, and much higher deductibles. Even though we're being fed tidbits of good economic news, the big picture doesn't look so bright or promising. A few bright spots here and there is not representative of the overall health and stability of the economy, especially considering the long range outlook. Personally, I'd say caution when getting too excited over what appears to be a positive economic turn-around.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy.....What happened?

Nothing happened, yet. The problem turds like Rightwinger have is that they can not see passed their own nose. These policies are not going to bode well in coming years. The initial injection phase is still ongoing.

Liberals are morons.
Remenber when liberals crowed that the US would turn totalitarian because of GWB? Yeah, me too.
Oh my this is just another far left propaganda thread as I called earlier..

Oh well they will bash anything or anyone not far left.

But I guess to the far left when almost 40% of the work force is out of work, that is a success..
1. Gas was supposed to cost $5.45 per gallon.
In March 2012, on the floor of the United States Senate, Mike Lee (R-UT) predicted that if Obama was reelected gas would cost $5.45 per gallon by the start 2015. Lee said that gas prices would rise 5 cents for every month Obama was in office, ultimately reaching $6.60 per gallon.
Lee was not alone. Newt Gingrich, running for the GOP nomination, predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to “$10 a gallon.” Gingrich said he would reduce gas prices dramatically by reversing Obama’s energy policies. Gingrich flanked himself with campaign signs promising $2.50 gas if he is elected

I just bought some of that Obamagas for $1.95 a gallon
2. Unemployment was supposed to be stuck at over 8%
In September 2012, Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama is reelected “you’re going to see chronic high unemployment continue four years or longer.” At the time, the unemployment rate was 8.1% and had been between 8.1% and 8.3% for the entire year.
What would breaking out of “chronic high unemployment” look like in a Romney presidency? Romney pledged that, if elected, he could bring the unemployment rate down to 6% by January 2017.
The unemployment rate currently stands at 5.8% and has been under 6% since September 2014. Since January 2013, the economy has created nearly 5 million new jobs.
3. The stock market was supposed to crash
Immediately after Obama won reelection in November 2012, many commenters predicted that the stock market was toast.

Charles Bilderman, the author of the “Intelligent Investing” column at Forbes, wrote that the “market selloff after Obama’s re-election [was] no accident,” predicting “stocks are dropping with no bottom in sight.” Bilderman said that the policies the Obama administration would pursue in his second term would “crash stocks.”
On Bloomberg TV, investor Marc Faber predicted that, because of Obama’s reelection, the stock market would drop at least 20%. According to Faber, “Republicans understand the problem of excessive debt better than Mr. Obama who basically doesn’t care about piling up debt.” Faber joked that investors seeking to protect their assets should “buy themselves a machine gun.”
The Dow Jones Industrial Average currently stands at 17,823 and is up over 35% since Obama was reelected.
4. The entire U.S. economy was supposed to collapse
Rush Limbaugh predicted that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected.” Limbaugh was confident in his prediction: “There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.”
The economic freefall would begin, according to Limbaugh, because “California is going to declare bankruptcy” and Obama would force states like Texas to “bail them out.” California currently has a $4 billion budget surplus.
Limbaugh added, “I know mathematics, and I know economics. I know history. I know socialism, statism, Marxism, I know where it goes. I know what happens at the end of it.”
He did fudge, however, on the exact timing of the economic apocolypse. Limbaugh said it could take “a year and a half, two years, three years.” It’s been two years and two months since Limbaugh’s prediction, so he still technically has another 10 months to be proven right.
The U.S. economy grew at a robust 5% in the 3rd quarter of 2014, following 4.6% growth in the second quarter.
Although these dire economic predictions have proven false, it doesn’t mean there aren’t real, persistent problems with the U.S. economy. Most critically, wage growth for American workers remains stagnant. That’s why, although many economic indicators are strong, a lot of Americans aren’t yet feeling the impact
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
It did, but the economy was strong enough to grow out of the damage that Obama did.

BTW, how could he have done anything with what you call an obstructionist Congress?

5 years of a recovery from a recession is really, really pathetic, nothing to brag about. And the recovery still isn't that great for anyone other then the Democrats beloved beholding 1 percenters.

Glad you brought up that obstructionist Congress

This is the first time in history we have tried to initiate an economic recovery while insisting on austerity. Rather than pumping more money into the economy with infrastructure spending and government spending, we tried to get a recovery while slashing the deficit
Like the huge increase in welfare spending that is pump directly into the economy,all that money?all those shove ready jiobs that wel weren't? Or all the bills Ried sat on?at least try and be honest,having 2/3 of the gov just isn't enough is it?
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
Well, it's very difficult to notice since it hasn't reached Main Street America yet. I'm sure that the wealthy, and those within the financial loop have noticed.
GOP Drops Obama Bear Market Talking Point As Dow Hits 13 000 Crooks and Liars

Dick Morris claimed the markets will "continue to tank...not just because he's a radical, not just because he's a Democrat, but because he's going to raise the capital gains tax. While Fox News' Gretchen Carlson announced, "there's a lot of feeling in the market not reacting very well to the election of Barack Obama,"

On his March 18, 2010 show, Larry Kudlow asked CNBC's Jim Cramer about his belief that "Obamacare will topple the stock market."
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress
Are you serious? The economy is not good. Yes, Obama had a role in our present economic situation. Give credit for what, may I ask?
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress
Are you serious? The economy is not good. Yes, Obama had a role in our present economic situation. Give credit for what, may I ask?


That is one for option #1

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