The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy.....What happened?

Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress
Are you serious? The economy is not good. Yes, Obama had a role in our present economic situation. Give credit for what, may I ask?


That is one for option #1
Yes, it is related to option #1, definitely. Lets look at reality and the actual health and stability of the economy, shall we? First, government debt is presently the only catalysis keeping our economy afloat. Look at what it took to get us to this point. We have bailed out Wall Street and the financial institutions, along with GM and others. The Federal Reserve has intentionally kept interest rate extremely low in order to stimulate the economy. Secondly, the so-called "recovery" has not reached Main Street, even though some have realized a mild improvement in their financial situation. We still have many home owners who are under water on their mortgages due to lost home equity. We have cities going bankrupt, troubled pension funds, lost tax revenue, and employment consisting of part-time and temporary jobs. We have increases in the cost of food, utilities, rent, and for many, an increase in health care cost.

We have increased the national debt along the way, not enough money for infrastructure repairs and upgrades, decreased assistance for our Vets, and we have created a poor and dependent society. We have hundreds of thousands that have totally given up looking for work. We have retail stores closing and putting tens of thousands out of work. We have malls that have turned into ghost buildings. We have a very troubled home building and construction industry. We have office space that continues to go un-leased and remains empty.

So, yes, we deny that the economy is good, and with good reason. We're not even back to even par yet. And, meanwhile, our population continues to grow at a rapid pace, and we're allowing immigrants to cross our borders even though we don't have an adequate number of living wage jobs available for U.S. citizens. Well, you tell me after reading the above, just how healthy and stable is our economy? Is our economy really doing good? You tell me where I'm wrong here, please.
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

yeah, the last few quarters of the year..the last year. McConnell has no respect for his followers
Under Bush and the Republicans, millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories were closed here in this country. Does anyone dispute those numbers? After all the links that have posted?

Those jobs are gone. The GOP made sure of it. Those factories are gone. The GOP made sure of it.

And after all that damage under a GOP president, Republicans saying Obama should have done more and that he's pathetic? Really?

Unless moving millions of jobs to China and closing US factories was the plan, what did Republicans do to help the country? Create an enormous deficit? Invade the wrong country? What?
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

yeah, the last few quarters of the year..the last year. McConnell has no respect for his followers

Unemployment has dropped almost in half and McConnell is claiming it is due to anticipation of a Republican Congress
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

yeah, the last few quarters of the year..the last year. McConnell has no respect for his followers

Unemployment has dropped almost in half and McConnell is claiming it is due to anticipation of a Republican Congress

McConnell had this to say about Clinton's tax policies and legislation:

SENATOR MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): This package contains the largest tax increase in history, and promises deficit reduction. This package will not reduce the Federal debt, or even balance one annual budget for that matter. (From the Congressional Record on August 6th, 1993)

In 1993 Republicans Said Clinton Tax Increase On Rich Would Lead To A Recession - The Economy Boomed Instead - Progressive Change Campaign Committee PCCC
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell
Don't hold your breathe on a pro-growth agenda. Remember, professional politicians will do what professional politicians have done, and will always do. In Washington, it'll be more of the same, "politics as usual". It really makes no difference whether we have Republicans in control or Democrats in control, they're all the same. All of them are nothing more than puppets serving their masters. They're all on the take, and it's no secret that we have a Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress, and an oval office bought and paid for. Regardless of party, professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, greed, influence, and climbing the political ladder at all cost.

It amazes me every time I hear or read about people claiming that one party is better than the other, or that one party is to blame for all of our problems. And, what's worse, they are the same people that vote.
Rebublican options given the current state of the economy:

1. Continue to deny that the economy is good

2. Claim that Obama had nothing to do with the state of the economy

3. Give all the credit to the GOP Congress

Lets look at option #3

One day in office and Mitch McConnell is already taking credit for the economy

After so many years of sluggish growth, we’re finally starting to see some economic data that can provide a glimmer of hope; the uptick appears to coincide with the biggest political change of the Obama Administration’s long tenure in Washington: the expectation of a new Republican Congress. So this is precisely the right time to advance a positive, pro-growth agenda.

Press Releases - News - U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell

yeah, the last few quarters of the year..the last year. McConnell has no respect for his followers

Unemployment has dropped almost in half and McConnell is claiming it is due to anticipation of a Republican Congress
That is, the unemployment that's counted, and not actual unemployment. While unemployment may have come down, take at look at what employment presently consist of. Are you including those that have completely stooped looking for work? Are you including part-time and temporary jobs? Are you including the jobs with a much lower pay rate than the same jobs paid prior to 2008? And, while we're on the subject, what the workers forced to accept less company paid benefits? What exactly are you counting when you say unemployment has dropped almost in half?
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

Just think where we would be if the asshole hadn't added eight trillion to the debt. If he had pursued energy independence. If he had created jobs instead of EBT cards. If he had controlled immigration. If he had found shovel ready jobs. If he wasn't a Mao Marxist.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
Now the nemesis is the low cost of oil.

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.
The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history
History will not deal kindly with the detractors and opponents of Obama. Legitimate criticism of Obama went out the window with the extremists who showed up at Tea Party rallies and who were embraced by many good and well meaning people. Dante always says, great harm is done by good people with teh best of intentions.

History will show a failed presidency. He has avoided the major issues, and instead, pushed an agenda 180 degrees from what was and is actually needed.

History will show he stopped a depression
History will show that he dumped untold $Billions into the financial institutions and corporations. History will show that he increased the national debt by $Trillions. History will show that he avoided the most important issues, and concentrated on an agenda that made pharmaceuticals, health insurance companies, and others in the health care industry very wealthy. History will show that he funneled untold $Billions into the Middle East. History will show that he built a lot of mosques on foreign soil. History will show that he opened our borders so that a flood of illegal immigrants could come and be welcomed with benefits. Yes, history will show just what his presidency accomplished. And, he did it willingly, intentionally, and with great pleasure. We should all feel fortunate and blessed.

History will show that $26 Trillion was added to household wealth since Obama took office

U.S. Household Wealth Hits Fresh Record - WSJ
In spite of Republicans dragging their feet and constant rants about a failed economy and pending economic didn't happen

We have one of the strongest economic recoveries in the world, a strong dollar, surging stock market, low gas prices, low inflation and solid GDP

What happened to the gloom and doom Republicans?
They were elected in historic fashion,sucks doesn't it
In spite of Republicans dragging their feet and constant rants about a failed economy and pending economic didn't happen

We have one of the strongest economic recoveries in the world, a strong dollar, surging stock market, low gas prices, low inflation and solid GDP

What happened to the gloom and doom Republicans?
They tried. They lied. They're fried.
If the economy is so good, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
If the economy is so bad, why are you trying so hard to convince people? Don't you think they would have noticed?
Then again when close to 40% of the work force is out of work, the far left is doing what they set out to do.


How many times do we have to tell you, you're not allowed to pull things out of your ass and call them "Facts".
Now the nemesis is the low cost of oil.

The GOP said Obamanomics would kill the economy. It didn t. Now what - The Week

The GOPs messaging is built around blaming President Obama's progressive policies — the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare), the Dodd-Frank overhaul of the financial regulatory system, energy regulation, tax hikes on the rich — for the weak economic recovery. Some Republicans have gone even further in the past six years, predicting just-around-the-corner catastrophe — soaring interest rates, rocketing prices, a collapsing dollar — due to "Obamanomics."
Such apocalyptic forecasts look silly in retrospect. The dollar is at a nine-year high, interest rates remain low, and inflation is still well below the Federal Reserve's 2 percent target. The only thing that has collapsed is the annual U.S budget deficit, from nearly 10 percent of GDP in 2009, to under 3 percent last year. One reason: Non-defense discretionary spending is headed toward its lowest levels in modern history

They want to ENSURE that history gives them credit for being the BIGGEST liars of all time.

They're doing a bang-up job of that.

At the very least, these people have been wrong about everything, if not out right lying about everything.

So much so that these demented radicals have now stooped to saying how bad low gas prices are for the economy and for the American people. Although they were JUST spewing how, if they were elected, they wold be dropping it to what it currently is, if not below where it currently is.

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