The GOP, terrified of Hillary, discovers the Squirrel.

wasn't this posted already?

what is it with all this trolling?

Nice. The USMB nutter talking points are produced by a nut collector. It's almost too perfect.

Priebus approved that, huh? He's a fucking genius.

There's a whole lot of projection going around on this forum, from the bottom to the top. Wasn't it [MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] who thought that tinyurl was a left wing propaganda site yesterday?
Well, if you follow all the "scandals" IS like the GOP is yelling "Squirrel!" every week or two.

I saw Statist babbling that - is it some new hating point from MSNBC? Let me guess, you drones think its really clever, right?

That's liberals for ya. Always some snarky fucking comment because inside they are narcissistic and look down their noses at all the dumb people who are not as smart as they are. But they will get duped by a guy like Obama and have tears in their eyes when he speaks. Every single time I watch MSNBC I see one of these types. "Ohhhhhhhhh look at the big brain on Rachael Maddow's. Gee I wish I could be as smart as her...she has all the answers." Morons. Liberal's can take my snarky comment and shove it.:evil:
In Bill's case I believe it would be a cigar.:lol:

Oh, Bill never got near that thing. He was free to have his girlfriends, she was free to have her's. Bill's brains and Hillary's evil made a potent force, but the partnership was always about power.

I agree 100%. Its a pure political power thing with them. Hints of a mental disorder...but we know what happens when you go there.
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The Right is truly, truly terrified of Hillary Clinton

DiabloBlanco DiabloBlanco is offline

Why are republicans scared of Elizabeth Warren?

Everybody is afraid of Hillary even Bill. Women who were molested by her husband were more afraid of her than her husband. Wasn't Liz Warren that phony babe who pretended that she was American Indian?
Everybody is afraid of Hillary even Bill. Women who were molested by her husband were more afraid of her than her husband. Wasn't Liz Warren that phony babe who pretended that she was American Indian?

I don't think anyone has ever called Shitting Bull a "babe" before....

Oh, you are just such a romantic when it comes to words.

I am sure women get all wet when they hear you speak.

Now, back to the OP:

The GOP, terrified of Hillary, discovers the Squirrel.

The squirrel, of course, is a character in a RNC ad.
Well, Statist is a troll, in that whole mindless partisan hack kind of way....

Yeah, he just spams his baseless opinions all over....never any facts or data....

I know! That dude is practically allergic to numbers and data of any kind. Why does this forum allow such lightweights in, anyway?

If you're not afraid of what Hillary would do to this country, you're not paying attention.

Honestly Statist, I've never seen you offer evidence of any kind to support the bullshit you post.

I just figured you're aping DailyKOS like the rest of the leftists here...

Do you know what the word "honestly" means? I'm guessing you throw it around without much thought.

Let me ask you....what is Stat's known for here? If you ask 20 regulars this question:

"What is Stat's specialty?"

What do you think the majority would say? Honestly.

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