The GOPers

Perry wants to get rid of SS and kill more people (proud of his death penalty record)
Newt hates Latinos
Ron Paul says TSA agents are evil.
Bachman is just batshit crazy.

Romney is looking pretty good in comparison.

Only to you...

Hey, Republicans, have you ever noticed that the people most enthusiastic for a Romney Nomination are outright liberals like the Mad Hatter here? That should give us all pause.

Your comments do give pause. You just made a demagogic comment here without any proof as you generally do. Romney is conservative not Hard Right, and he can win.
Grunt11B is Hard Right who does not care about the country, I think.
Perry wants to get rid of SS and kill more people (proud of his death penalty record)
Newt hates Latinos
Ron Paul says TSA agents are evil.
Bachman is just batshit crazy.

Romney is looking pretty good in comparison.

Only to you...

Hey, Republicans, have you ever noticed that the people most enthusiastic for a Romney Nomination are outright liberals like the Mad Hatter here? That should give us all pause.

Your comments do give pause. You just made a demagogic comment here without any proof as you generally do. Romney is conservative not Hard Right, and he can win.

Liberals talk about Romney, because he is one of the candidates who does not scare the shit out of intelligent people when we think about which Republican could get elected.
Romney Is the classic definition of a RINO (Republican in name only) :doubt:
Prolly. But a RINO is better than a social conservative any day of the week.

Only to you.

Most Americans live their lives as conservatives, even if they get guilted into voting for liberals.

Case in point. It's Friday, and you get your paycheck.

Do you -

1) Use it to pay your bills, meet your obligations and perhaps invest a bit of it.


2) Walk down Skid Row, giving money to every stew bum who would rather get drunk than actually work?

Well, guess what, most of us go with option 1. That's the philosophically conservative thing to do.

I would suspect that virtually everybody would do doesn't make sense. What a childish argument.
Here's the Repub Base (Bachmann & Perry's) constituency:

Oh I'm sorry, were you under the impression that there are people running who aren't liars?


Never said that but a RINO is a known liar. I will never voote for a known liar.

You have obviously never voted.

Well, bigrebnc, may be right about some RINOs being known liars, for bigreb is one of the biggest liars and Republican in Name Only. He is merely a Hard Right reactionary, not a conservative.
Perry wants to get rid of SS and kill more people (proud of his death penalty record)
Newt hates Latinos
Ron Paul says TSA agents are evil.
Bachman is just batshit crazy.

Romney is looking pretty good in comparison.

Only to you...

Hey, Republicans, have you ever noticed that the people most enthusiastic for a Romney Nomination are outright liberals like the Mad Hatter here?

That should give us all pause.

Thats just his religious bigotry coming through. You thought he was hard on Lesbians and Catholic nuns ? You should see him go after Mormons. Its a trip.
Romney Is the classic definition of a RINO (Republican in name only) :doubt:
Prolly. But a RINO is better than a social conservative any day of the week.

So you approve of a liar? After all that is what a RINO is pretending to be something he isn't in word only.


no, a rino is someone you batshit crazy loons have decided doesn't meet your bizaare standard for what a republican is.

you people think goldwater was a rino and john birchers are a little suspect, too.. :lol:

start your own party or stfu
Perry wants to get rid of SS and kill more people (proud of his death penalty record)
Newt hates Latinos
Ron Paul says TSA agents are evil.
Bachman is just batshit crazy.

Romney is looking pretty good in comparison.

Why do you think Perry wants to end SS? Is it because he is telling people that they are not saving for their retirement by paying into it?

Evidence that TSA agents are evil: We’re Going To Molest You. And Then We’re Going To Make You Pay for It. | The Agitator

Bachmann is batshit crazy: I will bow to your expertise there, it takes one to know one.
That debate sure was a yawn- fest. Even someone from AEI said as much. They trot- out the same old ideas that generally benefit the already, well- off

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That debate sure was a yawn- fest. Even someone from AEI said as much. They trot- out the same old ideas that generally benefit the already, well- off

When was that cartoon made 2008? I think obama has surpassed anything bush may have fucked up
Prolly. But a RINO is better than a social conservative any day of the week.


Pity also Huntsman isn’t given serious consideration by the GOP.

And where does the radical right get off calling Romney and Huntsman ‘RINO’? It was Romney and Huntsman’s party long before the rightwing nitwits showed up.

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