The GOP's Eight Year Lie

So, how did the Pelosi/Obama plan work out?
So far it is working out great

After planning for eight years, Republicans failed miserably at trying to do better

Pelosi got her bill through the House........Ryan couldn't even get a vote
And the ACA is still a democrat POS bill we are stuck with.
Finest Healthcare bill ever passed
And Trump will never be president You are always so right.
So, how did the Pelosi/Obama plan work out?
So far it is working out great

After planning for eight years, Republicans failed miserably at trying to do better

Pelosi got her bill through the House........Ryan couldn't even get a vote

Yes! That's exactly why the democrats lost the house, senate
, WH and 1000 seats on Gov. During obummer's reign. Yep.
Now it is 24 million people! Just last week it was 14 Million people. Give it a rest.
Republicans and Democrats are the flip side of the same coin, Seems neither really want to end Obama care.
If they did the Republicans would have had an acceptable plan from the get go. The real problem is that the politicians of both parties hate Trump because he is an outsider, and Never Trumper Ryan had no intention of passing anything but Obama Care Lite. So this rejection off the plan is basically a good thing, now when Obama care fails there will be no one to blame but the Democrats who still own this fiasco. Bright side is that when that happens Trump can say "I told you so"

Nobody ever blames the last guy for what happens on your watch.

Any failure, war or recession that happens on Trump's watch will be Trump's fault.
Trump deserves better support from Congressional leadership than he is getting, and if the Democrats were not so partisan they would see the golden opportunity that they have to correct the major flaws with Obamacare and get reform of it instead of repeal, thus securing Obama's legacy till this nation goes extinct.

Why does Trump "deserve" support. He's the leader of his party and his country now, not some bomb-throwing jerk making dick jokes on a debate stage.

Compare this to Ronald Reagan- IN 1981 he had a Democratic House and a Senate full of guys who thought they should be President instead of him. Yet he was able to get a lot of bills passed by working with people and generally being amiable.

Trump seems to think angry tweet-storms against his enemies will do the trick.
Did it have a name? Was it in book format so we could read how it all fit together, and understand what it would look like, what it would cost, who would be covered and how?


Nixon had a secret plan to end the vietnam war.
Trump had a secret plan to defeat ISIS.

Republicans always have plans they can't tell us about, but tht they guarantee will work. The problem is you have to pay the price of admission to find out what they are, and there re no refunds.
Yeah, I remember when Obama care was passed we couldn't know what was in it until it was passed. Damn Republicans.
See! What you takers never realize is that resources are finite. When the split is 53-47 you are rapidly running out of makers and the takers are over taking. Someday the taker will have no one to ake from. Taxes are punitive. We need flat taxes on absolutely everyone! No exemptions.

My God, that's the most retarded thing I've seen on this board today.

First, the "47%" number is a Mormon Lie. Not sure why you keep repeating it.

The Labor Force Participation rate is 63%. The remaining 37% are children, the disabled, the elderly and yes, those on assistance.

The thing is, not the fact that resources are finite, but that they are unevenly distributed.


The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth. And therein lies the problem.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

Absolutely right. Gross neglect and incompetence on the part of the WHOLE Republican party. BUT -- at least they did not hire Jonathan Gruber who admitted the lack of transparency and called us STUPID. Or the President and Pelosi/Reid constantly lying to us about "how it works". THIS is why I've been pushing 3rd party politics for 20 years of my life..

Katie Pavlich - Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed

Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, Gruber admitted that the Obama administration went through "tortuous" measures to keep the facts about the legislation from the American people, including covering up the redistribution of wealth from the healthy to the sick in the legislation that Obamacare is in fact a tax.

"In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."
It has been a tough week for the GOP and their voters.

it has been a good week for Schumer and Pelosi.

So, how did the Pelosi/Obama plan work out?
So far it is working out great

After planning for eight years, Republicans failed miserably at trying to do better

Pelosi got her bill through the House........Ryan couldn't even get a vote

Yes! That's exactly why the democrats lost the house, senate
, WH and 1000 seats on Gov. During obummer's reign. Yep.
Ewe are probably right

The Republicans did an amazing job firing up the masses about the horrors of Obamacare.

Vote for me and I will get rid of this abomination

What happened?
So, how did the Pelosi/Obama plan work out?
So far it is working out great

After planning for eight years, Republicans failed miserably at trying to do better

Pelosi got her bill through the House........Ryan couldn't even get a vote

Yes! That's exactly why the democrats lost the house, senate
, WH and 1000 seats on Gov. During obummer's reign. Yep.
Ewe are probably right

The Republicans did an amazing job firing up the masses about the horrors of Obamacare.

Vote for me and I will get rid of this abomination

What happened?
Not only have R voters been duped, but many left wing nutters like you are duped too. You have stated your love of Ds and hatred of Rs for years on this forum, yet this whole Obamacare thing proves once again, the two parties are more alike than different. Dupe.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

Absolutely right. Gross neglect and incompetence on the part of the WHOLE Republican party. BUT -- at least they did not hire Jonathan Gruber who admitted the lack of transparency and called us STUPID. Or the President and Pelosi/Reid constantly lying to us about "how it works". THIS is why I've been pushing 3rd party politics for 20 years of my life..

Katie Pavlich - Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed

Meet Jonathan Gruber, a professor at MIT and an architect of Obamacare. During a panel event last year about how the legislation passed, turning over a sixth of the U.S. economy to the government, Gruber admitted that the Obama administration went through "tortuous" measures to keep the facts about the legislation from the American people, including covering up the redistribution of wealth from the healthy to the sick in the legislation that Obamacare is in fact a tax.

"In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in, you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical to get for the thing to pass. Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not."
Yes, the ACA is an absurd pig of a law crammed down our throats by some intellectually dishonest people, quite possibly with the intent of letting it fall apart and lead us right into Single Payer. Stipulated. And the GOP has had eight (8) years to come up with a viable alternative. They told us they did. They were all ready to go with a great, shiny new idea. And they lied. That great, shiny new idea never existed.

Here's the real problem for the GOP: In dealing with healthcare, it's intellectually hamstrung. It's only painting with half a pallet, or less, because if the result includes "too much government", they won't get re-elected. They could just expand the current Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system to everyone, but they can't. Even if they DID come up with something, we'd still have a system with seven (7) different payment systems that don't talk to each other.

The answers are there, the GOP just isn't "allowed" to use them. Party over country.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

/---- to be precise it was the RINOs who caused this. They like the power and wanted to run for re election on repeal Obozocare. The Conservative Caucus did the right thing. Time to send Ryan packing.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

/---- to be precise it was the RINOs who caused this. They like the power and wanted to run for re election on repeal Obozocare. The Conservative Caucus did the right thing. Time to send Ryan packing.
What would the Conservative Caucus do about health care?
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

This is completely fair. The GOP in congress is revealed to have just been grandstanding over the last 8 years, and not prepared to actually DO anything.

Trump promised wonderful health care insurance : better, cheaper, and coverage for everyone. What he promised was single payer, although he didn't say it, but better, cheaper and coverage for everyone is tax funded, single payer. It's the only thing that will deliver on those promises he made.

Single payer is not better nor cheaper.

AND if the US stops rewarding innovation in medicine, innovation in medicine will drop to near zero.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

The GOP didn't have sh*t when they first started complaining about O-care except a lot of rhetoric. They didn't have sh*t to offer, except for a lot of rhetoric, when they won elections and took over Congress, state legislatures and governorships. Last week they didn't so much as have a draft bill that 216 of them could agree on, but they still had a lot of rhetoric. What have they now? More rhetoric.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Maybe they did have a plan and this is what happened to it.


....But if they did, they could have just told us what happened. Millions of people have had the same thing happen to them too, haven't they?

And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

The GOP didn't have sh*t when they first started complaining about O-care except a lot of rhetoric. They didn't have sh*t to offer, except for a lot of rhetoric, when they won elections and took over Congress, state legislatures and governorships. Last week they didn't so much as have a draft bill that 216 of them could agree on, but they still had a lot of rhetoric. What have they now? More rhetoric.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Maybe they did have a plan and this is what happened to it.


....But if they did, they could have just told us what happened. Millions of people have had the same thing happen to them too, haven't they?

I do wonder if they were just bullshitting, thinking that they'd never have this much power. They sure SEEMED to believe what they were saying.

They have all the power they need now, and we're going to see if these people can govern. Early results aren't great.
See! What you takers never realize is that resources are finite. When the split is 53-47 you are rapidly running out of makers and the takers are over taking. Someday the taker will have no one to ake from. Taxes are punitive. We need flat taxes on absolutely everyone! No exemptions.

My God, that's the most retarded thing I've seen on this board today.

First, the "47%" number is a Mormon Lie. Not sure why you keep repeating it.

The Labor Force Participation rate is 63%. The remaining 37% are children, the disabled, the elderly and yes, those on assistance.

The thing is, not the fact that resources are finite, but that they are unevenly distributed.


The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth. And therein lies the problem.
That was not a "Mormon" lie. Putting aside your once again demosratation of religious bigotry, here is an article showing you that it was not a lie.

New Estimates Of How Many Households Pay No Federal Income Tax
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

The GOP didn't have sh*t when they first started complaining about O-care except a lot of rhetoric. They didn't have sh*t to offer, except for a lot of rhetoric, when they won elections and took over Congress, state legislatures and governorships. Last week they didn't so much as have a draft bill that 216 of them could agree on, but they still had a lot of rhetoric. What have they now? More rhetoric.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Maybe they did have a plan and this is what happened to it.


....But if they did, they could have just told us what happened. Millions of people have had the same thing happen to them too, haven't they?

I do wonder if they were just bullshitting, thinking that they'd never have this much power. They sure SEEMED to believe what they were saying.

They have all the power they need now, and we're going to see if these people can govern. Early results aren't great.

What plan was not voted on Friday? Was that a democrat plan?

The tentacles of another not well thought out plan are just too big to turn back. I said it from the beginning, Obamacare is going no where. It was forced upon us in the dead of night by "corn husker" kickbacks.

So let's kick Trump in the balls for trying. You apparently didn't want change so instead of pretend harping you should be happy.

All Trump needs to do is address the concerns of the Republicans, he will never be able to convince the democrats who apparently bow to the whims of the establishment. Obamacare has created a medical/industrial complex to which there is no escape except default. With Obamacare the rich get richer an the middle class gets wiped out.
And it sure as hell was a lie.

For years the GOP has been telling us, "just elect us, we have the plan for health care, and we'll fix it if we just have the power to ".

When we asked to SEE the plan, they laughed and said there was one and we didn't need to see it. They tossed a few vague "examples" of it - "We'll let insurance companies sell across state lines", or "we'll do HSA plans", or "tort reform", but it sure did seem like they didn't have an actual plan.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Well, they sure didn't, did they? They've been lying all this time.

We're not supposed to take Trump literally, but seriously. How are we supposed to take the GOP now? Are we supposed to believe ANYTHING at this point?

The GOP didn't have sh*t when they first started complaining about O-care except a lot of rhetoric. They didn't have sh*t to offer, except for a lot of rhetoric, when they won elections and took over Congress, state legislatures and governorships. Last week they didn't so much as have a draft bill that 216 of them could agree on, but they still had a lot of rhetoric. What have they now? More rhetoric.

Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe they were being honest, maybe they had a plan and would unveil it the day after Trump's inauguration day.

Maybe they did have a plan and this is what happened to it.


....But if they did, they could have just told us what happened. Millions of people have had the same thing happen to them too, haven't they?

I do wonder if they were just bullshitting, thinking that they'd never have this much power. They sure SEEMED to believe what they were saying.

They have all the power they need now, and we're going to see if these people can govern. Early results aren't great.

What plan was not voted on Friday? Was that a democrat plan?

The tentacles of another not well thought out plan are just too big to turn back. I said it from the beginning, Obamacare is going no where. It was forced upon us in the dead of night by "corn husker" kickbacks.

So let's kick Trump in the balls for trying. You apparently didn't want change so instead of pretend harping you should be happy.

All Trump needs to do is address the concerns of the Republicans, he will never be able to convince the democrats who apparently bow to the whims of the establishment. Obamacare has created a medical/industrial complex to which there is no escape except default. With Obamacare the rich get richer an the middle class gets wiped out.
You appear to be saying that the AHCA was the GOP plan we've been told about for eight years.

Is that correct?
How much do we spent on preventative health care under the PPACA, and what are the cost benefits? How much is proposed in the failing Ryan/Trumpcare, and what would be the cost deficits?

Willow Tree wrote the following statement: "Except the Affordable cCare Act is UnAffordable", this type of simple thinking is emblematic of what is wrong with our democracy - the ignorant and the biddable can vote.

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