The GOP's next civil war is brewing

This is going to be great , but John Kasich is an adult

Washington (CNN)Republicans are preparing for the penalty phase of the 2016 election.

The next Republican civil war came into greater focus over the weekend when party chairman Reince Priebus threw a thinly veiled warning at former GOP 2016ers who haven't yet endorsed Donald Trump: "Get on board" or face penalties if you ever seek the presidency again.
The nudge -- aimed at Republicans such as John Kasich, Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush -- was no off-the-cuff expression of frustration. Several Republican party chairs in early voting states told CNN that Priebus has spent days talking about enforcing the pledge that all 17 GOP candidates signed at the outset of the 2016 primary to support the eventual nominee.

The GOP's next civil war is brewing -

If Trump wins it will be a GOP take over of all branches of the government .

The House will be firmly red. If Trump wins he will push NH, PA, OH, NC and NV over the top in the senate race for 53 seat majority. In 2018 the GOP will have a great chance at a filibuster breaking 60. The GOP will also control 35 state legislatures. And the SCOTUS will have a 5 judge conservative bloc when Ginsburg falls over (with in the next year or so.
Trump will have no coat tails of significance, even if he wins. He will face a blue Senate. And Trump will nominate far more centrists for SCOTUS than you are going to like.
the gop does not groom heirs apparent, okay. if you want the nomination, you've got to earn it by defeating the competition. the way the democrats just roll over on their backs for a bitch, that doesn't happen among republicans. the reason the presstitues at cnn and their manson family style cult following believes there's a civil war brewing in the old party is because we debate and argue over everything instead of reciting whatever memo we're told. independent thought is an amazing skill, you should try it sometime, shill.

Dude, you are babbling again.

The GOP doesn't "Groom" people. Hello, for the last 50 years, they've run either sitting VP's (Nixon, Bush-41), guys who've run before (Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Dole, McCain, Romney) or people related to people who've held the job. (Bush-43)

The fact is, you guys didn't have a "debate". You let a celebrity retard hijack your process. Not to worry, after he loses in November, the GOP will establish a superdelegate system to keep that from ever happening again.
Trump will have no coat tails of significance, even if he wins. He will face a blue Senate. And Trump will nominate far more centrists for SCOTUS than you are going to like.

Jake, your self-delusion never ceases to amaze. If Trump wins, he'll hold the Senate. There aren't five seats for the GOP to lose.
You don't have a clue. Nothing new. He has no coat tails.
Both Parties need to vanish.
But they won't because psychotic people go into politics.
When was the GOP's first civil war? When they fought back against the democrats that wanted to keep the black man in chains?
When was the GOP's first civil war? When they fought back against the democrats that wanted to keep the black man in chains?
When the GOP fought their own part in 1865 to pass the 13th Amendment in the House.
You don't have a clue. Nothing new. He has no coat tails.
He doesn't need them. These guys are capable of winning with or without him. In fact, I plan to vote for Hillary, but then vote for Mark Kirk to keep her honest. Kirk is probably done for, anyway, but Ayotte and others aren't.
They will have to win on their own, yes. Trump can't or won't help them.

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