The government pays EV maker credits based on the fantasy that they are almost seven times as efficient as they really are:

Just another reason you can't trust government, or the government/media complex.

Here's your homework for the week:

look up:
"Railroads, as private companies, needed to engage in profitable projects. So the federal government passed the Pacific Railroad Act that provided land grants to railroads. This provided public lands to railroad companies in exchange for building tracks in specific locations."


Welfare for the Well-Off: How Business Subsidies Fleece Taxpayers​

Federal subsidies to U.S. businesses now cost American taxpayers nearly $100 billion a year. If all corporate welfare programs were eliminated, Congress would have enough money to entirely eliminate the capital gains tax and the death tax. Alternatively, Congress could cut the personal and corporate income tax by 10 percent across the board. Either of these alternatives would do far more to enhance the competitiveness of U.S. industry than the current industrial policy approach of trying to help American companies one at a time.
Federal subsidies to corporate America take many forms: direct grant payments, below-market insurance, direct loans and loan guarantees, trade protection, contracts for unneeded activities, and unjustified special interest loopholes in the tax code. Despite their promises to downsize government, congressional Republicans have retreated from any serious attempt to reduce business subsidies. The Clinton administration has routinely requested budgetary increases for corporate handouts, including the Export Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Commerce Department's Advanced Technology Program.
This study refutes common myths about corporate welfare programs: that they create jobs and promote growth; that they =`level the playing field=' with our foreign competitors; that they help small businesses; and that the payments are provided without regard to political considerations. The main effects of industrial policy programs are to undermine the free enterprise system and corrupt the political system. Congress should get businesses off the dole and use the savings to cut taxes, reduce the national debt or both.
Saturday, May 1, 1999

Current Event? An "opinion" piece from a "JunkScience" author?

Energy Department Caught Massively Cheating to Boost Electric Vehicle Efficiency Data and Corporate Media Is Ignoring It​

Corporate cheating scandals are always big news. They often result in huge fines and can lead to class-action lawsuits when giant companies flub data to keep the public in the dark. But the latest automotive data cheating scandal is getting zero attention. Why? Because it’s not the companies but the U.S. Department of Energy that is doing the cheating.
The reason, of course, is because they are desperate to push their so-called “green” agenda to fight so-called “climate change” so they intentionally manipulated fuel efficiency data so consumers wouldn’t realize how awful electric vehicles really are.
As WSJ noted, this isn’t a minor adjustment. The federal government allows EV companies to multiply their reported efficient by nearly 700%

The scandal was that Obama 'The Clown' increased the EPA miles per gallon standard to 54.5 mpg. A government agency that has no authority to set requirements on manufacturers put forth a fictitious requirement that could only be met if manufacturers cheated on the test.

Fortunately, President Trump threw out Obama The Clown's illegal mandate.
Most EV buyers purchased for either status symbol or part of a clique. Very few buy it for economic reason. Those who said to fight global warming are just plain dumbshit talking.
There is no demand for those cuck wagons. That is why they have to be heavily subsidized. They are trash.

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