The great replacement is and was always an electoral strategy. Is such a strategy divisive?

America is now breeding below the level needed to maintain our current population level. This will have long-lasting negative effects on the economy.

There are only two solutions: either we need to breed more, or we need to import more immigrants.

I'm doing my part. I have four kids.

That I know of, hyar-hyar-hyar!
The Democrat filth don't need to import welfare Blacks and Browns to get the votes to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

These idiotic dingbat confused White women are giving the Libtards all the votes they need.
America is now breeding below the level needed to maintain our current population level. This will have long-lasting negative effects on the economy.

There are only two solutions: either we need to breed more, or we need to import more immigrants.

I'm doing my part. I have four kids.

That I know of, hyar-hyar-hyar!
Hahaha…cool feel-good theory for globalists….Unfortunately all sane people paying attention know that the immigrants you lefties are importing don’t contribute in any way….they’re just a greater drag on an already failing system.
The Democrat filth don't need to import welfare Blacks and Browns to get the votes to turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

These idiotic dingbat confused White women are giving the Libtards all the votes they need.

If they can't kill their babies carte blanche, all bets are off!
That's why I stand by my previous statement, hell hath no fury like a pussy that feels scorned!!
The mid-term results were proof of this. If they can't abort on demand, then they'll continue to hold real freedom and liberty hostage until it totally collapses.
If they can't kill their babies carte blanche, all bets are off!
That's why I stand by my previous statement, hell hath no fury like a pussy that feels scorned!!
The mid-term results were proof of this. If they can't abort on demand, then they'll continue to hold real freedom and liberty hostage until it totally collapses.
Speaking of collapse this is what happens when you put women in charge of anything important.

Cool. The thread moved from angry losers spouting racism to angry losers spouting misogyny.

Again, good luck with that next election.
America is now breeding below the level needed to maintain our current population level. This will have long-lasting negative effects on the economy.
There have been state sponsored breeding programs, Germany is one example.
There's no such thing as an "anchor baby." Anyone born in the US is a US citizen, but that doesn't "anchor" anyone else.
An anchor baby is a barely-American present on a stolen citizenship. They are what good core Americans consider second class “citizens”.
There's no such thing as an "anchor baby." Anyone born in the US is a US citizen, but that doesn't "anchor" anyone else.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The goddamn Hispanic come across the border to drop a fucking kid to get entry into the US and put on welfare. Hence the name "anchor baby".

Of course with President Potatohead they don't even have to do that anchor baby shit anymore. They can just walk in under the "welcome sign" that Pototahead put up.
No such thing. A citizen is a citizen. Although cowardly losers like you don't deserve to be.
Spoken like a committed globalist.
Anyone born in the US is a US citizen. This does NOT change the immigration status of one or both parents.
Legally (for now) or amongst fellow countrymen?
As I said, no legitimate core American views those present by way of stolen citizenships as an equal…they are second-classers…..Just like a child given a million dollars in stolen loot isn’t a legit millionaire.

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