The great replacement is and was always an electoral strategy. Is such a strategy divisive?

Fucker Carlspin is a propaganda broker. Why are you promoting propaganda, fuck face?
Man-up, don’t be scared, look at the data he so articulately lays out for you and refute it.
You won’t because we both know you can’t….don’t we?
You better hope not….who will you parasites leech off of when all of America is Los Angeles type shithole?
The wealthy do not give a shit about you trailer park trash bigots. 😄 How have you not yet figured out they are the ones who sold you out? Who do you think benefits financially from cheap immigrant labor if not capitalists? 😄
The wealthy do not give a shit about you trailer park trash bigots. 😄 How have you not yet figured out they are the ones who sold you out? Who do you think benefits financially from cheap immigrant labor if not capitalists? 😄

Illegal immigrants
Those Woodstock hippie boomers are the same ones beating the war drums to fight for Nazi Ukraine in a fight where we have no interest. "Make love, not war" is now "let's exchange nukes with Russia"
Sorry if you hate your fellow Americans so much but it was the boomers & the collectivist leftists that championed policies that enabled a generation of entitled & crappy workers to grow up with no work ethic.
Besides, in red states & rural areas, the kids are generally good workers, so maybe you just live in a shit area.

If you think that makes it a good argument in favor of illegal immigration, you are sadly mistaken & delusional.
I have no problems with immigrants that come here the right way & contribute but you can't have unlimited immigration in a socialized welfare society that DC has created.
Leftards are big time hypocrites.
”I never expose myself to things that my fragile ears don’t want to hear, if I don’t hear it in my filthy leftist echo-chamber or if something doesn’t align with my feelings than I pretend it’s propaganda.”
Translation: I am an ignorant filthy magaturd fucktard that watches propaganda on my TeeVee and I believe everything it tells me since I lack any critical thought whatsoever.
There is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
Play stupid if you must…but everybody sane and not a filthy globalist knows exactly what an anchor baby is.
150 years ago (more or less) the industrial revolution sweeping America needed more workers for our factories

Those factories are gone thanks to globalism and we dont need the millions of foreigners who democrats are bringing in today
Those Banditos Are Needed to Stand Guard Over the Dispossessed Whites

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